
Thank you so much @ifarmgirl. Means a lot. I thought your profile is about DeFi farming. LMAO. It's far more beautiful and interesting than boring defi 😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are welcome :) And I do farm in DeFi, best of both worlds😁 and don't say DeFi is boring 'coz its giving us yields, lol!

Hahaha, it's fun to see that pot growing on auto! I get bored because you don't really have to do anything. 😂

Also, if you grow your own food, you grow your own money. You are farming money IRL and digitally as well. :') So cool.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's the beauty of DeFi, you just set and leave them do their thing and you do others that would entertain you, lol!

You are right too, about growing our own food. It can be fun and satisfying.