The Establishment War on the Unvaccinated is a Desperate Attempt to Destroy the Control Group

in #hive-1223153 years ago

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(Source / The Highwire, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - Covid vaccination 'the biggest experiment ever done')

“We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it, and that’s just the way it goes. That’s how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines.” - Dr. Eric Rubin, October 26, 2021, FDA Advisory Committee meeting on Pfizer 'vaccine' approval for children aged 5-11

The doctor's shocking admission was buried 6 hours deep into the 8 hour FDA meeting, but confirmed an important albeit highly suppressed reality about the ongoing US vaccination campaign, that it is a massive nationwide trial for an experimental injection with all recipients the test subjects. Video of the full FDA Meeting embedded below:

All of the clinical trials were simply too rushed and too small to produce any meaningful data concerning long-term safety and efficacy, and this was especially true for the most recent trials for young children, hence the candid admission that FDA needed to authorize the injection for the entire US population of young children in order to discover "how safe the vaccine is." The fact that the FDA and CDC agrees, as seen by the 17-0 committee vote to authorize the injection for children following the meeting, immediately followed by swift FDA authorization & CDC sign off on the decision, is testament to the reality that the ongoing experimental injection campaign is not primarily about the health and safety of recipients - as, in this case being children, they are, according to the establishment's own data, at zero risk from Covid (literally less than a 1 in a million chance of death if infected) - but is rather about getting the shots into the arms of absolutely everyone, even those who demonstrably don't need it and thus couldn't possibly derive any benefit, such as children and the naturally immune.

It's a global experiment, quite literally a long-term trial with all recipients as test subjects, and that's why an extensive pharmacovigilance surveillance program was announced prior to the rollout and is at least supposed to be ongoing - to help track and determine long-term safety and efficacy in participants alongside the ongoing clinical trials, as DHHS/DoD documents clearly stated that, "the long-term safety of these vaccines will be carefully assessed using pharmacovigilance surveillance and Phase 4 (post-licensure) clinical trials.”

If that wasn't clear enough, the Israeli government all but openly declared that it had consigned the entire Israeli population to be human subjects in a massive experiment, the experiment being exclusive use of Pfizer's experimental injection to rapidly achieve widespread vaccination coverage rates, with even the establishment BBC admitting: "Israel bought large stocks of the jab in exchange for acting as the world’s guinea pig," and former Prime Minister Ehud Barak stating that the company was using the Israeli population as a “perfect testing ground” for its experimental mRNA shots. Israel wasn't the "perfect testing ground" for Pfizer because it was the only testing ground, however, but rather because of the relatively small population being rapidly given Pfizer's injection exclusively, most other locales offering several choices for people and with slower vaccination rollouts. And while these shocking admissions were made in regards to Israel, which has indeed served well as a treasure trove of safety and efficacy data specific to the Pfizer injection, they also revealed a larger reality unfolding across the entire planet - that everywhere these Covid vaccination campaigns were launched immediately became another testing ground for the particular injections being deployed there, with all of humanity the test subjects.

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That we are still in the trial phase of this experimental injection campaign is evident by the fact that a number of clinical trials are still underway, for example Pfizer's "Vaccine Effectiveness Trial" with the primary objective being: "to determine the vaccine effectiveness of 2 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 vaccine against COVID-19-associated hospitalization," and which is not estimated to be completed until April 1, 2022, with the study results not set to be published until at least June, 2023! As trials are ongoing, clearly these injections are still experimental, they are still being tested on people, and therefore all recipients are test subjects, whether in one of the official clinical trials or not. This is why a study entitled Adverse events related to COVID-19 vaccines: the need to strengthen pharmacovigilance monitoring systems, published on Aug 2, 2021 in the NIH Library, explained:

As there is a lack of rigorous data from long-term trials on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, there is an urgent need to strengthen postmarketing surveillance of adverse event data

As can be seen, long-term safety and efficacy of these injections has not yet been established, despite the numerous claims to the contrary made by the vaccine pushers, with trials to determine such still ongoing to this day. And if this is the case now, a full year into the injection campaign, it was all that much more so the case when the shots were first authorized, the campaign launched, and the vaccine pushers began mindlessly repeating their dogmatic mantra, 'safe and effective', in December of 2020, and they haven't let up since. Kicking the coercion campaign off, Dr. Fauci addressed the nation during a press conference on December 18, addressing concerns about the extremely rushed nature of the production of the mRNA injections responsible for widespread hesitancy, telling America that: "The speed was a reflection of extraordinary scientific advances and did not compromise safety." He then went on to assure the public that the rushed (and incomplete) clinical trials had "prove[d] to the country and the world that these are safe and effective products."

