First Stats Update on my way to 5000 HivePower and 2500 LeoPower

in #hive-1679223 years ago

First Stats Update

We are already past the first month of 2022. Gosh, time really does fly by. It seems like it was just yesterday that the last hours of 2021 went by with the loudest fireworks I've seen in this neighborhood. And that while there was a general fireworks ban in force in the Netherlands. That aside.

January is already behind us, and after a month in which unfortunately due to circumstances I have not been as active as I would have liked to be, it is time to start looking at my goals. And especially, what is the state of affairs, have I perhaps come a small step closer to my ultimate goal despite my inactive period?

Now last month when I calculated what I had to earn per week I didn't take a screenshot of my Hive Power at that time, but I'm sure it was less than today. And not what HiveStats shows me.'s 30-day chart really confuses me to say the least, and doesn't currently make it any easier for me to work out what has changed this month.

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According to HiveStats my chart looks like this:


And if there's one thing I know for sure, it's that this can't be right. Simply because I have never had so much HivePower. And I haven't done a Powerdown in the last few months.

So let's see if Peakd's analytics are better.

And that makes me happier. This looks more like my account. Peakd gives me the following picture.


December 31, 1604 HivePower

As you can see, on December 31, I had 1604 HivePower. Which at that time meant that I would have to earn 65.13 HivePower per week. Converted to a month, that's 283 HivePower per month! I already wrote a blog yesterday in which I told that due to circumstances it was not possible at all to stay active, unfortunately, but that also meant a significant backlog of my Hive Goals. At least, that's what I assumed. Not fun, right in the first month of the year. The other side of the story, perhaps early in the year, is that you have plenty of time to adjust and take a few extra steps to straighten things out, so you can get back on track. And that is certainly easier to achieve at the beginning of the year than later in December.

Well 1 month has passed, and have I earned 283 HivePower? My HivePower on February 1, 2022 was:


1858 HivePower

This equates to a difference of +254 HivePower over the past month. And that means I'm 29 Hive short of my monthly goal. But to be fair, I certainly would have estimated the damage higher after these last two and a half weeks in which I have not been able to be active. Fortunately, I was wise enough to do a powerup of my earnings for writing the Bro Newspaper.

If I now calculate that 5 weeks of the new year have passed, my new goal per week comes out to a new total of 66.86 HivePower that I have to earn. If I convert this to a monthly goal, it now comes down to 285.64, which I round up for convenience. So new goal, 286 HivePower per month I have to earn if I want to have 5000 HivePower by the end of the year.

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Then on with Leo. At the beginning of the year I had a total of 1078 LEO on my leo account @foreverhero. And I had to earn 119 LEO a month to stay on track for my LEO goal this year. 2500 LEO on December 31, 2022.

How did that go?


That looks better!

My old total of 1078 LEO has increased to 1280 LEO, which means I have earned 202 LEO this month. And that's more than I needed, per month, to get to 2500 LEO by the end of this year. The new goal for LEO every month is therefore no longer 119 LEO, but 111 LEO per month.

Despite the fact that I have to adjust my Hive goal slightly higher, I did achieve my LEO goal for this first month. And that gives a good feeling in this first month.

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When I set my goals a month ago, I also wrote that I also had to start finding a good rhythm again. So that I wasted less time per day on “Nothing”. And the first thing I had to change was my day/night rhythm. Going to bed too late, which in turn resulted in getting up too late, wasting half a day before I could even do anything.

Night owl by nature

I may be a night owl by nature, but my partner and dogs don't care about that. My partner just has to go to work early in the morning. And my dogs live in a normal rhythm too, meaning they are quiet in the morning and at night, but they just need that exercise and attention during the day. This means to me that I often don't have time during the day to do my things on Hive, but that I can use the morning hours, and the evening hours when my partner is also at home.

I've found my sleeping rhythm back

Only those morning hours, I wouldn't be able to make good use of those hours if I was still sleeping those hours. It always takes a lot of effort to turn around such a disturbed rhythm, but this week I can say that I'm back. I have found my sleeping rhythm again, and that also means that I can get up on time again. And that gives me the opportunity to write my blog in the morning. Sometimes it also has an advantage if you get the flu. LOL. That has ensured that I was able to change my disturbed rhythm again. And for the time being there will be little danger of it sinking again. There is no vacation from my partner on the program for the time being.

