in #hive-1538502 days ago

For real, I have read a lot of posts on this and I kept going back to the original topic to see if I’m the one not understanding it properly. The question before us is, whose fault is it when a child misbehaves and commits a major infraction to the society? Just looking at this question I think the answer is obvious, for crying out loud this individual is still a child which means he or she is still under his or her parents surveillance. Nothing a child does was learnt in a day.

Wait, before jumping to conclusions, let’s take a critical look at things from different end. Now as a parent, it is expected that you are the wiser one and the more experienced in things as compared to your child or children. While as a child, it is expected that you are inquisitive about literally everything around you. As a couple, God was so merciful to you and blessed you with a child and obviously that comes with a lot of responsibilities which he has seen that you can do a good job.

Due to the pains and stress some mothers and even fathers went through having their children, they get blinded at the children’s mistakes and completely ignore some of their responsibilities to their children because they feel the pain they went through is too much to discipline their children when they do something wrong. Well, I’m afraid to break it to you but your child’s waywardness is way more than that pain you had during pregnancy or those years when you waited for a child. The society has so filled us with a lot of lies that unknowingly to us those lies have even become our truth and the truth our lies.

Training up a child begins from the moment you know as a mother that you have conceived. The baby might not be completely formed yet but trust me they can still learn a thing or two even at that stage but then, the bulk load starts when they finally come into this world. A child always seems like he or she is not aware of what’s going on around him or her but trust me, they are watching very closely than you can even imagine.

As a parent, you can only bring up a response child when you are disciplined yourself and not by just disciplining the child alone, you should always accept it when you are wrong so your children will know it is important to accept being wrong. Nowadays, in our society, we’ve seen so many parents tell their children what to do but you see them do completely opposite of what they tell their children to do. Their favorite words will be, it is who want to go bad that will get bad. Personally I disagree with that statement from every angle, children are learners, they are not sure of anything yet but they always want to show off what they’ve learnt as they believe that is what makes them become mature (and this thought is obviously not true but doesn’t stop them from thinking that way).

They always want to try everything they see or hear, especially from their parents because they believe they know better and they trust them that they won’t make mistakes. Well, this only depends on the parents effort in the kind of relationship they have with their children. As a parent, if your child finds it hard to come to you to ask questions, trust me it means they are getting their answers somewhere because it is part of them to always ask questions. In fact as parent, once you notice your child doesn’t ever come to you to ask questions, just know there is a problem and you are not doing a good job.

A child only ends up becoming a nuisance to the society when parents don’t do their jobs properly. Especially those parents that are fond of making the rules yet breaking them and also parents who believe that some children can never be good. No child is born with an already made character or behavior, they start developing their characters based on what they are told and what they see and it is the duty of the parents to develop the characters they know is best for their child because once they are older, there is little or nothing you can do.

So with this and many more that I didn’t mention, I’d love to say that parents are fully responsible for their child if he or she becomes a threat to the society (with very few exceptions) because as a parent especially the mother, you are supposed to be so close to your children to know when they are doing something wrong and correct them immediately, not in a way that tells them that you don’t make mistakes but in love. When a child always feels like they are wrong, they just grow up with the mind of doing anything they want because after all they always make mistakes.

As a child, I always try to avoid blaming my parents for my actions but that doesn’t mean they are not the reason I am who I am. I know a thousand and one things that would have been different if my parents didn’t make some decisions. I’m lucky to still be responsible to an extent but I know that some children would have ended differently if they were in similar situation as my siblings and I were. This is why there is a popular saying that, charity begins at home, whether or not the home is the major cause of a child’s behavior, it is the home that will be blamed because that is a child’s primary learning ground.

Thank you for reading to this point, feel free to say your mind, I always love reading about these topics and learn more about what everyone thinks and also debate, hehe.

Thumbnail was designed and gotten from Canva while the other Images used are mine


Like I said in my write up too, the parent have the biggest role to play in the upbringing of their child. Although, not all the time a parent can be blamed for a child misconduct, every child are born unique which means that, the parent has a lot to do in molding that child behaviour from the scatch, but there are some child that they always forget home trainig.
Never the less, the environment place a big roll too in molding a child character. But everything start from the HOME

You’re right, some children tend to forget home training but most of the time it is due to lack of home training or negligence from parents that a child tend to forget what he or she has been taught.

My own is, the more parents have the mind that their children are to be blamed sometimes, the more they develop more defensive mechanisms to prove that they did all they can but that child was just born to be stubborn. It shouldn’t be so.

Like, I have been around children and see how parents tend to bring up their kids, I have seen so many mistakes they make but they still say they’ve done all they could. They basically forget about the little things and focus on the big things meanwhile it is those small things that the child learnt that will determine whether or not they will stick to what they’ve learned while growing up.

Small things matter a lot.
There was this small girl her mom always drop in our house. Anytime she’s given food to eat, she will eat little and go and play, the come back to it and does it repeatedly. If you force her to eat, she will cry until the day she was dropped with me and I was the only one at home.
“Eat that food, finish it and seat down for 20min” was what I said to her. Small girl o, like 6years started crying. Omo.
When I tire eyes for her, she comport. But was still crying
We did the same thing for like 5days

Now, anytime they give her food and I’m there, she dare not stand up until she finishes her food.

And her mom will be saying, she’s just a child she’s not hungry that’s why 😒😒😒

Pikin wey una suppose beat well well

Guy!!! Do you get? Like to the parent that doesn’t matter but she doesn’t know what it will lead that child to become in the future.

Not all parents appreciate people correcting their children and that’s another mistake but they later want to blame the society, meanwhile you never wanted the society to help.

