Ladies Of Hive: Contest #95😤/Damas de la Colmena: Concurso #95😤 [Eng/Esp]

in #hive-1244522 years ago

Hello my Hivers, great day to you all. God Bless you all. This is my first post in this community, I find it great to be able to interact between women, #Ladiesofhive, and what better than that than to answer you about the things that make me angry, I hope to keep posting every week.
Here we go with the question⬇️

Hola mis Hivers, excelente día tengan todos. Dios los Bendiga. Es mu primera publicación en esta comunidad, me parece genial poder interactuar entre mujeres, #Ladiesofhive, y que mejor que eso que responderle sobre las cosas que me enfadan, espero seguir publicando cada semana.
Aquí vamos con la pregunta⬇️

Do we all have a different boiling point, some of us get angry easily, others have a very cold temper. Please share one thing that makes you angry, how long do you stay angry, and what or who can appease you?

¿Todos tenemos un punto de ebullición diferente, algunos nos enfadamos con facilidad, otros tienen un temperamento muy frío. Por favor, comparta una cosa que le haga enfadar, cuánto tiempo permanece enfadado, y qué o quién puede apaciguarle?

This question is very interesting as I have many reasons when it comes to my annoyances.
I get angry at lying people, if we put all our trust and loyalty in them and then they betray us in the worst way, lying people I cut them out of my life completely and I don't think I will ever deal with them again.
I get angry with unfair people, those who are "skillful" and do whatever it takes to make themselves look good and others look like bad people, one day I had a supposed friend who always threw me the tender with other people and told me everything and then she came with her face well washed to give me hugs and tell me that she was my best friend until one day I faced her and cried and asked me to excuse her that she had a supposed disorder, is it true?
After you hurt others with intent you excuse yourself in mental illnesses that you don't have, nooo those kind of people bother me a lot and my tranquility and peace of mind nobody takes it away from me.

Esta pregunta es muy interesante ya que tengo muchos motivos a la hora de mis molestias.
Me enfadan las personas mentirosas, si depositamos toda la confianza en ellas y la lealtad y luego nos traicionan de la peor manera, las personas mentirosas las saco de mi vida por completo y no creo volver a tratarlas nuevamente.
Me enfadan las personas injustas, esas que se la dan de "habilidosos" y hacen lo que sea para ellos quedar bien y los demás queden como malas personas, un dia tuve una supuesta amigabque siempre me tiraba el tierrero con otras personas y todo me lo decían y después ella venia con su cara bien lavada a darme abrazos y decirme que era si mejor amiga hasta que un dia la enfrente y lloraba y me pedía que la disculpara que tenia un supuesto trastorno, es enserió?
Después que dañas a los demás con intención te excusas en enfermedades mentales que no padeces, nooo ese tipo de gente me molestan mucho y mi tranquilidad y paz mental no me la quita nadie.

Another thing that makes me angry is my things, not to be a mean person but I take care of my personal things and if someone takes them without my authorization I get very upset even if it is family because there must be respect for the things that belong to others, I first ask and it is very rarely that I do it and I take good care to return it after using them and in the same conditions that I borrowed it.

Otra cosa que me enfada son mis cosas, no es por ser una persona mezquina pero cuido mucho mis cosas personales y que alguien las agarre sin mi autorización me molesto mucho así sea familia porque debe existir ese respeto hacia las cosas que son ajenas, yo primero pido y es muy rara vez que lo hago y lo cuido mucho para devolverlo después después de usarlos y en las mismas condiciones que me lo prestan.

I am a very passive person I try to avoid all kinds of problems, I don't like to make a show and my anger depends on the situation, I don't forget so easily if it is something insignificant maybe it goes away but if it is something that really hurt me I don't forgive it and my anger is there, and I try to ignore those people, sometimes I usually keep a grudge for a long time and I have tried to change that but it is a little difficult.

Soy una persona muy pasiva trato de evitar todo tipo de problemas, no me gusta armar show y mi enojo va depende de la situación, no olvido tan fácil si es algo insignificante tal vez se me pasa pero si es algo que realmente me hirió no lo perdono y mi enojo ahí, y trato de ignorar a esas personas, a veces suelo guardar mucho rencor por bastante tiempo y he tratado de cambiar eso pero se me hace un poco difícil.

Well friend this was all my post, I loved posting in this wonderful community and being part of its users, may God Bless you always.
See you soon.

Bueno amigo este fue todo mi post, me encantó publicar en esta maravillosa comunidad y ser parte de sus usuarios, que Dios los Bendiga siempre.
Hasta pronto.

Everything is of my authorship.

Todo es de mi autoria.


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You will learn in time to forgive and forget about those people @hariamny, why would you want them to win and drag you down to their level? Most of the people who are constantly making themselves look good and making other people look bad to make themselves look good are on a downhill course before people figure them out, and then they may turn with some respect, hopefully.

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Thank you for such nice words, I will keep them in mind😊.

These things are understandably annoying :) How we deal with them makes the difference. I hope that you continue to work on learning to let go sooner when someone makes you mad :)

Thank you @hariamny for sharing your story :)

That's what I try to do every day, thank you very much.