My Younger Self, A Light On Your Path.

in #hive-19484828 days ago

The fact that everyone has something they wish their younger self knew better is proof that we learn as we grow, and it further explains why life is never a destination but a journey where we have to experience and learn so many things while navigating through it. Whether good or bad, these lessons add value to us in different ways, and it usually doesn't end well when we turn a blind eye to the lessons life is teaching us.

Looking back at my past, I realized that everything I learned yesterday played a key role in my journey today, and I believe it's the same for everyone, which makes experience indeed a great teacher in life. It would be fair to say that the difference between me and my younger self are the experiences I have acquired as I travel through life because these experiences have shaped my life into what it is today, and without them, I will still be the same George from many years ago.

I have been through so many things (good and bad) and picked up lessons that would have made my journey easier if I had known them earlier, but how would life have been an adventure if I had known them without any experience? Thinking about my journey again, I think it's clear why I now invest a lot more in experience these days, all thanks to embracing the minimalist lifestyle.

One of the advices I have for my younger self is never to force anything in life because whatever is meant to be will be. A lot of things about me were meant to happen naturally, but lack of patience pushed me around a lot when I was younger.

It's true that we can't just sit down and watch life take us in any direction it wants, but allowing things to flow naturally can make a huge difference sometimes. While trying to make something out of life for myself, I had my eyes fixed on other people's growth and success, which piled so much pressure on me for a while.

I forced a lot of things, but despite everything, life won because growth came for me in the least expected ways and places, but the good thing was that I had prepared myself ahead of time. While everything life had in plan for me began to manifest, I realized that delay truly isn't denial, which is another thing my younger self must understand.

My journey was quite slow because I had numerous delays, and it was really annoying. I didn't do many things at the exact time my mates were doing theirs, but in the end I was able to achieve even more. Little did I understand that going at a slow pace doesn't mean I won't arrive at my destination. It only made sure I didn't miss out on the great things that were bound to happen to me on the journey.

I am at stage in life now where I don't force anything and just travel at my pace. Slow living has helped me with mindfulness, develop connection with what matters and I have a greater sense of fulfillment in the end.

Don't be fooled by the saying, "The more, the merrier." At a point in life, I felt left out of many things, and while trying to make amendments, I thought having more would brighten my world and make my journey through life a lot more beautiful, but it did the opposite.

The numbers only became a hinderance and did worse than good. I had a lot of clutter to deal with, and for some time, I lost focus on my journey. Thank goodness I was able to retrace my steps back to prioritizing quantity over quality. The damage I incurred wasn't beyond repair, and I was able to pick myself up from where the more the merrier dumped me.

What's I driving at, younger George? It's a big world, and you can easily get lost if care is not taken. Instead of embracing more, prioritize what truly matters in your journey, and happiness will never depart from you.

Journeying with emotional baggage is more dangerous than physical baggage, but both are terrible, so it's pointless struggling to move with either of them. I suffered a lot clinging on to some emotional baggage because I thought they would be an inspiration.

They acted as an inspiration from the onset, but with time, I realized they were tearing me apart. It's best to let those baggages go so they don't deprive you of true happiness in life. Draw your inspiration naturally like I am doing now and there will always be a special sense of satisfaction in even the smallest of progress you make in life.

All these lessons have helped my life improve in numerous ways, and I wonder what things would have looked like if I never learned these things or didn't apply them after life pointed them out for me. Knowing all of these opens my eyes to the importance of simple living, and even though it doesn't make life completely perfect, I am at peace with myself.

Just like I have lessons for my younger self, I believe the older version of me has so many things to tell the present me. With time, these lessons will unfold from my experience as I travel further in life.

All Image Are Mine


Journeying with emotional baggage is more dangerous than physical baggage,

I love how you put it here, nothing is compared to journeying with emotional baggage. One can’t see them but it’s present in your life eating you up and making you miserable!

Hey George,
Happy Sunday!
Here you can see a video of us going down Foxton Locks, at the end of this post from my husband. Enjoy!

Happy Sunday to you mama, I just watched the video and left a comment. I have a few questions too and thanks for sharing that beautiful experience with us on hive.

I agree that we learn as we grow and that you can't really learn without first going through some things. I also agree strongly about not forcing anything. I'm learning that too and it's a real shift of perspective:) nice post!

These lessons come naturally as we travel through life and we just have to pick them up for our good.

Thanks a lot @honeydue and happy weekend to you.

I'm sure younger George would've appreciated reading this. Even if he had to go through some of these things to learn them himself.
small KISS Gif.gif
Thanks for your #KISS
We enjoyed it 😉

lips sealed

speaking lips

Definitely, he would. Having the experience himself made those lessons a lot more valuable to him.

Thanks and cheers to a beautiful weekend.