Happy day friends. A new Edition of Memoir Monday from our friend @ericvancewalton, and this time he brought a very emotional topic: What is one of your favorite memories of your mother?
I very much agree with what our friend Erick says, mothers are our primary psychologist and they do not charge us anything, for them the simple fact of knowing we are happy is the best payment. They are advisors, friends, guides, confidants and with a love that you can be sure is the purest in this world.
My mother suffered a lot in her childhood and adolescence, she had to go to work at a very young age, she only studied to learn to read and write and then she had to leave her maternal home and live with her grandmother, but that only made things worse, even So she did not skimp on helping her family with what she earned.
When God rewarded her with a good man she did not forget her mother and her brothers, she helped them all study because she knew from her own experience how important that means for a person's improvement. She really liked food, making it, preparing it, she cooked very tasty and we learned that from her daughters and sons who also took on the task of learning her recipes.
Birthdays were the holidays I enjoyed the most and in my family there were 1 or 2 birthdays a month. He clapped his hands and moved his shoulders singing the song, he enjoyed it a lot. His house was always the meeting place for everyone at every celebration, birthday, wedding, or simply getting together for a barbecue on a weekend.
Those meetings were therapeutic, we always left my mother's house refreshed. We all listened to her talk about her stories of her experiences and we always came away edified, there was always advice for anyone who needed it.
The saying: "There is no love like a mother's love" is very true. Her love is incomparable, it is the purest thing there can be since a mother only wants her child to be happy, that is why she always advised me on everything, when I had doubts about something she was my advisor who always had time for each one. of my problems.
Today, she is not with us. It's been 2 years since she left us, but I thank God for giving birth to me from her womb, a strong woman who, despite many problems she had, got ahead and there was her first teaching, her love and dedication to her family and her children. Also an example that we have followed with our respective families.
Traduccion al Español:
Memorias de mi madre- Memoir Monday # 45.
Feliz dia amigos. Una Edicion nueva de Memoir Monday de nuestro amigo @ericvancewalton, y esta vez trajo un tema muy emotivo: Cual es uno de tus recuerdos favoritos de tu madre ?
Estoy muy de acuerdo con lo que dice nuestro amigo Erick, las madres son nuestro psicologo de cabecera y no nos cobran nada, para ellas el simple hecho de sabernos felices es el mejor de los pagos. Son Consejeras, amigas, guias, confidentes y con un amor con el que puedes estar seguro que es el mas puro de este mundo.
Mi madre sufrio mucho en su niñez y adolescencia, tuvo que salir a trabajar a muy corta edad, solo estudio para aprender a leer y escribir y luego tuvo que dejar su casa materna y vivir con su abuela, pero eso solo empeoro las cosas, aun asi ella no escatimaba en ayudar a su familia con lo que ganaba.
Cuando Dios la premio con un buen hombre ella no se olvido de su mama y sus hermanos, a todos los ayudo a estudiar porque sabia por experiencia propia lo importante que eso significa para la superacion de una persona. A ella le gustaba mucho la comida, hacerla, prepararla, cocinaba muy sabroso y eso lo aprendimos sus hijas e hijos que tambien se dieron a la tarea de aprender sus recetas.
Los cumpleaños eran las fiestas que mas disfrutaba y en mi familia habia 1 o 2 cumpleaños por mes. Aplaudia y movia sus hombros cantando la cancion, lo disfrutaba mucho. Su casa siempre fue el sitio de reunion de todos en cada celebracion, cumpleaños, matrimonios, o simplemente reunirnos para un asado en un fin de semana.
Esas reuniones eran terapeuticas, siempre saliamos renovados de la casa de mi madre. Todos la escuchabamos hablar de sus historias de sus experiencias y siempre saliamos edificados de alli, siempre habia un consejo para todo el que lo necesitara.
El dicho: ¨No hay amor como el de madre¨, es algo muy cierto. Su amor es incomparable, es lo mas puro que puede haber ya que una madre solo quiere que su hijo este feliz, por eso ella siempre me aconsejo en todo, cuando yo tenia dudas sobre algo ella era mi consejera quien siempre tenia tiempo para cada uno de mis problemas.
Hoy, ella no esta con nosotros. Hace 2 años que se nos fue, pero le doy gracias a Dios por haberme parido de su vientre, una mujer fuerte que por muchos problemas que tuvo salio adelante y ahi estuvo su primera enseñanza, su amor y entrega a su familia y sus hijos es tambien un ejemplo que hemos seguido nosotros con nuestras respectivas familias.