One of my co-workers recently bought a puzzle called "The Puzzled Patron" from The Magic Puzzle Company. We all helped put it together, and it was definitely an interesting project. There are way more edge pieces and edges than one might expect. The gimmick here is that once the puzzle is completed, you can rearrange the sections to open up an empty middle space where a bonus pack of secret pieces can be assembled to tell a bigger story.
The base puzzle was a lot of fun. Each piece had some kind of interesting detail, and a few characters were set apart as their own bigger pieces or special mini-puzzles. This made us wonder what the secret surprise would be. You could browse the web for spoilers, but I covered up the finished project with the included poster in case you prefer to try it out yourself. You can see how the bottom half is rearranged compared to the picture, though.
If you enjoy puzzles, you will probably love this product line. This specific puzzle was a blast for me as a fan of fantasy fiction and tabletop role-playing games. As for the puzzle attributes, the art was good, the printing was superb, pieces clicked together solidly, and the unique twist was a neat bonus. My verdict: give these a try!
You can buy them on Amazon, of course, but big box stores may have them, too. Don't forget to check local game/puzzle shops! Support the local businesses which support your hobbies!