Mentiras de un Amor en Metáforas [esp - eng]

in #hive-16424111 months ago

This post is both in English and Spanish, you can go directly to English by clicking HERE

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Él era un escritor famoso, admirado por sus novelas llenas de flores y colores. Ella era una lectora apasionada, que se enamoró de su jardín y de su arcoíris.

Se conocieron en el Centro Trasnocho, en un evento cultural arropado por una noche mágica. Desde entonces no se separaron. Él le dedicaba cada pétalo, cada matiz, cada libro. Ella le regalaba cada fragancia, cada brillo, cada abrazo.

Un día, él cometió un error garrafal. Un error que le costó caro. Que le cambió la vida.

Ese día, él le dijo que la amaba. Así, sin más. Sin flores. Sin colores.

Ella se quedó sin luz. No podía creer lo que llegaba a sus oídos. No entendía como el famoso escritor, podía ser tan simple, tan gris, tan seco.

¿A caso esas palabras cubiertas de flores, estrellas y belleza, habían sido una mentira? ¿Dónde estaba aquella fuente inapagable de metáforas con las que le lleno el corazón?

Se sintió traicionada, decepcionada, herida.

Le dijo que todo había acabado. Que no quería saber más de él. Que no le interesaba un hombre que no sabía pintar su amor con arte.

Él se sintió un pajarito en grama. No entendía lo que estaba aconteciendo. Se hizo toda clase de preguntas:
¿Cómo podía ser una mujer tan cruel, tan oscura, tan áspera? ¿Dónde estaba aquel ser dulce que decía que amaba con aromas, luces, con el corazón?

Todo había sido una gran mentira. Se sintió abandonado, confundido, perdido.

Pero no se resignó, la tomo por el brazo y le rogó que no se fuera. Que le diera otra oportunidad. Que le perdonara su torpeza.

Pero ella estaba tan enfadada que no quiso escucharlo y se marchó. Sin más. Sin flores. Sin colores. Solo se llegó a escuchar que todo lo vivido fue una mentira.

Él se quedó solo. Con su dolor. Con su culpa. Con su castigo.

Y desde entonces, no volvió a escribir. No volvió a hablar. No volvió a amar.

También puedes disfrutar la historia en mi canal de 3Speak (en español):

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Todos los Derechos Reservados. © Copyright 2023 Germán Andrade G.

Es mi responsabilidad compartir con ustedes que, como hispanohablante, he tenido que recurrir al traductor Deepl para poder llevar mi contenido original en español al idioma inglés. También, hago constar que he utilizado la herramienta de revisión gramatical Grammarly.


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He was a famous writer, admired for his novels full of flowers and colors. She was a passionate reader, who fell in love with his garden and his rainbow.

They met at the Trasnocho Center, in a cultural event surrounded by a magical night. Since then they never separated. He dedicated every petal, every nuance, every book to her. She gave him every fragrance, every glow, every embrace.

One day, he made a blunder. A mistake that cost him dearly. That changed his life.

That day, he told her that he loved her. Just like that. No flowers. No colors.

She was left without light. She could not believe her ears. She did not understand how the famous writer could be so simple, so gray, so dry.

Had those words, covered with flowers, stars, and beauty, been a lie? Where was that inexhaustible source of metaphors with which he had filled his heart?

She felt betrayed, disappointed, hurt.

She told him it was all over. She didn't want to hear from him anymore. That she wasn't interested in a man who couldn't paint her love with art.

He felt like a little bird in the grass. He did not understand what was happening. He asked himself all kinds of questions:

How could she be such a cruel woman, so dark, so rough? Where was that sweet being who said she loved scents, and lights, with her heart?

It had all been a big lie. He felt abandoned, confused, lost.

But he didn't resign himself, he took her by the arm and begged her not to leave. To give her another chance. Forgive him for his clumsiness.

But she was so angry that she wouldn't listen to him and left. No more. No flowers. No colors. She only got to hear that everything she had lived through was a lie.

He was left alone. With his pain. With his guilt. With his punishment.

And since then, he never wrote again. He never spoke again. He never loved again.

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All rights reserved. © Copyright 2023 Germán Andrade G.

It is my responsibility to share with you that, as a Spanish speaker, I have had to resort to the translator Deepl in order to translate my original Spanish content into the English language. I also state that I have used the grammar-checking tool Grammarly.

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