Some thoughts on life

in #hive-1819643 years ago

Hi. Apologies for the lack of activity on here but some real life issues have popped up that I needed to work though. Keen to get back in the action soon however.

My wife and I have always been people who liked to explore unknown places. This sense of adventure is something hopefully will be able to pass onto our kids. I find its important to always keep the end on mind when evaluating options with your life. And by the end; I mean the actual end. What will this next 12 months you have planned look like when you look back on it at the end? Will you think it was time well spent? Or will it look like you're wasting your time treading water when you could have been swimming over to see something interesting.

Only time will tell of course what you will actually think. But I have found it a helpful metric for me in evaluating priorities over the years. I had a bit of a heart attack scare this past week; I had acute chest pain and shortness of breath. I am 41 but my grandfather died of a heart attack when he was 50, my cousin had one in his 40s (and lived), and my dad had one (and lived) so had to take it seriously. So I had a very long one hour drive into the hospital to think about where my life was at while not knowing what was happening. Priorities change quickly in times like that. All was well (it was not a heart attack) but it provided some time to think with some rarified perspective.

Hope your all well and living to the full. Photo is my kids in a dungeon fit for pirate treasure at a fort in the Caribbean

Fort Frederick Tunnels.jpg

If you would like to learn a little bit more about my background in photography you can read the interview @photofeed did with me here.

Robert Downie
Love Life, Love Photography

All images in this post were taken by and remain the Copyright of Robert Downie -


damn. glad that it ended up just a scare and that all is fine.

Take care.

Health is a precious thing, and events like this really put things in perspective. Hope that you're feeling alright now Robert. Sending my best wishes from London.

Hope your feeling better Robert, that’s an interesting idea to keep evaluating your life and how you would look back on it!

We are not here for as long as we think we are; and sometimes a lot less than we think we are. Can't take it for granted. I have had friends/family at the peak of their life go with cancer also. Life can change on a dime.

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

Glad your ok Robert! My younger brother (38) just had a similar thing happen to him last week. Not a heart attack, but had all the signs of one. Really puts things into perspective.

Oh, take care... 🥦 !love !BBH 🥦

@mizuosemla(8/10) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Go further or rather no...? Like in life. Despite you see the light, somethimes you are afraid of, and you think that better to stay in the dark, but known tunnel.

Nice photo!

Hi Robert, sad to hear You have problems with Your health - I hope everything will go back to normal and it was only one time accident. Sending You all the best wishes for the future!
In my case, looking back is rather a sad experience - past year wasn't the best one for me so I prefer to focus on a single things which were positive not looking over the whole year... this was one of the reasons why I came back to Poland - to try my best in changing some of the things into more positive for me directions.
Of course - my dreams are big, totally different from what I have now, but I have to focus on life and family right now, don't have the possibility to just pack my car and start a long journey visiting places from my bucket list... not yet.

I hope the days will come when I will be fully satisfied with the past. Not an easy and short subject to solve right now...

Wish You all the best! Take care!

There is no peak to reach.

Sometimes I can't see beyond the week. Sometimes I plan 10 years ahead. My entire schooling life my teachers said I had "a lot of potential" which felt like a kind way of saying I could do better. No matter what I try at in life I end up doing well, but nothing great. Above average. Note worthy. But nothing great. What opportunities did I miss? What could I have done better? Probably lots. But if I changed anything my life now would cease to exist. I may not have my wife and kids. And that thought alone makes me happy for every decision I made in my life up until now. And they are the reason I'll keep pushing forward now no matter how much potential I may think I've wasted.

Thanks for writing this mate! You are absolutely right, you will regret the things you didn't do more than the things you did. Adventure should be part of your life no matter what! Always keep on exploring and stay open to others and to experiences! That way, you will always look back at life with a smile!

My grandfather became 91 and when he died he said: It has been good! That should be the way to go! Looking back knowing that it has been good.

And as your example of you and your family, you never know when it is over, so live life to the fullest and do what you love! And what's better than to share that with your wife and kids!

Greetings Harmen

I find its important to always keep the end on mind when evaluating options with your life. And by the end; I mean the actual end. What will this next 12 months you have planned look like when you look back on it at the end? Will you think it was time well spent? Or will it look like you're wasting your time treading water when you could have been swimming over to see something interesting.

Is this when people say "live today like you die tomorrow"? But dying actually does not exist. What most people think as dying is actually just/only a transition. Just like being born on Earth. There is no start, there is no end. Just the present and the eternity, so time does not really exist either. Or rather there is infinite time. It is not measurable. So time is actually an illusion. It "exists" only in this physical world, but we are not really physical.

It is worth to check on the topic of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs). I would recommend the website of NDERF (Near-Death Experience Research Foundation). Currently it is the largest NDE website in the world. Currently there are 5005 NDEs on it, and it is being constantly/regularly updated.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.