in #hive-15385010 months ago

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Time, time comes with a lot, time comes with memories, times comes with growth, it comes with healing likewise with so many unforeseen circumstances

The beautiful thing about all these is we can't avoid them, we get to live with them leave them behind and then come back to talk about them

This is practically how my last month went, a roller coaster of so many unpredictable events and yeah here I am trying to tell about it

The month started on a good note it was the type of I love.
There were so many good wishes for the month and lots of highlighted events to look up to
it's was indeed a month have been looking up to

But then the first two weeks had a lot of demand from reading and having tests because it the school calendar was shortened


There was so much to read for every test, it was as if I never attended these classes the more I read the more I realized I had a lot to read

So many reading was done in the day and the night because the only way to meet up is probably making use of every time you've got

The test happened back to back with no breathing space for the first two weeks of the month and yes for the first two weeks of the month I was so buried in my book, trying to set priorities with my book and trying to ace all

It's just four weeks in a month and two weeks of it already had me on the hook I said to myself one night while I was reading

These things can't be avoided and yes these are the basic reasons why we school so yeah I signed up for this

Eventually, the test week finished and yeah I survived

Then the month was reset back to default and back to the normal routine of going to classes and having little time for fun with movies and the English premier league on weekends

One major highlight I had for the month was also the success of my friend's surgery who had a lump growing in his nose

we never noticed it until it started to affect his talk and medical attention was needed

His surgery was scheduled to take place in March and the doctor's comment was it was a 50/50 chance yeah we were so hyped and anxious for the date and here we are today with a successful surgery of the lump growth

It was one major highlight for the month as we all could not do anything other than wait for the surgery result

He's Hale and hearty now and we are back to kicking it

And yes the final highlight of the month was the Easter break at the end of the month

The break corresponded with my lecture-free week so it was as if we were given a long free week to relax and unwind
Was a good way to end the month from all the stress and anxiety the month came with

Though it was not celebrated here in school but the lecturer-free week and the celebration brought so many good tidings and fun for the last week of the month

What a month. A month with the first two weeks of battling with academics and lots of tests to looking forward to the success of a friend's surgery and one good free week of rest from academics

March was not bad, though it had its stress and demand but I guess it could not be avoided hopefully April will have less demand and More fun


Thank God for your friend's surgery and you guys were good friends to him for staying with him and wishing all well for him. I hope the remaining months would always favour you.

The period of exams and test can be draining for students, we all adopt different ways to help us cope.

Yeah we do for real and one need to know what works for him or her