Dear Generation Alpha ...

in #hive-1538503 months ago


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  There is one thing that I do sometimes that I wasn't used to while scrolling my cellphone going through Instagram/Facebook reels. You watch short videos, mostly making fun of reality or other stuff. Part of my reels makes a bit of fun about comparisons of my generation (Millenials) with Gen Z essentially. It was a big change between these two generations already. We saw the current technology to evolve since the beginning, while Gen Z started to understand the world when wi-fi was already available. Also, millennials went into the workforce during a volatile period, with an economic recession and wars happening. How about the new generation Alpha, the generation of my daughters?


  The new generation that started around 2012, is getting in their adulthood in around 10 years. My oldest daughter still needs a bit more than 10 years. I see many differences in the reality of students and people joining the workforce. Education has changed a lot, I see a more subjective evaluation method happening in schools, at least here in Canada. In addition, human diversity is much more notable compared to my time in school. So kids are growing up in a more diverse reality of gender, religion, and ethnic population. We millennials adapt slowly to this reality. But still, there are some learnings that we can pass on to this generation.

  It is easier to get into laziness nowadays. With Google was already easy to get lazy, but now with AI, it is worse. But they need to be careful and read the whole information source in order to create their own opinion about a subject. It is easy to ask ChatGPT for a summary of the Vietnam War for example. It will give you an interesting and summarized chunk of information, but is it really what happened? My advice is to go to the source of information and compare. You can find 10 books and maybe all of them won't have the exact same information.

  Nowadays social media also helps spread untruth. People see a video without questioning it, is it real? Social media is a black hole where you need to be careful how you navigate there, that's why I avoid my kids from making contact there. They still are forming their maturity, so how they will be protected from all the information and malicious people that could harm them? My advice here, when they start using social media, is to ignore most of the things that happen there without using it to form an opinion about something. In addition, to protect your private life, turning your life into public can have some consequences. A simple story about how they managed to answer an employee in a coffee shop can trigger different reactions on social media, especially if you are popular there. Also, employers can check your social media and maybe interfere in the hiring process in which you are participating.


  The new generation needs to be concerned with their privacy and being careful and also respecting general technology. Technology evolved to help us but not to dominate our lives and brains. You read something online it doesn't mean that it is the truth. Of course, it is easier to check multiple sources online, but still, you need to be careful. In the old days, printed encyclopedias were the source of the truth, but now the truth is hidden in multiple sources spread all over. Probably there isn't an exact truth and the world isn't black or white like many say that it is, but this generation needs to be prepared to not fall into one of these sides and cover their eyes for some other perspectives which the internet likes to move us towards.

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  Há uma coisa que eu faço às vezes que não estava acostumado enquanto rolava meu celular passando pelos reels do Instagram/Facebook. Você assiste a vídeos curtos, na maioria das vezes zombando da realidade ou de outras coisas. Parte dos meus reels faz um pouco de piada sobre comparações da minha geração (Millennials) com a Gen Z essencialmente. Já houve uma grande mudança entre essas duas gerações. Vimos a tecnologia atual evoluir desde o início, enquanto a Gen Z começou a entender o mundo quando o wi-fi já estava disponível. Além disso, os millennials entraram no mercado de trabalho durante um período volátil, com uma recessão econômica e guerras acontecendo. E quanto à nova geração Alpha, a geração das minhas filhas?


  A nova geração que começou por volta de 2012, está entrando na idade adulta em cerca de 10 anos. Minha filha mais velha ainda precisa de um pouco mais de 10 anos. Vejo muitas diferenças na realidade dos estudantes e das pessoas entrando no mercado de trabalho. A educação mudou muito, vejo um método de avaliação mais subjetivo acontecendo nas escolas, pelo menos aqui no Canadá. Além disso, a diversidade humana é muito mais notável em comparação com meu tempo na escola. Então, as crianças estão crescendo em uma realidade mais diversa de gênero, religião e população étnica. Nós, millennials, nos adaptamos lentamente a essa realidade. Mas ainda assim, há alguns aprendizados que podemos passar para essa geração.

  É mais fácil cair na preguiça hoje em dia. Com o Google já era fácil ficar preguiçoso, mas agora com a IA, é pior. Mas eles precisam ter cuidado e ler toda a fonte de informação para criar sua própria opinião sobre um assunto. É fácil pedir ao ChatGPT um resumo da Guerra do Vietnã, por exemplo. Ele vai te dar uma parte interessante e resumida da informação, mas é realmente o que aconteceu? Meu conselho é ir à fonte de informação e comparar. Você pode encontrar 10 livros e talvez todos eles não tenham exatamente a mesma informação.

