Source: Building image from pixabay and background cover edited in Canva
Growing up in a family of four, Elvis was too slow to learn most of the basic things that his twin brother Evens could do. This includes taking his first baby step, mumbling mom and dad, and mastering Potty training. Elvis' first word was "YavaKip" and his parents were so confused by this. They only learnt later when he started to pronounce it better that he meant "Javascript". Sadly that is all the dumb twin knew while Evans was learning all the words even able to write both their names by the age of four.
The twins childhood
Evans remained the favourite son to his dad because he was growing smarter and Elvis was on the other end of the spectrum. At the age of 12, one of the twins throw a ball at the neighbour's car and broke the windscreen. When the neighbour came to report the boys to their parents, both twins were wearing the same t-shirt. The neighbour shared the clip from their Camera to their parents, but it was not easy to tell them apart from the coarse resolution. It remains a mystery who really did it. Evans proved that he was in his room reading. Luckily for him, he always keep his books open on his desk
Evans came from upstairs when their mom called them to the living room to join her and the neighbour. But Elvis used the backdoor which made it obvious that he was not in his room. Evens accused Elvis who could not defend himself when asked where was he at that time. Elvis did not want to expose himself that he was in the garage busy with the old PC. Elvis understands programming language but failed in grasping all subject at school. It was later discovered that he was dyslexic but could understand computer codes. His father has warned him many times to stop wasting his time on the PC and to focus on his grades.
A trip to the museum
Source: Building image from pixabay
One of the news headlines trending during the summer holiday was a re-opening of a treasure museum which had very pulchritudinous art. People from all over the world used to travel to this city just to come and witness the art. The building used to be a storage hub for royal families treasures which got stolen. But the two suspects died in police custody and never got to confess where they have hidden all the treasures.
Elvis' family planned their visit too and when they finally arrived at the museum, Elvis got triggered by the design that was at the center of the building. When he unknown stepped in the middle tile, he could get a clear view of the art. He realised that the designer used codes from an old programming language to capture the building's history. But nobody really ever noticed or understood the message.
What made it even harder to figure out is that the programing language was written by someone who was also dyslexic meaning, not all programmers can even figure it out written in a dyslexic nature. Elvis took as many pictures as he could and when he got home, he ran the code using a mirror reflection to account for the dyslexic reverse writing so he could use the code in a way his computer could understand.
The message on the code
The code generated a message that was inverted and Evans used the curved surface of the spoon's bowl to read the generated message. When Elvis finally managed to read the message -it was a record of the building's history that include a summary of the treasure theft story. There was a part that says the two thieves that stole the treasure had engraved the location on two pendants that were never surrendered to the police.
Judging from the message, one had to find both pieces to access the location and treasure. When he continues to run the code for the image - he realised the image of the pendant matches the one his dad kept in their basement for many years. The pendant has been passed on from his great-grandpa and nobody had any idea of its link to the museum theft.
Elvis had many thoughts running in his mind: - "Could his great-grandpa be one of the two thieves? If so the other pendant should be somewhere with a family of a second thief. He then realised he needed both pieces to figure out the location of the treasures. Elvis was shocked by his discovery and he kept it a secret for the time being, but he made it his mission to find the other half to access the treasures.
To be continued...
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