Looking for a greener pasture.

in #hive-10928825 days ago

Yeah, the old saying goes...., "The grass is always greener, on the other side of the fence" what does this mean to you?.

For me, there are two sides to this saying.
( Pros and cons).

In life, some are going, some are coming.

Everyone's destiny, trait, understanding, lifestyle and wisdom are never the same. What works for one, may never work for others. Study yourself, your personality, your temperament and really know what it is that you can do and do it very well therefore, concentrate on that. In life, everybody has one or more secret pains they might not have told others. Believing you must or want to be exactly like someone else, may not absolutely turn out as you think.

Be contented with who you are, where you are from, and what you have. Be careful and avoid greediness. Avoid unnecessary comparisim, competition with others and what they have or their placements in life. "Only they that wear the shoes know where it's pitching them". "All that glitters are not gold".!!!

This doesn't mean aiming for greater heights or planning to change from where you are to somewhere else is wrong... Noooo, that's not what I'm saying, rather get to know the necessary rudimentary demands suitable for your desires before you leap.

A popular saying goes, "Look before you leap'.

I have been living my life as it comes. Dealing wisely with every day pace by pace at my capacity, not over struggling. I know also it's quite obvious i can try my hands on other activities that i have seen or know that are both lucrative and progressive, it's important to check other things get convinced first that I'm able to do those before abandoning the things at my disposal right now.

I mean, i always weigh the pros and cons of other side, before getting into them or into it. I do not just join every other things just at the first instance. I'm a careful and conscious person, i reason things somehow. Doing lots of calculations before taking actions.

These lifestyle of mine has helped me in so many ways and so many times to avoid failures that were guessing at my face looking like a better way out but at the long run, they were not.

Just some time this year, a friend introduced me to one online fast money making business. She was already serious into it making so much money from it on daily bases asking me to come join. I looked at it and the huge returns she had been getting, i was tempted to just follow her. But on a second thought, i asked someone i respect about online stuffs he replied, "do not join, it's background is not solid, it can collapse anytime, i have studied it, he said.."

But my friend kept luring and pressure rising me to follow her to do the business. I was perplexed , but seeing she was making much money, i reluctantly joined her and invested just a little fund with double intentions. Waiting to see how it turns out, though i made some returns immediately, but within two month's time, the company announced they were celebrating their 150 years anniversary that people should upgrade to many other ranks.

Many people were doing that, some even borrowed money to upgrade waiting and expecting to get huge amount in return only to wake up one morning and saw that the company has collapsed. They have folded up, even their office in Abuja has been shut down and all their office equipments had been evaquated without the knowledge of anyone. How they did that nobody knows till today.

It became a serious disaster and set back to so many followers of that company. Left for me by the way i think and see things, i wouldn't have joined but my friend was on it calling me, showing me her returns of the investment all the time. It looked yummy and rewarding. But it was an organization built on foundation of deep and great lies just to swindle people of their hard earned money. Some even borrowed the money to quickly make some returns and return the money. They're now into unplanned debt.

I'm happy i never invested much, i only gave it a try and it was not worth the noise she was making about the company.

In reflection, i can say that many Nigerians have succeeded finding "greener grasses in the other side of the fence". So there are quality and good side of such decisions.

So many Nigerians have really found"greener grasses on the other side of the fence " their stories, status, lifestyle and levels have changed for the best.

But there are also some that had made a total shiprack on such major moves in their lives and are still regretting till now.

To me, everywhere is green depending on the level of one's insight and the physical sight, we know that both our spiritual and physical slights work together for any individual to achieve success in their endeavors. Good life itself is available if the necessary requirements are properly put in place.

Trying to know who you are and what works for you. Not everyone gets luck at the Lucky deep... Start from knowing what destiny says about you, ask yourself some deeper questions; is it the right time to drop what i have been doing to go get a new job or to travel out of my location or out of my country as many are doing today in my country, Nigeria.
(The Jakpa syndrome) as the name implies.

Looking for greener grasses. Some have found it in abundance while some has ended up worst than when they started. Some are even in prison for offending one law of the land or the other in the country of their residence.
Or for offencies they never committed. People now are moving in grooves, families traveling some do not even know the topography of the place they are going, with the notion that it is always greener somewhere else.

Some abandoned the jobs at hand, some sold landed property or their valuable possession just to go seek for greener grass on the other side of the fence, which may never be as was told.

Another old saying said, " There are no free lunch in Freetown"

Meaning, every aspect of life demands hard work, carefulness and proper concentration on what you are doing at the moment before making a move to changes. Check the pros and cons of the new ground before shifting to the new ground.

Every territory has laws, rules, orders and guidelines guiding them and their torritories. You must have respect for all these. Get yourself ready for challenges, face them and conquer them regularly.

Be optimistic about life. Because situations may resist you at the first instant of trying your hands on some of the things you desire doing. You must be very ready to refrain from failures before succeeding.
Being realistic about all the things you do will go a long way to keep you focused then you will achieve success.

Thank you all very much for coming.

This is my response to Thoughtfuldailypost
prompt #9.

Everyone knows that old saying...."The grass is always greener, on the other side of the fence " meaning...just because it "looks" like someone has it better, doesn't mean, they do. Iam curious what this means, to you! Tell us how you could apply this mindset in your everyday lives?.

Pictures are mine from my phone Tecnospark 8.

Engagement is key, keep engaging with me as i also engage with you all. Thank you for doing just that.




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It's my honour to belong here, thank you @wesphilbin and your team for the great jobs and your consistency. It's a woah, love it 😂

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I appreciate you, thank you some more ☺️🙏.

Hello dear @ijebest it is always pleasant and comforting your reflections full of wisdom and experience. A lot of fabric to cut in these reflections, you took us with expertise to transit in various interpretations. We are unique and unrepeatable, each one with his life and his walk, transiting in his diverse realities, we will never be equal to others, never, the only thing we have in common with our fellows is that we are part of the same species but nothing else. It has been a pleasure, until another time, health and well being !HUG !LUV !LADY

Hola querido @ijebest siempre es agradable y confortador tus reflexiones llenas de sabiduría y experiencia. Mucha tela para cortar en estas reflexiones, nos llevaste con maestría a transitar en diversas interpretaciones. Somos únicos e irrepetibles, cada uno con su vida y su andar, transitando en sus diversas realidades, nunca seremos iguales a los demás, nunca, lo único que tenemos en común con nuestros semejantes es que somos parte de la misma especie pero nada más. Ha sido un placer, hasta otra ocasión, salud y bienestar.

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Oh my good friend, thank you so much, I appreciate your good comment, thank you.