  Hoje em dia, as redes sociais também ajudam a espalhar inverdades. As pessoas veem um vídeo sem questioná-lo, é real? As redes sociais são um buraco negro onde você precisa ter cuidado com a forma como navega lá, por isso evito que meus filhos tenham contato lá. Eles ainda estão formando sua maturidade, então como eles serão protegidos de todas as informações e pessoas mal-intencionadas que podem prejudicá-los? Meu conselho aqui, quando começarem a usar redes sociais, é ignorar a maioria das coisas que acontecem lá sem usá-las para formar uma opinião sobre algo. Além disso, para proteger sua vida privada, transformar sua vida em pública pode ter algumas consequências. Uma simples história sobre como responderam a um funcionário em uma cafeteria pode desencadear diferentes reações nas redes sociais, especialmente se você for popular lá. Além disso, os empregadores podem verificar suas redes sociais e talvez interferir no processo de contratação em que você está participando.


  A nova geração precisa se preocupar com sua privacidade, sendo cuidadosa e também respeitando a tecnologia em geral. A tecnologia evoluiu para nos ajudar, mas não para dominar nossas vidas e mentes. Você lê algo online e não significa que seja a verdade. Claro, é mais fácil verificar várias fontes online, mas ainda assim, você precisa ter cuidado. Antigamente, enciclopédias impressas eram a fonte da verdade, mas agora a verdade está escondida em várias fontes espalhadas. Provavelmente não existe uma verdade exata e o mundo não é preto ou branco como muitos dizem que é, mas esta geração precisa estar preparada para não cair em um desses lados e cobrir os olhos para algumas outras perspectivas que a internet gosta de nos direcionar.

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In fact, more facts are hidden in books than online. So, it is important to be careful when getting your information right so as not to fall into a trap.

Every new polemis people form some type of knowledge only using social media that's bad!

They believe that is the only true place but the social media doesn't give the complete or accurate information some times.

As in ehn... It will be more and more difficult to keep track of those who are lazy in future. Just as more boys are created to filter AI posts, there will be more bots created to created undetectable posts. The sky will really be the limit. If we were lazy during the days of Google, I don't know what we'll call AI.

I agree with you ! In a previous post I talked about how I dealt with the laziness of students when only google was available and I couldn't imagine how it was now in a class with AI available! I hope that at least I can teach my kids how not to fall into this laziness, at least I am trying to. I want to rest later and think about that at least try my best.

It's no doubt best to search for real sources offline like in books and other areas than to be stuck with only Google, social media and AI. Sadly many of the genz and alpha would stick with these three as that's what they've been used to. But those who look and search further would be glad they did.

Have you watched the matrix? Hehhe nice movie and I guess we are entering slowly in this virtual reality

Yes I have. And I agree with you. We are getting there if not already there.

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I'm actually afraid of the future we are heading to because with the tools we have today, a lot of people are becoming lazy but we still have some people that properly utilize these tools. And considering how AI is advancing, it's becoming more difficult to tell what is real on the Internet. I see this becoming much worse and creating lots of problems in the future

Correct! I am also scared how we are going towards in this situation

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I agree with you 💯.

These devices that came to help us have started dominating our lives. The smarter the apps are becoming the lazier we are getting.
The latest sequel of Mission Impossible depicts of a time where we are over powered by AI and need to hide from it for running a secret affair. I suspect the time is near.

There is so much fluff in the social media that has literally taken the thinking capabilities from us.

And how we protect our kids? when they are young is easy but we need also to teach them how to protect themselves while they don't fully access it!

I agree. We cannot protect them in their adulthood by force. What we need to do is to inculcate the responsibility and make them aware of the hazards when they are young

AI doesn't necessarily tell us the truth as we both know. It's often driven by agendas of corporations or people who are very biased in one direction. I'm afraid for their generation because so many listen to social media and think things are the truth without looking for it themselves.

Great post my friend, lets hope things out great in the future for our kids!

It is already happening around, with every new event...pandemic, elections, wars... if the media is covering, social media is inflated and people choose one side based on that! Sometimes I think that living in a cave isn't a bad idea hehehe .

You just got DOOKed!
@thebighigg thinks your content is the shit.
They have 3/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Knowledge is paramount, and it's of no doubt there are some hidden treasures in some books. But it's difficult now as other apps has taken over and youths are so interested in it giving less value to what is valuable.

It is pretty concerning how humans are moving to a less thinking pattern...

Sure it is.... And I wish that the attention of people is called back for them to realize how they've been missing a whole lot.

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