It has been a long time since we started Hashkings, and it's time to reconsider the way our ecosystem is priced and how tokens like FT and EXP work within the game. We propose a significant change that will shift everything within HK to BUDS.
Welcome to the first proposal of the HK governance
We will leave a comment below that you can upvote/downvote (just with 1% is enough) and we will read you BUDSX balance, and that's your voting weight. This post can be modified taking in consideration the discussion between players. As the UI is not complete yet, everything on this will be done here, in this post.
After 2 weeks the votes will be counted and see if the change will go live or no.
The primary objective of this proposal is to restructure the monetary economy of the game and make BUDS the sole currency for all purchases within HK. Instead of using USD for the pricing.
we would price everything in BUDS and only accept BUDS as the payment method.
The idea behind this change is to establish BUDS as a consolidated currency, allowing us to reintroduce other tokens in a more efficient manner than what we currently have.
in a near future we can reintroduce other tokens from our beloved partners like pizza in a different way.
Prices would be reevaluated in the following situations:
- once a month
- after a significant movement in the price,
whichever comes first.
These prices have been set considering a possible upwards movement in the price of BUDS. Consider the circulating and staked supply of BUDS.
However we will be adjusting them once a month like any other agent in the economy.
Here are the updated prices in BUDS for various items within HK:
2 BUDS = 1 XP
Each water tower upgrade costs 20,000 BUDS
Each factory costs 20,000 BUDS
Each upgrade costs 40,000 BUDS
Common - 500 BUDS
Rare - 1000 BUDS
Epic - 2500 BUDS
Legendary - 5000 BUDS
Mythical - 15,000 BUDS
Each avatar pack would cost 10,000 BUDS
And here are the quantity-based bonus for avatar packs purhcases in bulks:
If you purchase:
10 to 50 packs - 5% extra packs
51 to 100 packs - 10% extra packs
101 to 250 packs - 20% extra packs
251 packs and above - 30% extra packs
EXP and FT Changes
It's important to note that this change will not affect the FW expansion. Plagues and the arcade will continue to use KAT as the play method. However,
this will alter the functionality of EXP tokens and FT tokens.
You would be able to deposit EXP tokens and FT into your account.
These tokens will offer a 50% discount on the price of items. You can still obtain them through layered rewards, and the mechanisms will remain the same.
This way every forge or EXP purchase will always involve BUDS.
For example, if forging an avatar normally costs 500 BUDS, using an FT coupon will give you a discounted price of 250 BUDS.
We believe that these changes will streamline the economy within Hashkings and provide a more unified experience for our players and a stronger economy.