But they had done no such thing, as it was impossible for such short trials to have proved much of anything, and the fact that they were all still incomplete and ongoing at the time is proof of that. Not to mention the numerous safety signals that FDA and CDC officials were all well aware of by the time they authorized the shots, as evidenced by slides presented at safety meetings prior to authorization, with the data from Pfizer's initial trial results actually indicative of a substantially increased risk of heart failure, all the way back then. 'Proven safe and effective' though, according to the Big Pharma loyalist corporate parrots...

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Furthermore, the World Health Organization publicly confirmed the lack of efficacy evidence a whole month later on January 29, 2021, in a news release entitled The Moderna COVID-19 (mRNA-1273) vaccine: what you need to know: “We do not know whether the vaccine will prevent infection and protect against onward transmission. Immunity persists for several months, but the full duration is not yet known. These important questions are being studied.”

This statement was not revised or removed a whole 5 months later in a June 25 update either, when efficacy was still being studied - six months into a relentless propaganda campaign during which time the public had been reassured time and time and time again that these experimental injections were all safe and effective, highly effective, 100% effective at times even! Similarly, WHO interim guidance for Pfizer injections published on January 8 stated that, "there is not yet any evidence of an effect of the vaccine on transmission."

So, while the efficacy of the injection was admittedly still being studied and there was not yet any evidence of an effect on transmission (although Pfizer had found that vaccinated monkeys still got infected), even as millions of Americans lured into taking the jab under the premise it was totally 'safe and effective' were being used as Big Pharma guinea pigs to test the long term safety and efficacy of a technology never before used on humans (mRNA), it began to be mandated, the 'vaccine hesitant' were increasingly shamed and demonized for their choice not to immediately get it, and the vaccine pushers endlessly repeated their dogmatic mantra, day in an day out, over and over and over again, as if saying it enough times would magically make it become true long before the verdict would finally be in - the 'vaccines' were all 'safe and effective', 'safe and effective', 'safe and effective.' Additionally, the public was led to believe that the shots would prevent infection and transmission, the only thing which would actually bring the 'pandemic' to an end as the miracle shots were promised to do, which they of course never did. Not that we're in an actual pandemic, mind you, but the shots failed miserably at eradicating Covid.

A full year into the vaccination campaign, and we are all right back where we started, with the lying liars who promised their magic potion would 'vanquish the virus' and get us all back to normal now yelling at us all to get the booster shot and blaming the unvaccinated for all of their woes even as it is admittedly largely the vaccinated responsible for spreading the latest variant being used to fearmonger recipients into getting a 3rd dose of the stuff to 'boost' their 'vaccine'-induced 'immunity' that's pretty much gone at this point, because the shots are so damn effective of course!

Rewind a year to where it all started, and the initial propaganda is summed up quite well in a February 28 Independent headline, advertising "highly efficacious" injections featuring no hospitalizations and no deaths among recipients.

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But why accurately report the propaganda when you can dish out your own, further propagandizing the propaganda by falsely attributing a J&J announcement to Fauci and all 3 injections?

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Who cares, because this injection coercion campaign was from the start fueled by pure propaganda and the dogma of Dr. 'I am the science' Fauci, and not the actual scientific studies that were and still are underway. It was never about what the 'science' actually said, but what the 'experts' and Big Pharma executives said the science said, and when you get to make things up along the way, you can pretty much claim anything you like and call it 'science', and when you own the whole media apparatus you can actually get away with it. By late March, the CDC Director herself was proclaiming that "vaccinated people do not carry the virus," and as recently as July 21, President Joe Biden stated unequivocally that: "If you're vaccinated, you're not gonna be hospitalized, you're not gonna be in an ICU unit, and you are not gonna to die. You're ok, you're not gonna get Covid if you have these vaccinations."

None of it was true, none of it at all... But that's not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is that this Biden claim representing the whole mess of establishment assurances isn't just politicized propaganda based on the incomplete findings of rushed and biased clinical trials that turned out to be false, this is a bold-faced lie, as "CDC data, sourced from more than two dozen states, shows that between April and June, a total of 77,000 breakthrough cases and 1,500 breakthrough deaths were recorded, as ABC News recently reported. The CDC's own publicly available data showed well over 1,500 Covid deaths among the 'fully vaccinated' by July when Biden brazenly stated as a matter of fact that those who took the shots wouldn't get Covid, be hospitalized or die from the virus. That official CDC number of 'breakthrough deaths' has now risen to over 15,000 Americans, and the 'experts' have since the Spring been making admission after admission that wildly contradict their initial fantastical promises used to sell the injection, revealing that all of the relentless advertising of their 'miracle' shot used to hook Americans on the jab had all along been a steady stream of false advertising, a whole mess of vile propaganda, a big pile of lies.