For this first Update post, the state of my account is therefore;

  • HivePower + 254, which is a deficit of 29 HivePower.
  • LeoPower + 202, which is 83 LeoPower more.

New goal per month;

  • 286 HivePower
  • 111 LeoPower

I still have to think about how I can put this in a clear Excel file for myself per week. But my conclusion for today is;

After 1 month in 2022 I am not completely dissatisfied. It's going to be a lot of work to get to the Hive Goal, but I'm going for it! I have faith in achieving my goal for Leo.

Until the next update!

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Sometimes it is difficult keeping up with one's activity and also Hive. I remember when I was a nocturnal creature,I must admit i met targets easily at night that daytime.

Keeping up with my Hive goals is really really tasking because of my offline activities but still I'm not giving myself any excuse. Whether in the day or at night, I just want my account to see growth.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's absolutely the thing I want too, but sometimes you have to do a step back for your own good. And when that happens, it happens. It's only good to do it in time, to get back stronger then you were before. And that assures more quality after your break, and with more quality comes more growth too.

It would not have to be a problem if I didn't have my 3 monsterdogs. LOL. Nah, just joking, they are cute. But that's what makes it impossible for me to keep up with Hive and all other activities I have to do during the day ... If I sleep too long. And when I fall back in the nocturnal rhythm, that's what happens. I stay in bed longer too, because I just need enough hours of sleep. I can do with less for a couple of days, but not every day. So changing back to a normal rhythm was what I needed to start with. Glad I did that now!

I hope you still meet your targets now you're not a nocturnal creature anymore? LOL

Thanks, for visiting and leaving a comment!

Don't you just wish for more hours in a day? Hehe

Lol yeah, that would be a thing ... if we wouldn't sleep more hours a day then too

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Your numbers are really good. I have often wondered if Hivestats we accurate because I know I am earning more Hive per day than they are reporting, wonder if they are in the middle of a rebuild?

Awesome post I've followed you so I can track your journey. I'm a few days away from 1500HP and also have a goal of 5000 by end of year. Fantastic stuff and good luck!

Awesome, thanks for the follow. Let's get to the 5000 HP together!

And also good luck on achieving your goal!

Good post. !BBH

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you


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It's weird to see that Hivestats chart and PeakD's chart is different. I always thought they were using something similar.

It's nice to have a surplus in one of your goals such as LEO because you can always use the extra surplus to help you catch up with the HIVE one at the end.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would love for HiveStats and PeakD to show the same, but I noticed for a while now that HiveStats is often really off with their stats. I wish it would be as useful as it promises to be, but unfortunately that's not the case so far. Lucky enough, that there is PeakD. And there my account growth is showing the correct numbers. It's not as extended as HiveStats could be, but at least it shows the correct numbers.

And yeah, using the one to catch up with the other would be awesome. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for visiting and your comment.

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

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Thank you @bhattg and @indiaunited

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

Thank you!

Getting into a steady grove is very important. Keep sharing. I like to see the success of others.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Keep growing your account. It is terrific to see.

The Hivestats is being completely reworked, that could be some of the reason for the issue. We will see if we get an update in the next week or so.

Congrats on your push forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It feels good to actually work on it again. To feel that my focus is returning instead of wandering because I don't feel well. And with getting fitter, I really wanted to pursue the goals I had set for myself. I know I have what it takes to achieve this growth, but I will have to work for it.

That also makes it feel good to have fallen behind less than I was afraid of. Thank you for the congratulations. Now make sure I stay on top of it and keep going.

I love the fact that you are being 100% sincere to yourself and that's sure going to help you work at achieving your laid down goals in the coming months.

Speaking of goals, mine is to increase my overall comments and engagement in the LeoFinance community. I'm not looking my LP for now because I believe that if I focus more on increasing my activities, my Leo power will increase proportionally.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks, and yes I will work my way towards achieving my goals.

Seems you are doing a good job on your goal. And yes, with more engagement, you sure will increase your LeoPower too. Engagement is a strong motor.

