Hello battlers,
I hope you are enjoying your splinterlands battles and also having fun on this saturday.
Having said about saturday, i have got some time and here i am sharing a battle with strategy for the little league kind of battle with low mana cap of just 15.
Whenever i see low mana cap in a battle, i feel water splinter is the safe bet with the armors most of the monsters have and also many monsters with 3 mana cost to accommodate those 2 or 3 good monsters to use and win the battle.
This is another such battle where, the mana cap was just 15 and there were couple of rulesets like weak magic and return fire.
So, the best option i thought was, to use water splinter with best summoner i have and i used the Pembrook nymph as my summoner which costs 6, but that is the best i have.
So, with 6 mana cost used for summoner, i was left with 9 mana cost to select 3 monsters with 3 cost each with lineup as below.
Cruel sethropod:
I think this is one of the best when we have low mana cap as this is with armors, has good health and also provides melee attack of 2 and keeps the front position engaged and can survive couple of rounds unless there are huge magic monsters on the other side.
I would say this monster is always a safe bet whether it's low mana cap battles or battles with huge mana. This monster always gives that 2 melee attack and throws poison most of the time to always keep the battle on the edge.
This was the best monster along with pelacor bandit in this battle to take out that 8 melee attack monster of mordeus which as with stun ability and was also a opportunity monster.
Pelacor bandit:
Used this another 3 mana cost monster which is another sneak ability one and it gives 3 melee attack and i used it in the last position specifically to take on uraeus opponent might use as this monster with flying ability can miss getting hit for some rounds.
But, uraeus was not there on opponent's lineup and this and uraeus used by me were able to take down the mordeus and battle was almost over with that as the other monster used by opponent was the xenith monk with 3 attack, but it was up against 3 monsters and couldn't survive as the trio of cruel sethropod, uraeus and this monster were enough to take it down and win the battle.
If at all, i had used any other splinter other than water, i would have mostly lost this battle as those armors the water monsters have is a huge plus and i could survive the scare of swept by mordeus and win it.
The battle was fought for 4 rounds and luckily, the mordeus was removed by combination of uraeus and pelacor bandit in the first round itself and although the xenith monk used by opponent was with healing ability, it could resist for 3 rounds, but has to breath last in round 4 against combined attack of 7 by the 3 monsters i used.
couple of points to highlight here are, the usefulness of cruel sethropod at the front, and the combination of uraeus and pelacor bandit to take down the deadly mordeus.
Once mordeus was down, opponent was staring at defeat even though the healing ability was the for the monk.
Thanks for the support on my blogs and i still keep learning to write about these nice battles of splinterlands and i always keep writing about these and earn some crypto to sell it to purchase the sps and increase my stake.