Save some time

in #hive-10928829 days ago

Time is a free but precious thing in this world. We can waste it otherwise, we can use it to make it productive, and it totally depends on us how to use it. Proper use of time can make us successful in life, and on the other hand, wasting time may bring failure in life. Instead of knowing the importance of time, we waste it and regret later thinking that. There are some common ways we waste our time, and taking some steps may help us to save a lot of time.

During the time of technological advancement, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are some common software we use on a regular basis. Those are making significant contributions in the case of connecting humans, and I appreciate it. Till a certain point, everything is good, and it’s also applicable here. The owners of those software companies made those software for their profit, and it’s the reality, although we are also getting benefited from it. At the same time, many of us are wasting our time using those software. All of those software collects our data and represents everything in front of us based on our interests and is hard to deny not watching. The more we browse, our interest increases with time.

Watching videos is one of the most additive features of those software, and those software shows the video in front of us what we love to watch. Suppose I am an anime lover, and on Facebook and YouTube I can see all the videos of anime. They know my interest, and they just want me to keep watching and wasting my time where they will generate money. I think setting a time limit for watching videos is very necessary because we get lost in video when we start watching a video.

Reel video, which is also known as short video, usually takes a few seconds to a minute to watch and can be a trap for wasting our time. Limiting ourselves to watching long-form video is not so difficult if we are determined, but in the case of short video or reels, it’s very difficult. It also comes in front of us based on our interest, and we don’t hesitate to watch those, thinking that it’s a matter of a few seconds and we fall into the traps. If we start watching one, then we feel interested to see the next one and then the next one, and it continues like that, and keeping adding those seconds can be more than hours also. So, we need to be careful of it. It’s ok to watch it in the free time, but all the time it’s not good.

We are humans, and we have emotions. Everyone has some happy moments and sad moments in their life. When it’s about the happy moments, we hardly remember it but when it’s about a sad moment, we remember it again and again. And that gives us a painful feeling whenever we think about those moments. It was noticed that most of the human choose to think about the painful moments of the past and waste time for it. Instead of wasting time, it makes us sad and decreases the speed of our work activity, and it also delays the time of completing a task.

The mentality of keeping delaying is one of the worst habits of humans, which is also known as procrastination. We don’t love to accept it, but most of us have the habit, and that’s the truth. Whenever it’s time to do some tasks, it should be done immediately. If we keep delaying, the other task may not be done in time. We need to keep in mind that time is gone, which means gone forever. So, we should overcome procrastination if we don’t want to be a failure in life.

Overtalking/talkative humans are the most troublesome ones. Avoiding them is the best thing we can do. Whoever talks too much hardly stays quiet doesn’t matter where they are. They talk so much that they can’t leave a place easily, and they hardly notice the time because they remain so busy in talking that they forget about time. In fact, even after knowing/noticing the time is going, they don’t like to stop talking because they think it’s the most important thing for them. If anyone has the habit, then, I think trying to come out of the habit is very important if not want to waste the time.


If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Time waits for no one... it is a common knowledge that we sometimes ignore. Social media can trap us, and still, we can profit from it. It all boils down to what we truly want for our lives.

Yes, time is the most precious thing for us and we should try to save it at any cost. We should try our best to save ourselves from the trap.

Yeah, we should.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
intishar tipped balikis95
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I did not see anything wrong with those app. It's based on individuals, if you set ur boundaries. Like me, social media like tiktok,Facebook have improved my sales, cos I got some customers through it. I go to those apps, post my products ,like some of my followers videos to easily notified them I posted a new video and move out.

You are among some people who use the time of social media effectively whereas most people waste their time and that's the reality. You are among those exceptions and it can't be an example.


we get lost in video when we start watching a video.

This is me sometimes especially with reels..from one short one to another and before I know it, I have spent an hour on social media
Time indeed waits for no one..I hope we get intentional with the use of our time

Hmm. That's why we need to say alert otherwise our precious time will be wasted for sure.

I think setting a time limit for watching videos is very necessary because we get lost in video when we start watching a video.

You are right. These video makers make their money when we keep watching their videos and wasting our precious time. It's not bad to watch these stuff but it's only bad when we can't limit ourselves while focusing on things that would help us become better and avoiding procrastination.

That's the point. Limiting ourselves within time is very important and it's the most difficult thing for most of us and we lose our precious time.