[ Esp - Eng ] Si tan solo pudiera | Poema

in #hive-1324102 years ago


Si tan solo pudiera detener el tiempo
y poderte contemplar, sin el temor de perderte
entre mis sueños y el amanecer,
seguiría esperando que tus huellas
y las mías vuelvan a encontrarse,
entonces el atardecer seria testigo
por un instante de nuestro romance.

Si tan solo pudiera volverte a besar
me llevarías en tus labios a navegar
al profundo mar de tu boca,
allí encontraría las dulces melodías
que darían consuelo a mis días,
paz y alegría a mis momentos,
y olvidar que sin ti estoy muerto.

Si tan solo pudiera acariciarte
mis manos cuáles corceles
galoparían todo tu cuerpo,
erizando la seda de tu piel,
incendiando tus caderas,
para rasgar el velo virginal
que envuelve tu inocencia.

Si tan solo pudiera pensarte
me llevaría la eternidad dibujarte
porque lo haría por partes,
primero haría el boceto
de tu belleza interior
luego terminaría dibujando
tu encanto y candor.

Si tan solo pudiera mirarte
a través de una grieta en el tiempo,
tendría para mí la luz de tus ojos
iluminando mi soledad,
y el lucero de tu mirada
protegiendo mi alma
errante y solitaria.

Si tan solo pudiera conocerte
acabaría el tormento de no verte,
tendría sosiego esta larga espera
que de mí te aleja,
llevándome a ninguna parte
de este vasto universo
la mortal agonía de no verte.

Si tan solo pudiera encontrarte
entre pecho y alma,
tú serías mi aurora y ocaso,
el rocío mañanero,
y una noche invernal
tejida de estrellas
que el tiempo se lleva.


If only I could stop the time
and be able to contemplate you, without the fear of losing you
between my dreams and the dawn,
I would keep waiting for your footsteps
and mine would meet again,
then the sunset would be a witness
for an instant of our romance..

If only I could kiss you again
you would take me on your lips to sail
to the deep sea of your mouth,
there I would find the sweet melodies
that would give comfort to my days,
peace and joy to my moments,
and forget that without you I am dead.

If only I could caress you
my hands are like steeds
would gallop all over your body,
ruffling the silk of your skin,
setting your hips on fire,
to tear the virginal veil
that envelops your innocence.

If I could only think of you
it would take me an eternity to draw you
because I would do it in parts,
first I would make the sketch
of your inner beauty
then I would end up drawing
your charm and candor.

If only I could look at you
through a crack in time,
I would have for me the light of your eyes
illuminating my loneliness,
and the star of your gaze
protecting my wandering and lonely
wandering and lonely soul.

If only I could meet you
I would end the torment of not seeing you,
I would have peace in this long wait
that takes you away from me,
taking me to nowhere
of this vast universe
the mortal agony of not seeing you.

If only I could find you
between breast and soul,
you would be my dawn and sunset,
the morning dew,
and a winter night
woven of stars
that time carries away.

📌 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Notice to the reader My mother tongue is Spanish, so please excuse me for any grammatical or syntax errors in the translation of this content.
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Sabroso poema.