Adoption shouldn't be a taboo in society.

in #hive-15385021 hours ago


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  At home, we have always been very pro-adoption at any level. We didn't need to adopt a kid, since we didn't have problems in generating kids. We wanted though that maybe our third kid could be adopted, to help since there are many kids without a parent. But we realized after two kids that it was enough for us. Two kids it is already too complicated. But we adopted a dog, a mixed breed its mother was found abandoned with its small puppies. And I also wouldn't mind if I discovered that I was adopted as well.


  I met people who adopted their kids, and I praise them when they are very frank since the kids are still young. Explaining to the kids that parents aren't necessarily the ones who generated them is the best way. And it is normal in some moments of their lives to get curious to know their biological parents. Sometimes curiosity can lead to deception since many times the biological parents don't want to see their kids anymore and also they have a bad story with crime and drugs.

  I had never done any genetics test comparing my genes with my parents, but I did some genetics tests with me and my daughter, as I told before in a post about this 23andme. I was more curious about some genetic disease markers, but I also had some ancestry background investigated and it matches with the story of my family. Also, my mom tells many details about the day that I was born and her pregnancy I just don't say that the chances are 0 because I don't have the genetic proof about it, but I would say that it is pretty close to 0.

  But anyway if I was adopted and only discovered as an adult by some investigation, I would get very mad at my parents for hiding this information. I wouldn't mind being raised by non-biological parents, but my childhood wouldn't look like a big lie. If they didn't tell me that what else could they hide from me? It would be challenging for me to forgive about 30 or 40 years old for not telling the truth. But still, I would be grateful for giving me shelter and food during my childhood. And what they did was something beautiful either being by choice or just because they couldn't generate a kid.


  I am always in favor of adoption when I talk between friends and other people in my community so I wouldn't bother if my parents had adopted me and told me since I was a kid. I understand that some parents hide that information for being afraid of losing their kid's affection. Probably they think that their kid won't love them as before if they knew that they aren't the biological parents. But there should be some pressure from society to not make this as a wrong thing. I know kids who were raised by their grandmothers or non-biological parents better than some other kids raised by their own biological parents.

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  Em casa, sempre fomos muito pró-adoção em qualquer nível. Não precisávamos adotar uma criança, já que não tínhamos problemas em gerar filhos. Queríamos, no entanto, que talvez nosso terceiro filho pudesse ser adotado, para ajudar, já que há muitas crianças sem pais. Mas percebemos depois de dois filhos que era o suficiente para nós. Dois filhos já é muito complicado. Mas adotamos um cachorro, um vira-lata, sua mãe foi encontrada abandonada com seus filhotes pequenos. E eu também não me importaria se descobrisse que também fui adotado.


  Conheci pessoas que adotaram seus filhos e os elogio quando são muito francos, já que as crianças ainda são pequenas. Explicar para as crianças que os pais não são necessariamente aqueles que as geraram é o melhor caminho. E é normal em alguns momentos da vida delas ficarem curiosas para conhecer seus pais biológicos. Às vezes a curiosidade pode levar ao engano, já que muitas vezes os pais biológicos não querem mais ver os filhos e também têm um histórico ruim com crimes e drogas.

  Eu nunca tinha feito nenhum teste genético comparando meus genes com os dos meus pais, mas fiz alguns testes genéticos comigo e com minha filha, como contei antes em um post sobre esse 23andme. Fiquei mais curiosa sobre alguns marcadores genéticos de doenças, mas também tive alguns antecedentes de ancestralidade investigados e batem com a história da minha família. Além disso, minha mãe conta muitos detalhes sobre o dia em que nasci e sua gravidez. Só não digo que as chances são 0 porque não tenho a prova genética sobre isso, mas diria que é bem próximo de 0.

  Mas de qualquer forma, se eu fosse adotado e descoberto somente como adulto por alguma investigação, eu ficaria muito bravo com meus pais por esconderem essa informação. Eu não me importaria de ser criado por pais não biológicos, mas minha infância não pareceria uma grande mentira. Se eles não me contassem isso, o que mais eles poderiam esconder de mim? Seria desafiador para mim perdoar cerca de 30 ou 40 anos por não contar a verdade. Mas ainda assim, eu ficaria grato por me darem abrigo e comida durante minha infância. E o que eles fizeram foi algo lindo, seja por escolha ou simplesmente porque não conseguiram gerar um filho.


  Eu sempre sou a favor da adoção quando converso entre amigos e outras pessoas da minha comunidade, então eu não me incomodaria se meus pais tivessem me adotado e me contado desde que eu era criança. Eu entendo que alguns pais escondem essa informação por medo de perder o afeto dos filhos. Provavelmente eles acham que seus filhos não os amarão como antes se soubessem que não são os pais biológicos. Mas deveria haver alguma pressão da sociedade para não tornar isso algo errado. Eu conheço crianças que foram criadas por suas avós ou pais não biológicos melhor do que algumas outras crianças criadas por seus próprios pais biológicos.

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another interesting topic! I speak in favor of men, paternity tests should be mandatory when the baby leaves the hospital, we also have rights... many men raise other men's children because we don't have a backup. And it will always be "insulting" for a woman to ask for a paternity test... regarding adoption I am in favor, however for me what matters more is the education in society of not bringing children into the world without economic and personal maturity. What would happen if I found out if they were not my parents' children when I was old? uhmmm... my enormous nose gives me away, I got it from my father hahaha! interesting post as always.

Hehehehe, well I knew that my daughter was my child, but I confirmed with the 23andme test showing that her ancestry is 50% the same of me, and unfortanely we also some bad health-associated genetic profile! I am willing to do with my other one, just waiting a bit to grow a bit more so she can spit enough saliva in the tube!

The kid's adoption is not a bad Amulet. We need to adopt one or two kids if we can afford it. Some kids are having very miserable lives and we should be their support. I'm happy for your narrative about adoption of kid, have a good day mate.

If I was rich maybe I would had some 2 or 3 kids adopted heheh right now my budget doesn't allow even one more dog!! hehe

I am just wondering what you would do even if you knew that you were not their biological kid. I think you would not have the understanding power to handle the situation.

Difficult to forecast that , feelings are difficult to control

hahaha yes you are right, two kids are enough and now you can live with them your whole life. i am in a favour of child adoption, specially for those kids who don't have parents or loose them for any reason.

It is a wise action for those who can provide support for the kids! It is something for people with big hearts =)

Adoption isn't taboo in the US, a lot of families adopt children. I wouldn't, but only because I'm getting old and cantankerous. But when I was younger I would have considered it if I couldn't have kids.

I think I am in the same vibe right now heheh

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Where I'm from adoption is not really common, most people tend to shy away from it to prevent being judged by the society.

Matters of emotions are always difficult to decipher in the sense that, most parents that withhold information about the biological parents of their adopted child tends to have a reason, apart from fear of losing the child affection. For most children they are always curious about their biological parents and sincerely speaking not all the stories that leads to a child adoption is good, some of their parents might be into drugs, criminals e.t.c imagine such a child embarking on a journey of finding their biological parents, it wouldn't end well.

This is why some parents prefer to protect their adopted child from the harsh reality about how they end up being adopted