The goalposts have steadily been moved further and further back as real world data increasingly revealed a far less effective injection than initially advertised, but the one thing that hasn't changed is the repetition of the mantra, 'safe and effective', coupled with a single-minded focus on achieving the never-changing goal of injecting every last American at all costs. From the initial promise that the shots would prevent infection and block transmission altogether, to the current state of affairs where a mere alleged reduction of disease severity is considered the mark of efficacy, no matter how ineffective the shots become they are hailed as equally 'highly effective', and the coercion campaign marches on, the vaccine pushers clearly not content with anything less than complete and total compliance, and apparently endless boosters as well. Between then and now, various mandates have been used to coerce millions of hesitant and downright unwilling Americans to take an experimental medical intervention for which trials are still underway and safety and efficacy data is still incomplete, and there is absolutely nothing ethical or scientific about that at all.

At the same time, all drug trials need a sizeable control group in order to accurately determine a safety and efficacy profile for the product being tested, that's just basic science, and since the large initial clinical trials serving as the basis for any and all authorizations and licensure of these products were unblinded after 6 months (both Pfizer's and Moderna's), and those in the control group were offered the injection (and the vast majority took it), the only control group that remains by which long-term effect of the shot can be definitively determined is unvaccinated Americans at large, with the only relevant 'trial' large enough to draw any meaningful scientific conclusions from now the nationwide non-clinical 'trial' consisting of all Americans.

The choice to unblind the large initial clinical trials and offer placebo recipients the injection long before the 2-year trial duration was reached is highly unorthodox and unscientific, and it effectively destroyed the control arm rendering the final Phase 3 trial results meaningless. As the headline of a February 19 NPR article reads: "Long-Term Studies Of COVID-19 Vaccines Hurt By Placebo Recipients Getting Immunized." Dr. Carlos Fierro, who ran Moderna's study at a clinic in Kansas describes this choice as a "loss from a scientific standpoint," but still thinks it was the ethical choice due to the perceived threat of Covid, while Dr. Steven Goodman, a clinical trials specialist at Stanford University, likewise "says losing those control groups makes it more difficult to answer some important questions about COVID-19 vaccines."

"We don't know how long protections lasts," he says. "We don't know efficacy against variants — for which we definitely need a good control arm — and we also don't know if there are any differences in any of these parameters by age or race or infirmity."

Looking back, that decision to unblind and inject placebo recipients early last year appears to have been part of an orchestrated attempt to destroy the control group, all of it, both inside and outside the clinical trials. There is no other reasonable conclusion for the relentless and unscientific push to coerce the entire US population into taking these injections, particularly children and the naturally immune for whom these shots are all risk and no benefit. In truly clown show fashion, the less effective the shots have been demonstrated to be, the more studies indicating there are truly safe and effective early treatments for Covid (including Ivermectin), and the more risks of serious injury associated with the injections that have been acknowledged over time, the more the establishment has doubled and tripled down on the universal injection coercion madness.

The establishment has for months now been relentlessly waging a war on the unvaccinated with all manner of propaganda, bribery, coercion, and mandates; and although Biden's national worker mandate is currently being held up in the courts and the mandavaxx march of madness seemingly stalled out at the present moment, the injection coercion campaign marches on.

The Omicron hype appeared on the world stage just in time to give a boost to the failing vaccination campaign, but by the looks of it, it isn't proving to be nearly as motivational as the establishment had hoped it would be, no matter how the media spins the propaganda. On December 27, a New York Times piece revealing how the coercion campaign is marching onward even without the Biden mandates headlines the establishment dilemma, their big 'problem': "the Unvaccinated Remain Defiant."

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In the face of the rapid spread of Omicron, which data and studies continue to indicate is mild and during which time deaths have actually fallen in the US despite soaring cases, the unvaccinated remain defiant. How terrible. The propaganda piece really does reveal what this campaign is all about, it's about compliance with the demands of the ruling class and those stubborn defiant holdouts, the resistance. 39 million American adults, they say, remain defiant and determined to "never" get the shot, and an establishment at its whits end scrambles to do everything in its power to coerce these stubborn holdouts to simply comply - that is the picture painted by the Times.

In the year since the first shots began going into arms, opposition to vaccines has hardened from skepticism and wariness into something approaching an article of faith for the approximately 39 million American adults who have yet to get a single dose.
But so far, the threat of omicron is doing little to change people’s minds. Nearly 90% of unvaccinated adults said the variant would not spur them to get shots, according to a recent survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Maybe the 'threat' of Omicron is doing little to change people's minds because, as the piece literally admits in the sentence immediately preceding this observation: "Early studies suggest the new variant may cause less severe illness than previous variants did." Maybe Omicron isn't really a threat to the unvaccinated at all, but that doesn't seem to cross this author's mind. According to all of the studies and real world data coming out this past month, including the most recent data of all, Omicron is super mild, it is being spread largely by the vaccinated, with even those who have been 'boosted' at higher risk of infection than the unvaccinated - the boosters proving to boast a dismal efficacy against the 'vaccine-evading' variant.

