Leap Day, Leap Year, Leaping Into the Unknown

in #blog7 months ago

February is almost over, but not quite yet. 2024 is a leap year, so we get a 29th day in February. I still contend that the shortest month of the year feels like the longest, and this year it just doesn't seem to want to end!

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Source photo by Denny Luan on Unsplash

I am making some leaps of my own, including some travel plans related to the upcoming April eclipse . I haven't really had a proper vacation since well before COVID, so I am overdue for a break. Maybe this will help with the burnout I have been feeling.

But travel is contingent upon getting reliable transportation. The other leap is agreeing to buy a car from an old acquaintance. Here's hoping the deal doesn't fall through. My current vehicle is approaching the end of its useful life. A quarter million miles, many of them on dirt roads and through winter snows, have taken a toll. Rust is setting in severely. Repair costs are mounting, and the looming expenses far exceed any reasonable resale value. I barely trust it for the short commute to work. The new vehicle looks to have about half the miles and much less severe wear and tear despite being almost as old. And I'll be back to driving a manual transmission again!

I don't like making risky decisions, but risk also offers potential rewards. The status quo is unsustainable. Stagnation offers nothing. What opportunities will you leap for today, or in the near future?

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That was my sister's birthday

Till 2028 before we see leap year again which will come after many years again

My life has been puttering along without anything truly exciting happening for quite some time. There was a lot of family drama a few years back, but that seems to have subsided. And that doesn't count as exciting, just stressful. I haven't gone to Arizona for a winter break since 2020. My 2022 trip to the coast was complicated by a baby and a dog, so it wasn't exactly relaxing. My semi-annual visits to my sister's house are always a welcome break from routine, yet it feels as if it's time to plan something different as well. On the non-vacation front, I have been seriously considering getting a part time or seasonal job, just to get me out of the house and around other people. I love my grandchildren, and do not regret all the time I have been spending with them, but I keep thinking there is something else I ought to be doing with my time. Volunteering is also an option I've been mulling around in my head. None of these ideas are likely to look like a true leap; rather, they will be more like a slow crawl toward making one or more of them a reality.

I have always said that February seemed like the longest month as well. I think it’s because, at least in the northern hemisphere, it is the bleakest month and we are anticipating spring.

Good luck with your vehicle and travel plans!

I love this month a lot and even if the date seem short, it is always a long month, lol
Today is my brother’s birthday and I hope you wish him a happy birthday

The month of February passes late, it is good that you have made a plan to travel, it refreshes one's mind a lot and all worries disappear.

This 2024 is really special as it felt so unique because of the fact that it is a leap year