Week 13 Reflection - The Dangers and Implications of Big Tech Surveillance

in #gradnium2 years ago

The speaker spoke about the challenges of digital technologies. I’ll write exactly what I got from the lecture. There are thousands of advantages of having digital technology. However, there are also many disadvantages. The biggest of those disadvantages is privacy. Your privacy has the chance of being stolen.

My generation is the first to experience this problem. Older generations didn’t have to protect their data. Data and personal information has widely become the most valuable thing in the world. As a generation, we need to come together and not let these big corporations steal our information. We’ve always thought that technology was for our benefit. However, our lives can be destroyed by technology.

For example, Donald Trump’s twitter account was deleted by Twitter. He isn’t able to express his opinions anymore. Some of his rights as an American and citizen of the United States have been stolen from him. Trump is an extremely hated person, but that doesn’t mean he should be treated any differently. He should have the same rights as any other American. “Cancel culture” was the main reason this happened to Trump and they are doing it over and over again.

We are addicted to technology. We use technology in everything we do. One of the main things we do is google search things. Some people do this multiple times a day. Google decides the first things we see when we search something. They use this as a chance to promote their beliefs and things they support. This is propaganda. Google wants you to see something they promote and then be interested in that. That in my opinion is an invasion of privacy. Google shouldn’t have the power to do this. They are ever so slowly trying to hypnotize us into believing what they believe.

Technology controls us. Everything we do revolves around it. We are obsessed with technology. Technology is made in a way that we get this way. It’s made for us not to get bored and to continue to buy their products. We will do anything to get their newest product. We will even be willing to sacrifice our privacy to get the newest products. As a result, our American freedom is being deeply hurt.

In conclusion, we are all controlled by our devices. We think that our technology is amazing, perfect, and has the best intentions. However, your technology was made to hurt you.

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