Exactly! Chase the right things and others will fall in place.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is actually really inspiring, I am also trying to increase my involvement on Hive and LeoFinance, but finding the time is not easy... having a full-time job doesn't leave too much time free, and of course, one has also to spend time with relatives and friends and so it becomes really hard to find those few hours that are needed to read, comment and write posts... but still here we are, I am sure that these efforts will be repaid in the future and they actually are already due to all the incredible things that we are learning only reading the various posts... So, let's continue like this and grow together 💪

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome job on your Leo goal! Hive I'm sure you'll get there in time. I've set some target goals but I haven't set a monthly target. Mostly because I don't know what's possible. I'm not overly active about posting but I do enjoy the gaming and I am trying to do better about posting. Epically commenting. That's why I'm glad I found listnerds. It's helping me build up my comments. Lol
Far as rhythms.. I have same issues.
I'm not working much right now, not to mention everything else that's gone on this past year (or 2).. but my sleep is thrown way off. I could sleep all the time or barely any at all like 3-4hr tops.
I personally enjoy being up early. But waking up at 3am is a bit too early so I end up napping. Which doesn't help me either staying on a normal sleep schedule. But, I know this year will be better. Slowly but surely things will resolve (kid issues)and get back to normal life again.
Anyways, best of luck on your goals.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What's listnerds? Care to throw more light?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Listnerds is a blockchain emailing affiliated marketing tool.
I've not sent any emails but I read other emails that are sent and comment.
It takes the stress out of it for me. I don't have to try and find something to read lol it's sent to me. Sure, there's some spam. I follow the links and close them and delete. But the ones sending me to hive post.. those are the ones I'm after. To interact with others.
You can send your own emails, promoting your post too. I believe you can send 1 free email week I believe but they do have monthly packages for purchase. If I continue staying active posting, I am considering getting one.

Anyways, hope this helped. And if you're interested please consider using my link.

Thanks for taking out the time to enlighten me. Quite helpful but, I'll be checking out the site for more information

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for your comment, and I understand what you're saying. Yes, engaging will also draw more eyes to your account. That's for sure.

Hmmm, the thingy that is going on for two years now, I prefer not to think about it too much. But yes, it is affecting every person. I hope we can beat it and get back to normal, if anyone still knows what is supposed to be normal?

Wishing you also the best of luck on your goals, and thank you for the pizza!

Yes the other 2 year thing I also try not to think about either. Unfortunately, my oldest child was injured couple years ago and been dealing with that, and all the downfalls associated with it. Finally this year tho we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. His health is fine now, he's back to work, soon his baby will be with him... and so on. It's been a mess

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Our Hive Power delegations to the last Power Up Month challenge Winners
Feedback from the February 1st Hive Power Up Day
Be ready for the next Hive Power Up Month!

@hetty-rowan - kudos on getting back on track with your goals. Any road to long-term success comes with it's challenges and obstacles. At the end of the day, you either want it bad enough or don't.

I like your pivot on how certain charts make more sense for you. Personally, I need to dumb it down; because a lot of this stuff confuses the heck out of me lol.

Either way, I've been on an incredible streak of daily activity on HIVE; although I have a J-O-B, a family life and very dedicated to my health and fitness; so I workout 6 out of 7 days a week.

With all that said, I came to HIVE by way of CTP; so that is at the core of my investment. I try to keep things simple and although I get FOMO, realistically; I can't be all in on everything that comes up on HIVE. That's how I stay in tact with whatever goals I set forth.

I came by way of ListNerds :-) I'm sure you know that by now.

Good Luck.

I'm sure you will crush it!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@hetty-rowan! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @jimmy.adames. (2/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

You are totally right, I got a feeling you came here through Listnerds, and I thank you for visiting my blog through Listnerds. You are also completely right that you can't be in everything here on Hive. I don't even try to do that anymore. It's just a waste of time, and energy.

Focus on few things and get good at that. That's what makes your account grow. If you spread out your energy too far, you won't succeed in anything. So that's also a change I made for myself.

Wishing you good luck too and I'm sure you will crush it too there at CTP!

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.

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