Hola a todos en esta bella comunidad de Family & Friends, que tal estan? espero que esten teniendo un excelente viernes. Hace algunos dias mi sobrino Benjamin estuvo de cumpleaños, pero no pudimos estar ese dia con él porque estaba de vacaciones con su abuela en otra ciudad con su madre, su padre y sus hermanitas. Pero no queriamos dejar pasar la fecha, mi madre es de esas mamás que siempre tienen un as bajo la manga, si tu vienes un dia sin previo aviso y le dices de hacer una fiesta ella tendrá todo para la decoracion, asi que el dia que nos enteramos que volvian nos pusimos manos a la obra y nos sacamos un cumpleaños infantil y familiar de la nada!
Hello everyone in this beautiful Family & Friends community, how are you? I hope you are having a great Friday. A few days ago my nephew Benjamin had his birthday, but we couldn't be with him that day because he was on vacation with his grandmother in another city with his mother, his father and his little sisters. But we did not want to miss the date, my mother is one of those mothers who always has an ace up her sleeve, if you come one day without prior notice and tell her to throw a party she will have everything for the decoration, so the day that we found out that they were coming back, we got to work and we got a children's and family birthday out of nowhere!
Mientras mi madre se encargaba de los globos y la decoracion yo salí corriendo a la panaderia a conseguir pan para hacer sandwichs de pollo, medialunas para rellenar con jamon y queso, y pre pizzas para hacer pizzas. Ademas, si bien somos pasteleras, mi padre salió con el coche a buscar una confiteria para ahorrarnos el trabajo en la cocina
While my mother was in charge of the balloons and the decorations, I ran to the bakery to get bread to make chicken sandwiches, croissants to fill with ham and cheese, and pre-made pizzas to make pizzas. Also, although we are pastry chefs, my father went out with the car to look for a sweet shop to save us the work in the kitchen.
Cuando Benjamin llegó, ya lo estabamos esperando con la decoracion lista. Ademas, llamamos a mi otra prima Pamela (que es su madrina) para que asista a la celebracion con su nenita Delfina. Ellos llegaron con muchos juguetes y regalos que tendriamos que haber abierto luego de soplar el pastel pero ellos no pudieron esperar, asi que mientras los adultos charlabamos y nos poniamos al dia ellos testeaban sus juguetes.
When Benjamin arrived, we were already waiting for him with the decoration ready. In addition, we called my other cousin Pamela (who is her godmother) to attend the celebration with her little girl Delfina. They came with lots of toys and gifts that we should have opened after blowing the cake but they couldn't wait, so while we adults chatted and caught up they tested their toys.
Entonces, luego de jugar, comer y escuchar musica, ya llegó el momento de armar la mesa dulce y cantarle al cumpleañero! mi madre colocó la mesa, acomodó los pasteles, apagamos las luces, encendimos las velas y cantamos todos juntos. Amo ver la cara de felicidad de los niños cuando se encienden las bengalas del pastel, es una mezcla entre felicidad y miedo jajajaj y al igual que todos llega un momento que ya no saben que cara poner porque el canto se está volviendo eterno y las ganas de comer pastel se incrementan.
So, after playing, eating and listening to music, it's time to set up the sweet table and sing to the birthday boy! my mother set the table, arranged the cakes, we turned off the lights, lit the candles and all sang together. I love seeing the happy faces of the children when the sparklers on the cake light up, it's a mix between happiness and fear hahahaha and just like everyone else there comes a time when they no longer know what face to put on because the song is becoming eternal and the desire of eating cake are increased.
Luego del canto y antes de que corten el pastel llegó el momento de la foto con el cumpleañero, donde primero nos tomamos fotos individuales y luego una foto grupal para recordar el momento
After the singing and before they cut the cake, it was time for the photo with the birthday boy, where we first took individual photos and then a group photo to remember the moment.
Dejenme decirles una cosa, si ya es dificil lograr una foto con un niño porque no se quedan quietos o hacen caras chistosas, imagenense con una bebé de 7 meses que no paraba de estirarle el pelo a su padre y nos hacia descostillarnos de risa a todos JAJA Fue realmente imposible tomarnos una foto donde todos salgamos nitidos, pero es una de las mejores fotos que tenemos en familia, no podiamos parar de reir realmente, asi que mas que foto nos va a quedar el recuerdo guardado en la memoria para siempre.
Let me tell you one thing, if it is already difficult to get a photo with a child because they do not stay still or make funny faces, imagine yourself with a 7-month-old baby who did not stop pulling her father's hair and made us all laugh. HAHA It was really impossible to take a photo where we all came out clearly, but it is one of the best photos we have as a family, we couldn't really stop laughing, so more than a photo we will have the memory stored in our memory forever.