When you think of the phrase "Kick him harder" it isn't immediately clear as to what it means, but when you think of it like kicking all of the stuff in the way of your goals. Then you can infer that it means that you need to put more effort into your goals and what you can achieve.
Now if you put this into perspective, like a kid is trying to become a professional boxer, but he can't because he thinks he's too weak and doesn't have any workout gear. Then he wouldn't just give up and do nothing all day, he would set a mindset for himself, and create goals for him to achieve, one of the goals this kid has created was to do 2 sets of pushups, increase it by one set every day until he hits the 11th set and run a mile outside 5 times a week. Then that would be following the statement "Kick him harder"
In conclusion one can infer that the phrase "Kick him harder" means to kick away all the little things that are getting in your way of achieving your goals.
Source: Pexels
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