Ecotrain Qotw - can spirituality and technology live together?

in #hive-1230463 years ago

when a baby is born, no one knows if the baby is a boy or if it would be a girl but when carrying it and look at the private part, the results would be Make possible, the child now grows up and be staying with his parents, at the initial stages, he would not interact with the outside world, as a baby, the parents and close family members teaches him so many things like, how to speak and respond to stimulus, but as times goes on, he would began to see the world in a larger form, making friends and choosing who are to be his friends.



He lived with his family, loved and respect them and the family as well gives him the same respect and love as expected in return, they relate and Make their living comfortable and as times goes on, the child may decide to live and stay on his own, Making his own life decisions and staying on the lane he wishes to stay.

Just as technology steeping into the life's of spirituality, spirituality is us but technology was made by us, just as what we give from our ideas as technique, technology when it came, it was with spirituality it has to hold on to, for a longer time, they lived comfortably and this days they still lived, just as a son and a father story, the son must not stays with his father forever, one-day or when times comes, he would lived home and make his space and stay not with his father but alone and be visiting his father whenever he wants to.

Technology can not ever take his relationship with spirituality for granted, just as we know, no one can ever forget where he come from, because it would be something that everyone even you may regret at the end if you take such decision, spirituality means so much to technology that is one of the reasons why they must still relate and never stop their Nexus, relationship is not easy to come by also, When you find the one that fit you and understand you, leaving their side is always hard to decide.

spirituality is just like when one forecast, when you put yourself in a bigger screen and be having imagination of how you could make it a reality, then without this spirituality, technology can not become what it is today in the world, no king can crown himself, for you to be a king, you need the hands of another Peoples to help you on the journey, that is why we have to know that everyone matters, irrespective of sex, age and class.



Since spirituality has not refused to relate with technology and Make him wear the crown, humanity are having easy life, that is why relationship is very important in the world, it can brought good and it can also turn out to be a bad relationship, spirituality and technology live and would always lived in oneness, since their relationship is not a toxic one and can never cause damage to life.