January Retrospective and February Plans

in #blog8 months ago

I've powered up for Hive Power Up Day. Have you? If not, stake at least 10 Hive Power and earn a badge from @hivebuzz! Just make sure you complete this monthly challenge before midnight according to the UTC clock.

I haven't posted much this past month, but here's the archive anyway.

Image credit

I recently came to the stark realization that the last time I felt like I was on the road to success as we typically conceive it was way back in early 2008. I had a job with a real architectural firm as a draftsman earning what was good money for entry-level white collar work at the time. I had a nice enough apartment and a reliable, quiet roommate. I had a reasonably good car. In spite of chronic health issues, and an acute bad back injury from my prior job, I was on the road to recovery. Even though the "Global War on Terror" was devastating Iraq and Afghanistan, things weren't too bad domestically.

Or so it seemed.

Little did I know the housing market was a bubble about to burst, leading to being laid off in early 2009. Subsequent jobs were worse, resulting in financial stress and worsening health problems. Obamacare drove up the cost of my insurance, and just to make ends meet, I also had to reduce my coverage despite still paying more. My car was totaled when it got rear-ended, and my back got screwed up again. I had to move back home eventually due to financial and physical collapse.

Since that crisis point, I slowly tried to build something. I was diagnosed with food allergies, which helped somewhat with my chronic health issues once I changed my diet. I eventually got a part-time job as a librarian, where I found my niche helping my community learn and grow. I got semi-serious about cryptocurrencies, and eventually discovered Steemit HIVE. There were ups and downs, but I felt I was doing more than just treading water. I had a job I didn't dread every morning, I was breaking even financially, and taking steps toward better mental and physical health. However, the last several years have been a barrage of chaos, too.

  • Family struggles.

  • COVID, and worse still, government policy in response.

  • Politicians accusing librarians of perverse crimes, pushing bad legislation, and getting elected to local boards by gullible masses nationwide.

  • An ongoing economic malaise as government policy never bothered to address the root problems behind the 2008 collapse, and instead doubled down on many bad policies to kick the can further down the road.

  • Severe inflation no one in power wants to admit, yet is undeniably impacting my real-world expenses.

  • Older generations alternately blaming us for causing the very problems they're otherwise unwilling to admit, and calling us lazy when we point them out.

All of these stress factors and more have been building up, and I have been feeling the growing pressure of stress. I have been spending less time online reading and writing this month because I just need a break. I am tired, in a way far beyond what a good night's sleep can remedy. Life is hard enough just dealing with the day-to-day struggles of finances, chronic illness, and food allergies. External factors on top of it all can be overwhelming at times.

That is why January has been quite sparse on the posting front. I also haven't been as active in curation as I would like. I'm not burned out on HIVE specifically, I'm just burned out in general. As happened in January, I expect February to have few posts, and I'll largely cover the more serious topics I am pondering. When I engage in hobbies or travel, I don't plan to write about it because I am on a personal sabbatical from the blogging grind.

@Denmarkguy recently wrote, "The mental health industry seems to have a bias towards labeling anything that resembles sadness as "depression," and if people are sad for more than a few moments, they are generally medicated into oblivion because we can't have people going around being sad." I'm not sure sad, or even melancholy, quite has the nuance to describe some of the feelings with which I am grappling. I'm not in a depressive black hole. I'm not angry with anyone specifically, although I am infuriated by many policies and trends which adversely affect my life. I find joy and contentment in many aspects of life every day, too.

It's a bizarre emotional tapestry, and I don't know whether I'm being ensnared, or weaving a cocoon for some kind of personal metamorphosis. I'm mixing metaphors as I pull at different threads to see what unravels. It's time for introspection and self-examination. Don't expect a lot of posts about it. This isn't really something I want to share, and I'm not sure I really like being as forthcoming as I have been in this post.

Oh, well.

Keep calm, and blog on!

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HIVE | PeakD | Ecency

If you're not on Hive yet, I invite you to join through PeakD. If you use my referral link, I'll even delegate some Hive Power to help you get started.


My January actually didn't go as planned but I am really hoping February will be much more better

The last few years might have not been good but I just hope that we all are optimistic so that we can plan a better future ahead and also work towards it
January was a fantastic month for me and I hope this month does better

This thing is very good for the project and the good thing is that everyone is supporting it and we will see a lot of growth in the price in the near future.

You said nothing in your comment. I wrote a post about personal struggles and accomplishments, and you made a reply so bland and generic it could have been responding to anything. That's not how we build a community that gives value to other users.

COVID, and worse still, government policy in response.

amen to that brother.

Congratulations @jacobtothe! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - January 2024 Winners List
Be ready for the February edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - February 1st 2024

Congratulations @jacobtothe! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 100 HP on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 3 badge
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - January 2024 Winners List
Be ready for the February edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - February 1st 2024