in #hive-1244522 years ago

It's been one year and some months we were separated, the distance between us is something that I never thought would happen, at least not yet. She was a friend and a sister, always looking out for me even when I was not looking out for her. She was so persistent and determined, never taking no as an answer, she loves trying even when she knows she might not make it, she was a fighter.

Let's talk about a resilient woman, it can be your friend, family member, co-worker, etc. What is her life challenge and what did she do to overcome the trial she faced?


I first got to meet her when we both moved to the same classroom back then in school, she was so dark in complexion and that was the first thing that caught my attention, she was also an extrovert, always talking to everyone she came across with and I just love that about her. We became friends because we sat at the same place in class and as time went by, we became very close and that was how we became friends more like sisters.


Image source

She was the second child of her parents but unfortunately for her, her dad passed away when she was still very young, so she had to stay with just her mother and her three siblings and it happened that they were all girls and this made the family of her father disregard them. In her father's culture, they were regarded as liabilities and this became a challenge for them because they had little to take care of themselves, they had to depend on their mother who was a government primary school teacher. The expenses was very high for only the mother to handle and most times they run into debt and this made my friend very determined to make something useful out of herself so she can help her mother and sisters.

After school then she went to train so she could be a makeup artist and also a designer and decorator. After 6 months of training, she graduated as one of the best artists for that batch of trainees. She started making money and assisting her family, everything was going well for them until one day when she fell ill. At first we all thought it was just normal, she was treated for some time but it seems to be getting worse, it's already 1 year and she was still sick and every time they went to the hospital, they discovered another disease.

Just last year, we lost her to the cold hands of death and that was how we got separated till tomorrow 😭😭, she left a gap in our hearts that is very hard to forget about her. I never for once thought we will be apart from each other at such an early age. She taught me so many things even on her sick bed, it was just so hard to shed a tears when she was around, she will never let you do that.


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She died at the age of 21, she was a really young lady but she played the role of a supportive bread winner at such a young age and she did that with a positive attitude, you will never know what she is going through when you see her because she was always putting on a smiling face. She did all she could to make her sisters and her mother happy and even her friends. She was a very responsible, caring and a supportive lady, as long as you need her help for something she always try to help even though she can't shoulder all of them.

Despite the challenges she and her family faced with their extended family, she was able to prove them wrong and she showed them that women are also assets and not just liabilities. She did all this by showing it to them practically by learning a skill and doing very well at it and this helped her and her family to be financially stable.

This is my entry for the LOH contest week #101 and the questions were asked by @tibaire and I will love to invite @merit.ahama and @jachy to join in the contest.


Ha pasado un año y algunos meses que estuvimos separados, la distancia entre nosotros es algo que nunca pensé que sucedería, al menos no todavía. Era una amiga y una hermana, siempre cuidándome, incluso cuando yo no la estaba cuidando a ella. Era tan persistente y determinada, nunca aceptaba un no como respuesta, le encanta intentarlo incluso cuando sabe que no lo logrará, era una luchadora.

Hablemos de una mujer resiliente, puede ser tu amiga, familiar, compañera de trabajo, etc. ¿Cuál es su reto de vida y qué hizo para superar la prueba que enfrentó?


La conocí por primera vez cuando ambos nos mudamos al mismo salón de clases en ese entonces en la escuela, ella era de tez muy oscura y eso fue lo primero que me llamó la atención, también era extrovertida, siempre hablaba con todos los que se cruzaba con y me encanta eso de ella. Nos hicimos amigas porque nos sentábamos en el mismo lugar en clase y con el pasar del tiempo nos hicimos muy amigas y así nos hicimos amigas más como hermanas.


Fuente de la imagen

Ella era la segunda hija de sus padres pero desafortunadamente para ella, su papá falleció cuando ella aún era muy pequeña, por lo que tuvo que quedarse solo con su madre y sus tres hermanos y sucedió que todos eran niñas y esto hizo que la familia de su padre los desprecia. En la cultura de su padre, eran considerados como pasivos y esto se convirtió en un desafío para ellos porque tenían poco de qué cuidarse, tenían que depender de su madre, que era maestra de escuela primaria del gobierno. Los gastos eran muy altos para que solo los manejara la madre y la mayoría de las veces se endeudan y esto hizo que mi amiga estuviera muy decidida a hacer algo útil de sí misma para poder ayudar a su madre y hermanas.

