The Importance of Friendship in the Light of Islamic Teachings

in #hive-1503293 years ago


Sincere friend, great blessing

At no time has the importance of friends been denied, but in the present age when chaos, chaos, disturbances, mutual conflicts are diminishing the value of bloody relationships, and wealth is becoming the standard of fame relationships. These tense situations have added to the importance of the friendship. Undoubtedly, a good and sincere friend is no less than a blessing, because useful advice, help and support of a good and sincere friend brings ease and convenience in life. Growing dissatisfaction, resentment, frustration, domestic grievances, financial hardship, anxiety, poverty, feelings of deprivation and social inequalities are increasingly causing stress and depression in people, if any. Even the most difficult path seems easy when friendship of a sincere friend is available, friendship gives hope to live in the depressing moments of life. Undoubtedly, friendship is also one of the dearest relationships of human beings because in every age every human being wants a sincere and true friend. All the virtues that we seek separately in different relationships can be found in all sincere friends and the person is considered poor in the world who does not have a sincere friend. But in our society today it has become a bit difficult to find a sincere friend. One of the main reasons is that we are not sincere with people and we only like to belong to people of purpose.

The importance of friendship in the light of Islamic teachings

If we look at the priceless relationship like friendship in the light of Islamic teachings, it is clear that Allah, the Exalted, has declared all Muslims as brothers. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in a hadeeth: “A believer is the mirror of another believer and a believer is the brother of another believer. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Friendship is the greatest, most faithful and precious relationship in life. In front of which diamonds, gold, silver, every expensive thing has no value. If the pearls of sympathy, love and trust are nurtured in a friendship relationship, it never breaks. In another hadith, it is narrated from Hazrat Nu'man bin Bashir (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Like, if one's eye hurts, the whole body becomes restless. And if he has a headache, then his whole body feels pain (Sahih Muslim). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: A Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand another Muslim is safe. Today, in the light of Islamic teachings, we should consider our character and character, and we should get rid of hatred, enmity and hatred and improve our personality to such an extent that we can achieve harmony, brotherhood, brotherhood, peace and security. Become a contributor to the promotion, if the loyalty, honesty, truthfulness and obedience between friends is maintained then this relationship is very easy to maintain.