Well spoken

Thank you big Fash, it’s a pleasure having you stop by ❤️

Always happy to have a conversation with you fr superstar

The feeling is mutual 🤗

Hello there, PA. My device was really low when I started reading this post. I read this post (after your call), but I didn't want to drop my comment yet. So, I charged my device a bit and gave this post a second read. Simply put, I have read this post two twice.

Hope, you and I agree that parenting isn't easy. This is why it is important to have everything in place before becoming a parent. If you don’t want your child to suffer, you have to put the right resources in place.

As soon as a child steps into the world, they become the responsibility of their parents. It is the duty of the parents to shower their kids with love, care and support. That’s the right thing, right?

Yes, Hope. I agree with you that mothers and fathers tend to train their children with soft hands. Parents have soft a spot their kids. A mother who carried her child for 9 good months, suffering and struggling would definitely have a soft spot for that child. Naturally, mothers have soft spots for kids.

A child only ends up becoming a nuisance to the society when parents don’t do their jobs properly

No, Hope. I don’t agree with you. One bit. You other points are valid, but this one? Nah! A child “ONLY” ends up becoming a nuisance to the society when the parents don’t do their jobs properly? No, Hope. No! Here’s what I think; your perspective is altered and diluted because you have probably not seen or heard enough! I agree with you that children become a nuisance when parents don’t do their jobs properly.

However, this doesn't happen all the time. Not in all cases. According to you, 100% of the time children go astray, it is the parent's fault. No! I tell you, Hope. Some children’s stubbornness is inbuilt. Yes! You just need prayers.

I have heard and had first-hand stories and experiences. Okay. How about we use this as a case study: ABC is a child who has always been stubborn since he was a kid. Despite his parent's teachings and beatings, he never listened. They spent hours preaching and trying to correct him, but he never listened and ended up becoming a nuisance. Whose fault is it?

I know you might argue that the parents gave up on him, but you should know this; it gets to a stage when a children grows out of the shed of their parents. Parents will not always be capable of correcting (beating and trying to change) their kids. When they get to a certain age- 20, maybe? They are already on their own.

Okay, I will just focus on the example you gave. Children are very sensitive to the things around them and when they refuse to accept corrections, look inwardly. Do the parents accept corrections when they are corrected? Or do they even accept they are wrong or they are the type that believes they are always right.

Fave, I have trained children not child. I made an exception in my write up because of course I’ve not seen it all but I tell you this, a child inbuilt stubbornness can be traced to someone in that family and as parents, when we realize this, there are so many ways they can help that child but they never saw it as necessary and now things has gone out of hand.

Beating a child always and you still see the child doing the same thing only means that beating is not the remedy that child needs. That child needs a friend, someone they can trust and as a parent that is your duty.

Parenting is no child’s play, you keep learning on the job but if as a parent you are not learning, you will think some problems don’t have solutions but trust me, as long as their is a problem there is a solution, you either have to find it or create it.

Yes, prayer is vital and that is also parents responsibility. They have a role to their children, spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. All of these must be intact because if you miss one, you might miss another and another and another.

And as for the part of parents having a soft spot for their children, well, it is mostly like that first some but that is still on you as a parent. If you end up using that to the detriment of the child then you are to blame because I know of some parents that despite their ordeal, they still made sure the child is given proper training.

Hope, I’m glad you agree that you have not seen it all. It is nice that you have trained so many kids. Although you are not a parent yet, you are experienced in that field. Nice, Hope. Really nice.

Beating a child always and you still see the child doing the same thing only means that beating is not the remedy that child needs. That child needs a friend, someone they can trust and as a parent that is your duty.

I tell you that some parents put in everything to change their kids. I understand that beating them is not the only method, but they try other methods too. They spend time trying to correct their kids, but it is another level when they turn teenagers.

These are valid points, Hope. You are really experienced in this field. But my point is that there are exceptions. Most times, it is the parent’s fault. However, in some cases, it is the child’s fault.

Hope, I grew up with soft parents. Although some of the teachings came with belts, brooms, and slippers, my parents were generally soft. Still, I didn’t turn out to be wayward.

The fact that I’m not a parent is the part I’d like to hold on to and rest on this. I believe we all know what is right to do and if we fail to do it, we will be the one to bear the consequences. Whether it is our parents that didn’t do their jobs or not but God is definitely going to hold them accountable for their children in the end, whether we agree or not.

Nobody starts something in a day not even children, it is as a result of constant thoughts or something they see almost every time. When we don’t notice that early we tend to correct them late and that might no longer have any effect because they are already forming their own beliefs.

God is definitely going to hold them accountable for their children in the end, whether we agree or not.

Even when they gave it their best?

God is not human, his thoughts are different from ours. Well, he sees everything so he is the only one that can really say whether or not a parent did their best or not.

I’m glad to know you read my post twice. And yes, I was wrong to say that’s the only reason a child will go astray, I forgot village people for a while but I believe parents can still make that go away by putting it in God’s hands 😌. But not everyone knows and accept God so yeah, that was a bit extreme.

Lol. Village people too and some other factors.

Okay darling, I agree with you


Yes, do you have a problem with that? 😑

No, ma'am.

Good 😉

If I do anything right now my parents are not to be blamed because they did their best, it is my choice to go off track.

Yes, you are no longer a child, hehe
But the truth is there are some things they would have done differently to help you make better choices even now that you are old enough to make the decisions yourself.

I am a little bit afraid because I saw the comment section is quite larger than the post🤣. I think I paid more attention to the comments to understand their thought. So, I am not adding any extra thoughts here as most of my points have already been stated my someone else.

This made me burst into laughter for real 😂😂😂.

It’s good to have you stop by 🥰

Charity truly Begins at home
The way we bring up our children always have a way of affecting there tomorrow if not carefully managed. As you said , it's a primary learning ground. Thanks for sharing out

Thank you more for stopping by Ebass 🥰