BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! - Broken Arrows Ruleset with a string of bad RNGs

in #hive-133238 months ago


Hi Guys! In this post we are exploring on another Splinterlands ruleset. The ruleset we are focusing on this time round is Broken Arrows.

Broken Arrows
In a Broken Arrows ruleset, units with ranged attacks cannot be used. These include units that has dual attack like magic and ranged or melee and ranged.


Lets take a look at a Wild Silver ranked match with Broken Arrows as one of the ruleset. The battle restrictions are:
Noxious Fumes and Broken Arrows with a max mana of 49. Only Fire and Life splinters are allowed in this battle. The Video for the Full Battle can be seen here:



SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Eternan Brune6SummonerI decided to go with Fire splinter as the only level 4 Life summoner I had was General Sloan. General Sloan only ability was to give +1 ranged damage and was thus useless in this ruleset caused ranged units were not allowed. I went with Eternan Brune instead of Tarsa because I wanted to start hitting at the opponent health as soon as possible. I also wanted the option of using Gladiator units as they are usually more powerful and cost more mana.
Grum Flameblade111stGrum would be a great tank against magic attack and I needed some defense against magic. Magic attack would bypass armor and could be deadly in a Noxious Fumes ruleset. Grum also has Bloodlust and could became a monster if it managed to go on a killing spree.
Chimney Wallstop102ndChimney was my Gladiator for this match as it had good armor and health. Health is important in a Noxious Fumes ruleset. Chimney also has Reach and is good to place on the 2nd position. Like Grum it also has Bloodlust and could turn into monster if go on a killing spree.
Forgotten One93rdForgotten One has Immunity and would be immune to the damage from Noxious Fumes. If my Grum and Chimney falls, Forgotten One would be the next tank my opponent has to face.
Scavo Chemist24thScavo Chemist has Cleanse ability and would be able to remove the Poison status off my Grum and allow my Grum to last longer in the fight.
Xenith Monk45thXenith Monk has Self Heal and would be able to stay alive on its own from the Noxious Fumes effect as long as not being attack from other opponent units.
Disintegator76thDisintegator has Demoralize ability and is able to reduce incoming melee attack by 1. This again would help my tank survive longer. Disintegator would also served as my back tank from Sneak units.
Total Mana:49

Opponent Lineup:

My opponent went with a full melee Fire splinter lineup using Tarsa as the summoner and Arkemis the Bear as the tank. I was relieved to see there was no Forgotten One in the lineup else it would be a bigger headache.


End of Round 1:


The match started very badly for me. Both my Grum and Chimney missed their attack on the opponent's tank. Both of my units had a good chance of hitting it yet both missed unfortunately. This means my opponent survived the round without a scratch. My plan to remove the opponent units' armor also didn't go as plan as my opponent deployed 2 units with Protect ability thus giving +4 armor to all opponent units.

End of Round 2:


The 2nd round was just as bad as again my Grum missed hitting the opponent tank. Can't believed that with a 80% chance of hitting, my Grum missed 2 attacks in a row. At this point it didn't look good for me.

End of Round 3:


I lost my Scavo Chemist to Noxious Fumes this turn and then Disintegator to the enemy sneak unit. But what drove me crazy was my Grum once again missed its attack and ended dying without hitting a single time. I was literally going to smash my laptop in anger at this point. I was left with 3 units while my opponent hasn't lost a single unit yet. My Forgotten One was still intact though due to its Immunity.

End of Round 4:


My Chimney finally dispatched off the opponent Arkemis and gain additional stats through Bloodlust. My opponent also started to lose units to Noxious Fumes and ended up the round with 4 units left. At this point the match had turned in my favor.

End of Round 5:


My opponent lost 2 more units to Noxious Fumes whereas I also lost my Chimney. My full health Forgotten One was now finally in the first position facing a weaken enemy lineup that was vulnerable to Noxious Fumes.

End of Round 6


I won the match in 6 rounds despite a string of back luck. This was mainly thanks to my Forgotten One and its Immunity ability that kept it from being affected by the Poison effect from Noxious Fumes.

Right from the start, my strategy was to outlast my opponent in this match which is why I went into the match focusing on strong tanks with abilities that reduced enemy magic and melee attack. I don't have to worry about ranged attack as ranged is not available in Broken Arrows ruleset so my defense were just against magic and melee attack.


To any new players who wish to explore the world of Splinterlands, do feel free to sign up with my REFERRAL LINK 😊.

My guild, The Guild of Kingshaven, is also actively looking for new members. The guild is currently battling in tier 3 and is able to get very decent SPS and Merits from brawl competition. If you are able to fight at least in Silver and above league and is committed to do your brawl battles, do feel free to apply.
Our guild link is


!PIZZA for you!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@vaynard86(3/15) tipped @genming
relf87 tipped genming

Nice one.

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Thanks for sharing! - @zallin

Well done, thanks for sharing!