Hola, comunidad, me atrapó la sombra quieta de este árbol y, a mi vez, yo la atrapé para participar con ella en esta semana 237. Me pareció muy original, ya que la sombra del árbol que está en primer plano se refleja en una media pared y sobre la misma se divisa el follaje de un árbol que esta al otro lado de la pared y da la impresión de que el follaje brotara de la sombra. Es como si el tronco fuera de sombra y las hojas reales.
Si tienes fotos de sombras originales compártelas y participa en este concurso convocado por @melinda010100
Hello, community, I was caught by the still shadow of this tree and, in turn, I caught it to participate with it in this week 237. I found it very original, since the shadow of the tree that is in the foreground is reflected in a half wall and on it you can see the foliage of a tree that is on the other side of the wall and gives the impression that the foliage sprouted from the shadow. It is as if the trunk were shaded and the leaves were real.
If you have photos of original shadows, share them and participate in this contest organized by @melinda010100