Canned cannabis / Conservas de cannabis


Hello cannabis culture lovers. When I dry the cannabis plants, I like to do it with clean plants. I try to leave the bud as peeled as possible and then I clean them with a little water to remove the remains of dust and insects that stick to them. Then I put them to dry in a closet that I have for that.

Hola amantes de la cultura cannábica. Cuando pongo a secar las plantas de cánnabis, me gusta hacerlo con las plantas limpias. Procuro dejar el cogollo lo más pelado posible y luego las limpio con un poco de agua para quitarles los restos de polvo e insectos que se quedan pegados. Después las pongo a secar en un armario que tengo para eso.


When I have time and I remember, before they are completely dry, I put them in a wooden box for a few days. Then I transfer them definitively to the glass jars. Why? I do it because I like to go pinching the branch every time I make one, stoner mania. What happens is that, if I keep them too long they dry too much and I don't like them so dry. I have to transfer them to glass jars where they stay fresher.

Cuando tengo tiempo y me acuerdo, antes de que estén secas del todo, las pongo en una caja de madera durante unos días. Después las paso definitivamente a los botes de cristal. ¿Por qué? Lo hago porqué me gusta ir dándole pellizcos a la rama cada vez que me hago uno, manías de fumeta. Lo que pasa es que, si las tengo mucho tiempo se secan demasiado y no me gusta tan seca. Las tengo que pasar a los botes de cristal donde se conserva más fresca.




That's what I was doing the other afternoon. Transferring the buds to the glass jars before they dried out too much.

Eso es lo que hice estuve haciendo la otra tarde. Pasando los cogollos a los botes de cristal antes de que se secaran demasiado.







hat's all for today, thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

Eso es todo por hoy, gracias por pasarte y que tengas un gran día.

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Those flowers tunred out great!

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Thanks! 🐸

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What does a CIA agent do when it's time for bed?
He goes under cover.

Credit: marshmellowman
@happyfrog420-new, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of holovision.hypno



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Those bud stalks hanging up filled in nice, tasty bud-kebabs, the jars' ready for the bud pantry :)

Winter is approaching and we must have a pantry :) otherwise it will take too long.

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Nice on, colas look nice and big for sure, curing in jars is always the best option. No need for no fancy bags just old jars

Yes, these are reused honey jars. But if they are more than three months in jars they end up drying out too much too. Thanks for stopping by.

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Looks awesome man! Nice job! 👍

Thanks dude!

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que linda cosecha hermano :D

¡Gracias! Las penúltimas de la temporada ;)

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