Method of planting tomato seedlings.

in #hive-11430812 days ago

Hello homesteaders,

We are known in this community @homestesteading, for planting, weeding, harvesting and taking care of different types of crops in different seasons and times. Of course, we are a people that have the know- hows, of different timings and seasons for planting, weeding, fertilizing and harvesting of course. We also have the knowledge of how to work with different weather conditions and the capacity to monitor different plants in their seasons. Here where i dwell, rainy season is a conducive season for planting tomatoes 🍅 🍅.

Dried tomato seeds ready for planting.

We grow most of what we eat and sometimes sale to others. Specifically, it's a peaceful way to live a happy and fulfilled lifestyle in this harsh economic system and conditions ravaging people in the world today.

One may not decide to keep buying every fathom and fathern edibles from the markets all the times, all through the years. while retailers and wholesalers have kept hicking all commodities by one reason or the other. Making life miserable for so many. Mostly the low income earners. Making their reasonable reasons and offending buyers by always increasing the prices of stuffs every day and every time.

Therefore, i remembered and decided to grow tomatoes 🍅 🍅 this season as i used to see my mother do it.

These are some tomato nurseries i made.

I did some in my empty cement sacks and some on a bare ground both of them have germinated, signifying that the seeds are perfect for planting.

I started from gathering seed tomatoes from riped tomatoes, getting them together, washed, sieved them from water to drying them up in a room temperature, then i planted a handful of some of them for nursery to taste run the healthiness of the seedlings finding out if the seedlings are quality ones.

As they germinated, l will now allow them to grow up like for 3 weeks -one month to a certain stage before i start the separation by transplanting them to their own ridges specifically made for them to grow to maturity, fruiting and harvesting.

This time around, i decided to do all these plantings inside my numerous cement sacks by filling them with lomy soil and planted the tomato seedlings as you can see me here.

Prepared sack bags ready for my seedlings transplantations.

These are my already prepared cement sacks filled with lomy soil ready for transplanting of those germinated tomato plants. Im so excited because i believe they will bear great harvests because from the nurseries all the seeds appeared perfectly 😂.

I mean, these are the best seedlings for this planting season. I wish to transplant one tree to each sack bag to allow them have enough space to bear quality fruitings and as well be fruitful.

Not all tomato homesteaders or farmers that know how to preserve tomatoes seedlings for maybe another planting in a longer time. Here and now, let me talk about it.

These are tomato seedlings being sund dried under the lowest cloud and sun weather humidity.

I mean the sun shine will be at it's lowest elb. They do not need hot or heavy sunshine to dry. Either you dry them at the room temperature or this lowest level of sunshine. After which you tie them in this form for preservation maybe till the next planting season, keeping them in dry place.

If they're kept in a wet storage facility, they will start germinating which is not a good report to farmers. So try to keep to the preserative rule so they can respond as expected.

These are the storage and preservative method till a longer period of time like a full one year and they will still germinate so long as they are in cool dry place of storage.


As we all know, tomatoes are edible fruits that contains vitamins and minerals. Vitamin c is very outstanding in tomatoes. Tomatoes has numerous quality health benefits like the one i just mentioned here, vitamins c that helps our hearts to perform its quality all round the clock duty of pumping and circulation of blood to keep us alive and healthy.

This precious fruit makes our skin to glow and keeps it smooth too. The usefulness of tomatoes can not be over emphasized. We use tomatoes to make our stews, soups, ketchup, pury, salads, sandwich, some burgers, omelette and so on and so forth.

Thank you for taking time to read through, i appreciate your effort.

All these pictures are mine, captured with my Tecno spark 8 phone camera by me.


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Tomatoes are great, and it is always a great idea to grow ones own food. Good on you.

Thank you so much, I appreciate 🙏.

Thank you, I appreciate your effort.

This is really good, I can't wait to see them when they finally get matured. Thanks for sharing

Thank you for the compliment, have a nice day.

This is enlightening, never knew tomatoes were planted by seeds.
Thanks for the insight friend!!

😂😂, every tree germinates and are replaced by their seeds. Mustard seeds are as example, they are the tiniest seeds ever, but are planted, germinates and grows up to a giant tree with a huge trunk and many branches. Lives are replaced by seeds.!!

Thank you @captainman for the compliments, it's an honor.

You're welcome friend.

Thank you dear.