Después de la escuela, se fue a entrenar para poder ser maquilladora y también diseñadora y decoradora. Después de 6 meses de entrenamiento, se graduó como una de las mejores artistas de ese lote de aprendices. Empezó a ganar dinero y ayudar a su familia, todo les iba bien hasta que un día enfermó. Al principio todos pensamos que era normal, estuvo en tratamiento por un tiempo pero parece estar empeorando, ya tiene 1 año y seguía enferma y cada vez que iban al hospital le descubrían otra enfermedad.

Apenas el año pasado, la perdimos por las frías manos de la muerte y así fue como nos separamos hasta mañana 😭😭, dejó un vacío en nuestros corazones que es muy difícil olvidarla. Nunca pensé por una vez que estaríamos separados el uno del otro a una edad tan temprana. Ella me enseñó tantas cosas incluso en su cama de enfermo, era tan difícil derramar lágrimas cuando ella estaba cerca, nunca te dejaría hacer eso.


impulsado por tenor

Murió a la edad de 21 años, era una señorita muy joven pero hizo el papel de sostén de la familia solidaria a una edad tan joven y lo hizo con una actitud positiva, nunca sabrás por lo que está pasando cuando veas ella porque siempre estaba poniendo una cara sonriente. Hizo todo lo que pudo para hacer felices a sus hermanas y a su madre e incluso a sus amigos. Era una mujer muy responsable, cariñosa y comprensiva, siempre que necesitas su ayuda para algo, ella siempre trata de ayudar aunque no pueda asumirlos a todos.

A pesar de los desafíos que ella y su familia enfrentaron con su familia extendida, pudo demostrar que estaban equivocados y les mostró que las mujeres también son activos y no solo pasivos. Hizo todo esto mostrándoselo prácticamente aprendiendo una habilidad y haciéndolo muy bien, y esto ayudó a que ella y su familia tuvieran estabilidad financiera.

Esta es mi entrada para la semana #101 del concurso LOH y las preguntas fueron hechas por @tibaire y me encantaría invitar a @merit.ahama y @jachy a unirse al concurso.


I've been here before
But dreemport have pursue me and come back 🤧

Thank you so much for stopping by once again, I'm happier now 🥰.

I'm glad you are happier now

Smiles 🥰.

May her soul rest in peace.

She was a warrior, a strong and resilient lady. Within her short life on earth, she was able to make huge impact on people's life. She will indeed be missed by many, most especially her siblings. May God grant them helpers to assist them in the hurdles of life....

So sorry dear, I know you still feel her loss.

Thank you so much for your comment, I'm feeling really relieved reading this.

I say Amen to your prayers, thank you ❤️.

I'm glad you feel relieved
I'm happy that you feel relieved also 🥰
much !LUV babe 🥰


You're just so amazing sha 🥺, thank you for the luv and others 😊❤️.

My voting mana finished
I thought today will count as a new day...

It's fine sha

Thank you so much for the support, I really appreciate it dear.

Have a great night rest dearie 🥰.


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Se fue a una edad muy temprana, pero les dejó algo muy importante, el coraje y la determinación para seguir adelante.

Tienes toda la razón, él (el padre) al irse les hizo descubrir lo que pueden ofrecer al mundo y mi amiga, ella pudo usarlo en su propio beneficio.

Muchas gracias por pasarte y dejar tu comentario, te lo agradezco.


It's my pleasure ❤️.

And she was only 21. Yet put upon her shoulders a lot of responsibilities.

Thanks for sharing @hopestylist

Yes, she was just 21 😢.

You are welcome @kerrislravenhill ❤️.

That is such a shame partner, life does have strange twists to it. She sounds like she was a wonderful young lady and a beautiful friend to you...

Yes partner, she was like a sister to me 😢, we never thought of us losing her this early but....

Thank you for stopping by partner ❤️.

Am hugging you tight partner, yes a shame and I am glad I did pop by💙

Thank you for the hug partner, I feel a lot better and I'm more than happy you stopped by.

