Hiding in the bathroom, locked up in your room, swiping or scrolling and zooming nude pictures and watching sexual videos created by professional actors, satisfying it seems, destroys one's life.
Pornography - short for porn is taking the youth away from decency. This digital drug is addictive, ever drawing the viewer to watch more of it to achieve sexual desires. It is not a good practice.
But what actually drives one to these practices? One of the most influential factors that leads to pornographic viewing is movies. Many movies rated PG 18 and more have adult viewing content. An innocent young mind when exposed to this content for the first time triggers the basal ganglia (reward center) and chemical substances such as dopamine are released into the blood stream. In a normal healthy individual, the brain would produce rewards for seeing sexually attractive people because it prepares the individual to have sex. However, in a porn addict, the imagery or videos will produce the same effect even though this individual is not about to have sex with his porn subject. Other centers of the brain linked with variety i.e. prefrontal cortex decide when or whether to use pornography and which type to to use. The hippocampus keeps a record of the porn one views. So, in short, when one watches porn or becomes an addict to it, he derives pleasure from it, and the brain stores it. That is what develps the addiction.
Growing up in my teens, I had an encounter of watching a PG 18 movie. I was just 14 years old. Seeing this video, I didn't feel at ease. I immediately pressed the power off button 🔴 on my remote. I didn't feel comfortable continuing to watch that movie. It was unpleasant to my eyes. As a devout believer in God, I had a feeling that what I was watching was not right. My parents would not proud of their son viewing nudity. I repented to God, and didn't do it again.
Relationships problems also contribute to porn consumption. Although sex before marriage is something many couples don't discuss, however nowadays, young couples are sexually active. So when there is a breakup, they mostly resort to porn to satisfy those desires through masturbation.
Many as well watch porn to relieve stress.
This addiction has long term effects on future relationships, self esteem and sexual gratification.
So, yeah, I am totally against Porn. It's indecent and destroys one's character.
I hope my dear audience find this interesting. Let's talk about it in the comment section.
Xiao 🥂