So Much For Our First Market Visit

in #hive-106316last month

We headed to the town center on Sunday to check out the local market for veggies and other things for the pantry. While we had been passing by the place on several road trips in the past years, we did not really explore it so we thought that after our visit, we would be taking our groceries and kitchen needs in the area.

I must admit that within the initial month of our stay in this town, all our supplies had been purchased from shops and marts near the Lil Kingdom. It's amusing but it took some time before it finally sunk in that DD is where home is. Hence, the trip to the market for the first time.

Anyhow, our furry companion was just as excited as we were he had his head half-body out of the car's window like he was sightseeing.

The drive took us around 45 minutes and to our dismay, there wasn't any parking space, we spent some 20 minutes or so looking for one. From that experience alone, I already knew there wouldn't be a next visit unless it was absolutely necessary.

We found a spot about 600-700 yards away and started walking to the market. The cool artwork in the first image was captured on the wall of an establishment across the sidewalk we were on. That's some good consolation at least, lol!

Not even halfway through, we noticed a couple of big doggos freely roaming the street. In our previous place, dog owners who allowed their pets to go astray in public areas would be fined so it was rare to see unaccompanied dogs. But here, they are in almost every block. This town seemed lenient in that regard.

Well, even Yongi was not pleased. He suddenly became restless. Growling. Howling. Scratching. He's tiny but rather defensive and keen on chasing after the big guys. I got a little stressed trying to calm him down and nearly took a trike back to where we parked.🤣

We went on and agreed to have some light snacks when we noticed a nice food house. Here are some nice graphics seen on its wall fencing as we took a peek by its gate.

While the place was open, an amiable woman met us by the door and apologetically informed us they were not serving any food for the day. Ouch!

So we left and continued our walk, surviving the scary situation by covering Yongi's eyes with my hands, and going through a maze of vehicles parked along the street whenever we saw a dog coming our way. It felt like we were fugitives or something, lol!

On arriving at the market, there were dogs too. Ayayay! There was no way I could go through the stalls with them following us around and upsetting my little guy. Luckily, we found a corner in the veggie section where we hid just so my pup wouldn't see any of them (haha) while the hubby went on to purchase what we needed.

(Another art on the wall from where the first photo on this post was taken).

We spent about 20 minutes there and not a single picture was taken of the public market which was one of my objectives with the visit, haha!

We rode a trike back to the car when the hubby was done. We didn't wish to go through another fugitive kind of walk to avoid the big dogs on the way. Yongi can still smell them and he goes berserk.

And oh, goodbye Halo-Halo. The day was bright and hot so a cup of it would have been refreshing but we no longer want to go through another walk looking for one. Maybe next time?😂

A cup enjoyed in LTB not so long ago.

We stopped by for lunch in Umami, a restaurant along the highway. We have to keep Yongi inside the car. Why so? You may have guessed, there were dogs too!

And just when I thought there was no more to laugh about, I was reminded of losing the pack of sweet sesame balls the hubby bought for me to snack on while waiting. Such an experience huh! I was so focused on making my doggo happy I didn't even realize where the food went when it was in my hand a moment earlier. Yep, it was the subject of teasing on our way home. So much for our first market trip, haha!

All pictures are my own. 18082024/23:20 utc

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Most public market really doesnt have parking spaces :( so what we do when going to public market is designate a driver so we can stop over to anywhere we want.

That's true though. Maybe because we were used to having parking space in our previous place whenever we went to the market/grocery shopping.


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Why didn’t you want Yongi to see other dogs?
He may get carried away and want to follow them?🤔

Haha, no. He gets upset and keeps barking at them. He's not really friendly with other dogs.


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the mural is very beautiful especially the first one.

Indeed. I like them too :)

Happy new week 😉

Too bad for Yongi, he didn't get to explore the hall market because he couldn't keep calm😂

The arts are really amazing

Haha, yeah. He was so upset I had to hide with him, lol!

Yeah, I was impressed on seeing them. The artists are good at what they do.

Nice trip and fun

It was nice and fun until we arrived at the market, !LOL 😂

What type of fruit is not allowed to get married?

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Awe Yongi is a brave little doggie! Reminds me of our little Snowy who wasn't scared at all and behaved the same when he saw big dogs.
As for the market day photo shoot, better luck next time, hubby may have to take on that role😉 I love seeing markets from various parts of the world!
Have a great week @ifarmgirl 🌻

Little dogs are feisty haha. It's funny when they howl and the big ones run away 😅 And yes, hubby did a wonderful job with the veggies. He's actually better than me when it comes to buying fresh ones, lol!

Thank you, Lizelle and happy new week too :)

So scary to see those dogs roaming around, but maybe they are friendly also. Who knows? Hahaha😁. Still your little guy is not happy to see them😐

Haha yes. Some even followed us sniffing our behind😂 Maybe they don't bite that's why the owners just let them roam freely.

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Hmmm... Anyongi is checking out those beautiful murals on the street, that's so cool.
Welcome to 'Home', it's going to take some time but you will adapt soon enough.. 😁

Yes, Edith. I thought we would adapt quickly but it's taking us longer, haha. But yes, we will get there. Thank you :)


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Wow sounds like a Doggo zoo. But the dogs are something you or the little one don't want to see. All this and no market pictures and not even a delicious colorful Halo-Halo to be had. Oh my say it ain't so, I wonder if the restrooms were doggo free 😂 Leave the market to enjoy lunch and no, more doggos. I'll admit I've thought I lost things before that ended up on my person, haha.

Haha yes. For some reason, the dogs seemed to be the day's attraction, lol! Didn't even check the restrooms. At least the church ground was dog-free because its gates were closed 😁

Very interesting artworks in a very interesting city, just like cartoon characters.

Hehe, yes. It's fascinating to see them in this small town.


No parking space? This must be a very big and busy city. It could be very frustrating hunting for a parking space in an urban area.

It's a small town and business establishments and residences filled up the center where the market was. Vehicles also occupy one lane of the road which made it like a one-way street.