A Coconut Farm:
During my travel, I really amazed of the place I seen during my travel escapades and one of the example is this coconut farm owned by our neighbor. The area was very clean and the planting pattern of the coconuts are in perfectly rows. The owner also do an enter cropping by planting young coconut plants in this massive old coconut trees. To prevent the plants eaten by animals just like cows, they also put a fence to protect the plants.
An Old Manggo Tree:
This old manggo Tree stands and grown for almost 100 years already. According to the caretaker in this place, this was a hospital for those gerrila soldiers during World War 2. Until now, this tree bares many fruits and in fact they harvested the fruits from this tree last month. Under this big tree was a clean place and I also seen in actual but as many years passing by, the place was already covered with grass and trees. There are also many banana plants near at this tree including coconuts. There lots of changes as the many years passes by.
Banana Farm:
Planting more bananas is also good business in terms of agricultural aspects. I was also very amazed of this place were many banana plants can be found. According to our Professor having more bananas can make and have a great amount of earnings, there are banana fruits that is already harvested and there are also fruits that yet to be cared off. Banana plants is also good in the areas were many grasses grows, the only thing to do is to clean the dry leaves and used it as an organic fertilizer.
A Vegetable Garden:
There was also a vegetable garden I passes by during my travel escapades. The garden owner here in this area decided to used organic fertilizers just like animal manures and decomposed dry leaves and banana stems. They are also very lucky because it is near at the river and it is very easy to fetch more water for the Vegetables. The garden consists of plants and vegetables just like Spinach, lemon grass, chilli pepper, muringga plants, okra and sweet potatoes. They don't clean the place and they also don't want to removed the dry leaves because it helps to make as a fertilizers.
Our Neighbor's Sari-Sari Store:
This os our neighbor's sari-sari Store. We called it this term because of many different and lots of items can be brought here. Some of this are, Junk foods, powdered coffee and powdered milks, candies, soaps, hard drinks and even cooking oil, soy sauce and other primary Ingredients of dish. This store was built near at the fence and they also added some structures so that the store owner would not be wet when there is a rain. This is very important and helpful to us because through this, we already don't need to go far away places just to buy our needs. Their are lots of costumers who buy their needs here and the owner will be very happy.