Hello Friends!!! It feels great to be part of this weekend engagement topics @galenkp suggested.So many options available and looking good to write on. In the comment section of his post, I even said I was going with **Good bad** but thinking about it very well, I changed my mind and chose this topic.
I would rather rewind my life...
Life has been a tussle. In my teenage age, I had anticipated to live a great life. But the life I live today is not the one I would love to. It's been a struggle getting so many things done for myself. I have made some mistakes and taken some bad decisions that are negatively affecting me at the moment. I need to tell a story so you would understand.
My Mom, My Sister and I during my graduation from Uni
In my early years in college, I was so good in Business Studies. I wanted to become a banker but I couldn't because of what my Mom told me they do retrench bankers at any point of their job. I couldn't think beyond been a Banker if I had to be a commercial student even though I knew I would have been very good in those subjects. So when I was to go to senior college classes, I chose to be in science class since I was good in all the subjects. Now being a science student, I had made up my mind that I was going to study Medicine and Surgery and become a Medical Doctor. My parent wanted that for me also because Medical Doctors are well respected in the society and its a lucrative job. I finished Senior Secondary school with this mind. When I started applying to study the course I wanted, it became very difficult because my score in the external exams I wrote was below cut off. Just in my second year of writing external exams, I felt I should study a different course. My parents did not agree with me but I convinced them and studied Health Education. If I had been a little patient, I could have studied my preferred course. I should have found a means to study Medicine and Surgery.
My Mum and I during my graduation
If I am given a chance to either pause my life or rewind it, I surely will rewind it and go for commercial class, and become a Banker or any better profession in the field or stay in my science class and insist on my preferred course, write external exams until I am able to meet the cut off for it.
If I got a chance, I would love to rewind my life to that time in 2021 when I started trading and correct my mistakes ignorance cost me.
Those were just the most pronounced areas I made bad choices and decisions. Going back to correct this errors can put my life straight again. So if I was given a chance, I would go back.
Thanks for reading this post. I hope that I'm favoured out of the many entries.
Stay blessed, happy and safe until next weekend when we write similar topics again.
Thank you @galenkp for this opportunity.