Few of my Favorite Memory From School

in #hive-176874last year


School... The place of learning and gathering knowledge. No doubt school was awesome and it was a pleasure to experience the moments of high school and exploring the wonders of it. There are several memories from school back then that some times when I stumble on my old stuffs from secondary school I became nostalgic. The entire 6years of high school was a roller-coaster of learning, making friends, carrying out activities, examinations, boarding activities, labour, prep and so many more.

One of my favorite moments in school back then was the morning assembly sections. One thing I loved about my school is the opportunity to make students participate in every activity whether you like it or not. So there was a roaster for the senior for two students to lead the morning devotions and assembly every day. I always looked for to my turn to lead over 200 students in prayers, announcement, national anthem and so on. Again, as a boarding student in the catholic school, every morning masses, we get to take the daily readings as well, these activities really helped to shape my public speaking even till now as no student was exempted.

Another fond memory of school goes bact to my primary school, I was a drummer, hence, when morning assembly is on we look forward to drumming for morning devotions and the national anthem. Due to the high competition in secondary school I could get a chance.

The games in school is another thing I would never forget in a hurry, even till now, we still attempt to play them regardless. There are several type of games like ten ten, tinko tinko, who is in the garden, fire on the mountain, after rounds one, hid3 and seek, I call on, boju boju, suwe and so many more.

Just as they say, school is fun but na examination spoil am😂😂😂😂. These are few of the favorite memories I had for school and I am glad that school passed through me in the most sensible way. Thanks to the #hiveghana community for this great weekly prompt.

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I remember how the seniors on duty used to punish the juniors all the time and the guys at the back always fighting to play the drums.😂 Those were the days, the good old days.
Thanks for sharing with us.

Yeah right... Thank you

Haha! I totally disagree, even the examinations made it more fun, i mean the tension in reading, the tension to spy and pass and the tension, to take get a good score, it's all fun fighting for it and i wouldn't forget that aspect of my school days 😁