Short Story for the 5 Minute Freewrite prompt "let's visit"

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German version below

Hey guys,
As mentioned this morning, I wanted to relate all the keywords of the 5-minute free-write challenge to a theme this week and weave the short stories together.
You can find the previous contributions here:

  1. ZapFicMOnday - Perceive
  2. 5 Minute Freewrite – Frighten the Children

The keyword for this post is Let's Visit.
Set the clock and let's get started.

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As every morning, the four members of the Ziegler family gathered around the breakfast table.
Anna was eating her Nutella bread roll and trying to fend off Lasco who begged for a piece as he did every morning.
The Dachshund mix looked up at Anna theatrically and whined, but this time she would stand firm.

"He only begs from you because you always give him something." Karsten, her younger brother. That know-it-all. He was, of course, right, but she wouldn't tell him that.

"He just likes me better than you. That's why he always comes to me."

"Mom, Anna says that Lasco likes her more than me." Anna saw her 5-year-old brother grin before he started to fake-cry. She had to give him credit. He knew how to tug at their mother’s heartstrings. Mom always took his side right away, but dad was smarter, though.

Her dad often remained neutral and questioned the situation first, when the two siblings squabbled.. And he noticed when Karsten or Anna cried without real tears.
"Your mother has been using that trick for ten years," he would always laugh, hardly ever falling for the emotional outbursts of the two squabblers. Anna's dad was the smartest person she knew.

While Karoline Ziegler held her little boy in her arms, comforting him, there was a rustling behind the newspaper.

"They found the body of a young man in the lion's cage yesterday. According to police, he was supposed to take close-up photos for his girlfriend's damn Instagram account and got half-eaten."

"Don't read stuff out loud in front of the children. They don't need to hear that!"

But Karsten's mood had instantly changed. He had completely forgotten his manipulation attempt and wanted to know more. He slid off his mother's lap and looked at his father with a serious look on his face.

"Which half got eaten, daddy?"

Thomas Ziegler lowered the left half of his newspaper and winked at Anna. He had known that his son had a macabre side and that he could distract him from his little "fit."

"What do you guys think about visiting the zoo next week? Maybe we'll find out which half got eaten then."

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Hey Leute,

wie heute morgen schon erwähnt, wollte ich in dieser Woche sämtliche Stichworte der 5 Minuten Freewrite-Challenge auf ein Thema beziehen und die Kurzgeschichten ineinander verweben.

Die Beiträge bisher findet ihr hier:
1 ZapFicMOnday - Perceive
2 5 Minute Freewrite – Frighten the Children

Das Stichwort für diesen Beitrag lautet Let’s Visit

Wecker stellen und los geht’s.

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Die Zieglers saßen zu viert am Frühstückstisch. Anna as ihr Nutella Brötchen und wehrte wie an jedem morgen Lasco ab, der darum bettelte, ein Stücken abzubekommen.
Theatralisch blickte der Dackelmischling zu Anna hoch und winselte, doch dieses Mal würde sie standhaft bleiben.

„Er bettelt nur bei dir, weil du ihm immer was gibst.“
Karsten, ihr kleiner Bruder. Dieser Besserwisser. Er hatte natürlich recht, aber das würde sie ihm nicht sagen.

„Er mag mich eben lieber als dich. Deswegen kommt er immer zu mir.“

„Mama, Anna sagt, dass Lasco sie lieber mag als mich.“
Anna sah ihren 5-jährigen Bruder Grinsen, bevor er anfing zu weinen. Das musste man ihm lassen. Er wusste, wie man auf die Tränendrüse drückte. Ihre Mutter ergriff immer gleich Partei für den kleinen Prinz, aber ihr Vater war gescheiter, wie.
Ihr Papa blieb oft neutral und hinterfragte die Situation erst einmal. Und ihm fiel auf, wenn Karsten oder Anna ohne echte Tränen weinten.
„Den Trick setzt eure Mutter seit zehn Jahren ein“, lachte er immer und fiel so gut wie nie auf die emotionalen Ausbrüche der beiden Geschwister ein. Ihr Papa war der schlaueste Mensch, den Anna kannte.

Während Karoline Ziegler ihren Karsten im Arm hielt und ihn tröstete, raschelte es hinter der aufgeschlagenen Zeitung.

„Sie haben einen jungen Mann tot aus dem Löwenkäfig geholt. Der sollte für den vermaledeiten Instagram-Account seiner Freundin Fotos aus der Nähe schießen und wurde zur Hälfte gefressen.

„Lies doch sowas nicht laut vor den Kindern. Die müssen sowas nicht hören!“

Doch Karsten’s Stimmung hatte sich im Nu gewandelt. Er hatte seinen Manipulationsversuch komplett vergessen und wollte mehr wissen. Er rutschte vom Schoss seiner Mutter und schaute seinen Vater ernst an.

„Welche Hälfte wurde gefressen, Papa?“

Thomas Ziegler senkte die linke Hälfte seiner Zeitung und zwinkerte Anna zu. Er hatte gewusst, dass sein Sohn eine makabre Seite hatte und ihn damit aus seinem kleinen „Anfall“ herausholen konnte.

„Was haltet ihr davon, wenn wir nächste Woche in den Zoo gehen? Vielleicht finden wir dann heraus, welche Hälfte gefressen wurde.“

Thumbnail created by me via Canva
Divider created by me via Canva
Images created by me via AI or from Canva


he was supposed to take close-up photos for his girlfriend's damn Instagram account and got half-eaten."

Poor boyfriend! Couldn't enjoy anything in this mortal world!!

Nice story!


Thank you hafiz :). Nope. No joy for men in this world ^^.

No disagreements here, sir :)
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( hafiz34 ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

Great story there @halbtagsdichter, and really fantastic ending, thanks for a good laugh and stay awesome.

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- @flaxz - Admin/Moderator

This post is AWESOME!
It will therefore be highlighted in our daily Curated Collections posting for today.
The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Hive ecosystem by rewarding it".


Thank you very much :). To construct a coherent story in about 5 minutes is really tough, to be honest. I'm glad, you enjoyed it.

It was great, keep up the good work.

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- @flaxz - Admin/Moderator

@halbtagsdichter! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @thisisawesome. (7/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

What is black and white and red all over?
A penguin with a sunburn.

Credit: captaincryptic
@halbtagsdichter, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @thisisawesome