Well I love hugging you partner, so am glad it helps.

Yes, it did partner ❤️.

Very glad to hear it :)

Smiles ☺️

Demostró ser una mujer capaz de valerse por si misma y cuidar a su familia, lamento mucho que haya enfermado y se haya ido.


Sí, tienes razón, demostró que lo era, pero es triste que se haya ido tan pronto.

Muchas gracias por pasarte por @irenenavarroart ❤️.

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Hmmmm what a life.... may God console the family. Grate lost.
Nice entry

Amen to your prayers. Thank you for stopping by 😊.

Such a great loss! I can’t imagine the pain her death caused her family. And she had so much ahead of her. May her soul rest in peace.

Amen, thank you for your comment dear, I really appreciate it.

You’re welcome.

Smiles 🤗.

It's sad to know that there are places where women are still severely discriminated against like that

You are absolutely right, it is just so sad that she couldn't enjoy a little longer.

Thank you for stopping by 💙.

You are welcome. Although I should be thanking you. It was a good read. Reminds one to enjoy what they have while they can, cause you don't know when you will lose it

Okay, I will take that too, You have spoken well. I'm really happy you stopped by.

How sad her family and friends would be feeling, to lose such a resilient loved one at such a young age. I feel this pain.

It's really painful but I'm happy we are all moving forward with
Our lives now 😢.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment 💙.

Too bad a good friend like her pass away and I know how hurt you will have be🥲

It really hurts but I'm happy we are moving on.

Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your comment, I truly appreciate it.

I am so sorry for losing your friend, darling. May her soul rest in peace.

Amen ❤️. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your comment dear 🥰.

Damn!!! This is really emotional and it got me all teary.
Hope you doing well?
Cause I know this took a lot of guts to write.

Yes Jachy it too a lot of guts, I was just holding myself but at some point I couldn't but I'm happy I could finish writing it though.

Thank you so much for stopping by dear, I really hope to read your entry soon.

Thank you for sharing this story of a strong woman who inspired you with her resilience! Although it makes me sad to think of you losing a friend that was so young, I can see that she lives on in your heart in a way that no distance can stop ❤️

Smiles, your words are just so amazing @grindan, I feel really blessed having you here.

Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your comment 💙.

Just last year, we lost her to the cold hands of death and that was how we got separated till tomorrow 😭😭,

Oh mine goodness so touching, may her soul rest in peace

Amen 🥺.

Thank you for stopping by @officialrosh1 🙏❤️.

How sad to lose one so young. I am sorry for your loss. It's obvious she touched you and I imagine, many others in her short life. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you Ma'am, I'm so thankful for your words, I'm blessed.

I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️.



When would family wake and realise that girls are children as much as boys. When would they realise that being successful is not gender restricted. My heart bleeds for her and her family, losing her at such a young age so full of life must be hard on you and her family. She is indeed a resilient lady

It's really sad that we are still struggling with such situations in our world today, I really hope things get better.

Thank you for your comment, I'm really grateful 💙.

This is so heartbreaking, the world is full of unanswered questions her and there, but it is well.

She was a good example and I believe more ladies should rise to the position of taking due responsibility.

You're are absolutely right, she was a friend and a role model. I just hope we see more ladies representing us well.

Smiles, I'm smiling because I'm seeing you here again ☺️.

Hmmm!! This really stroke a cord in my heart. I was just praying that it should be a fictional story because I can't bear the heat that was already popping In my heart. Women are not liabilities but great assets, the closest examples to us is our mothers at home. Without them the world would not stand. Every lady is a potential mother that alone is an asset. I have seen women feed families, build houses, sponsor education. anyone that calls a woman liability is an illiterate. The saying what a man can do a woman,can do better is what I want to wrap up with. Thank you for sharing this with us dear ♥️🥰

It's a true story and it really just hurts to see that I was related to it directly. You have said it all, women have a vital role to play in our society today but the shortsighted people fail to see that.

Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such beautiful comment, I'm really grateful ❤️.

Hmmmm!! So sorry about that lady. It is well ko. You are always welcome 🥰

God knows best.

Yeah that is true. It is well🥰♥️

Yes dear 😊.