Blast Your Opponents! Ziggs Support - League of Legends

in #hive-1402172 years ago

Hello to all of you, dear gamers, yesterday I came to my girlfriend's place and I feel great right now, no more burnout syndrome or anything like that. So we're back to having fun! Recently @perceval and I were talking about League of Legends and I told him about the champion I've been playing the most lately, Ziggs support. It might sound interesting, but I'm sure you'll understand when I tell you why he's played as support. Let's get started!


I'll leave the video here. This is not a video with commentary but you might want to watch it anyway.

I got this costume from one of the orbs I opened the other day. If you want to read that post, here it is. It looks really cool. Ziggs fits the winter concept perfectly and he throws snowballs with his Q ability. You can also see him carrying a snowman on his back, which looks hilarious ☃️.

Think about the support champions in League of Legends. There are protective supports. Champions like Lulu, Soraka, Yuumi are some examples. These champions heal you and give you shields. There are Engage champions. Thresh, Leona, Blitz are some examples. These champions jump on the opponent or bring the opponent to you and allow you to win the battle by applying crowd control. There are also poke champions. Lux, Brand and Ziggs are examples of this. Yes, you heard that right. Ziggs is a great poke champion. His abilities have a very long range and if your opponent tries to get close to you, you can block them with your E. Or you can get far away from him with your W. Opponent carries often hide among minions to avoid abilities. Ziggs' abilities are not affected by minions, so this is not a problem for him. It's even easier to land your Q on carries standing among minions. Ziggs also has incredible kill potential after level 6. If you catch your opponent in the middle of your ult, he has no chance to escape. Why I say in the middle of your ultimate, because there you can deal your opponent some extra damage.

There are always weird matchups lately. Right now my carry is Gnar, which is definitely a top lane champion. The opposing support is Maokai, which is also definitely a top lane champion. Sometimes he's played as a support, but we're not in one of those metas right now. We weren't. Because tanks are extremely powerful in League of Legends right now. I might share a video about that soon.

You should always pay attention to your positioning when playing against Ziggs. I don't know what you see right now, but I see a dead Kaisa, and that's what I saw. First I disrupted his position with W and prevented him from escaping, then I killed him with my e. It was easy. Maokai also wanted to commit suicide and Gnar killed him.

I would like to give you some Ziggs advice. If you are not playing at very high elo, your opponents always try to dodge your abilities in the same direction. You can use this against them. If they always try to dodge to the right, use your abilities a bit to the right and your opponent is dead. Also, if you have champions on your team that can crowd control, for example, Gnar can crowd control with his ultimate and W, use your abilities at that moment and you are unlikely to miss. If you watch the video, this is exactly how I killed Kaisa.

We both died here because of Gnar's greed, but it's not a problem. At least I killed Kaisa without dying. I'm incredibly strong after this stage. I finished my support item and I have my boot and Liandry's Anguish. It's very hard for even two people to kill me now. I just have to be careful not to get caught.

Right after I said that, Vladimir caught me and killed me, but my teammates avenged me so it's not a problem.

We played a great team fight and killed 3 people. Vladimir thought his tower could protect him, but Ziggs' W destroys towers if they are low on health. As you can see I hit the tower 1030 and then we killed Vladimir and only 2 of us died against 4.

Kaisa saw that I had very little health and thought he could kill me, but Ziggs has very high damage and is not easy to catch. I killed him even though he was using flash. I have to admit it was close.

We finished the game after messing around a bit with the opposing team near their base. It was a really easy win for me. Ziggs is a really incredibly strong champion if you ask me. I already explained the reasons above, you just have to be careful when the opposing support is a champion like Blitzcrank and dodge his Q ability, that's all. Then you will not let the opponent breathe with your bombs.

Thank you very much for reading. I hope you liked it. If you play League of Legends, don't forget to write your favorite support champion under this post. Have a great day!

Play More, Live More!


As you share these articles, I find it hard not to go back to LoL :D

It's your choice. You can come and play with me :D. League of Legends is an addiction.

I actually have it downloaded on my PC but I don't want to open it :D Yeah if I do, my addiction will start again :D

Don't open it if you are going to be addicted to it again 🤣.

I hope your girl friend is doing fine and she must be happy having you. Give her an extra hug 🤗

So the name of the champion is Ziggas support? I mean, he's played as support but the name is Ziggas support?

Thanks dude. I already gave her more 🤗.

Champion's name is Ziggs. Support is the role.

Now it's understandable. I was a little confused. Thanks.

Eskiden bu tarz oyunları anlamazdım, karakterler ölür-dirilir-tekrar ölür bana saçma gelirdi. Ama şimdi D&D dünyasına girdiğimden beri can arttırma hatta diriltme durumlarını daha iyi anlıyorum ve gereksiz görmüyorum. Yazınızı okurken de aklıma eski düşüncelerim ve şimdiki düşüncelerimle aradaki farklar geldi ve paylaşmak istedim.

Size keyifli oyunlar💮💮

Yorumunuz için teşekkür ederim. Ben de Dungeons & Dragons oyununu bilmiyorum ancak demek ki benzerlikler var. Umarım yakında ona dair postlar da paylaşırsınız.

It's great to know that you're at your girlfriend's place and you feel better already, actually. this is what it is. This is the medicine that you needed.

Ziggas looks lively.
I'm actually scared of playing such games because of their addictions.

Yes, LoL is definitely an addictive game, I'm not going to lie about that. Still, after a while I get bored and stop playing. I'm sure it will be the same for you.

See? This is what you needed. Now spend good times with your girlfriend.
And don't forget to tell her that I/we suggested you to meet her soon.

By the way, Ziggas looks cool. Is he a monkey with twin tails? cause that's what it seems like from the thumbnail picture.

Dude, I was already planned that before you said hahaha but still thanks.

I don't know why you guys all call Ziggs, Ziggas? It's not Ziggas hahaha. No man it's not a monkey. They are ropes of its bag 🤣.

I think some comments manipulated me to call it Ziggas :D
so its Ziggs.

No man it's not a monkey. They are ropes of its bag.


Cool costume. Ziggs is always laughing it seems even when he is on the river.
Well written.
@tipu curate 6

Yes he loves laughing. He is just playing games with real bombs 💣. Thanks for your support. Appreciated.

My pleasure.

ohh epic the most annoying support for their bombs good revenge from your team.

ohh epico el soporte mas fastidioso por sus bombas buena venganza de tu equipo.

Yeah, that's one of the most annoying support ever. But I love playing it!

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@arcange @leofinance @threespeak @wrestorgonline

Lol thank you. I almost know USA match result too. Wales scored at 82. Game is not over yet but I don't think USA can score again XD

USA vs Wales has been an excellent match

Yeah but I lost my badge because of the result...