Interestingly, the Times author managed to write an entire piece about the war being waged against the unvaccinated without once citing or even referencing a single scientific study supporting the demands for compliance from on high - instead sticking almost exclusively to what the 'experts say', and painting all those resisting this particular experimental injection as 'anti-vaccine activists'. To be fair, the Times piece does give plenty of articl space to those pesky defiant unvaccinated Americans and why they don't want to get the shot. Still, the bias is obvious and the propaganda clear as day. The Times is clearly on one side in this war, and it is the side of those waging war on the unvaccinated, and they are the problem, as the narrative portrays it, and the 'experts' have a solution, and that solution is not persuasion but rather coercion.

“Pure persuasion? I think we’ve sort of run out of options,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, Biden’s chief medical adviser.

With its worker mandates frozen in the courts, the White House is also running out of options, but they still do have options...

In Washington, as the Supreme Court is set to hear challenges to the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates, White House officials see few remaining policy levers to pull. Domestic airline passenger vaccination requirements are one of the few tools still at Biden’s disposal that could meaningfully increase the ranks of the vaccinated. But the administration does not have plans to enact them for now, senior officials said.

Not to worry, when the time is right, you can bet your bottom dollar that lever will be pulled, because the Biden Administration intends to use every means of coercion at its disposal, as the President made clear when he announced the sweeping federal worker mandate package alongside the declaration: "Our patience is wearing thin." Patience will eventually run out, and when it does, the pressure will be cranked up another notch and mandates will inevitably follow. Just wait and see. And listen to Fauci, because he's driving the policy, and he'll give you some insight into what's coming next, and it sure won't be the ruling class asking nicely, it's gonna be the technocrats tightening the noose - at the corporate level, on the ground, in the businesses people rely on for convenience and survival alike - where this was always going to ultimately play out, just as it did with masks.

Persuasion is no longer the name of the game, the carrot has been replaced by the stick as they say, but there are still "glimmers of hope" for the vaccine-pushers and their agenda, Fauci said.

Some people fearful of omicron would take the leap. And unvaccinated Americans, he said, were still not a one-dimensional group. Some might need to just see more safety data, he said.

So expect the fearmongering to remain cranked up to ten no matter how many studies and how much data shows Omicron to be mild and inconsequential. And expect more 'safety data' to be pumped out in a desperate attempt to convince the last few Americans still sitting on the fence, if there are even any left at all, because the rest have seen the real safety data being hidden from the public's view, it's called VAERS, and absolutely no one in their right mind could look at the hundreds of thousands of adverse reaction reports filed just during 2021 and continue to insist that they don't constitute the largest number of consistent safety signals indicative of the most dangerous 'vaccine' to ever reach the market.

That's why persuasion won't work, only coercion, and that's where the digital passport systems being rolled out come into the picture.

Like some other public health experts, Fauci said that a uniform federal vaccine passport system could be another resource. If more businesses and organizations asked for passports under that kind of program, he said, “a lot of people are going to realize that it’s so inconvenient not to be vaccinated that they might as well go ahead.”

And that is their plan, in a nutshell - to make it so inconvenient and so unbearable to remain unvaccinated that the remaining 39 million unvaccinated adults cave to the pressure and comply. In NYC, there's already a whole host of public venues off limits to the unvaccinated thanks to the city's discriminatory digital passport rules, and in Australia, the injection's already been made a condition of serving in Parliament. Mandatory injection for all has already landed in Europe, where the digital passport infrastructure and associated societal lockouts of the unvaccinated has been rolled out faster than here, but the infrastructure is now being rolled out in the US as well, little by little, city by city, county by county, store by store. The noose is slowly being tightened, and bit by bit, little by little, the establishment keeps whittling away at those millions of unvaccinated Americans, and with each month the control group is shrinking - from 80 million in August to 39 million at the end of the year, according to their numbers.

"The control group is the biggest threat to the people in power," independent journalist Jordan Schachtel concluded back in November, and given the propaganda coming out of the corporate media these days, it sure looks like he was right.

Those who did not comply from the beginning of COVID Mania serve to pose the biggest threat to the power of these maniacal politicians. That’s why they’re attacking us so ferociously. The political elite pretend as if they care about COVID, but it’s not the virus that is keeping them up at night. It’s those pesky individuals who refuse to bend the knee – those are the ones in the crosshairs. The control group is the biggest threat to the people in power. They simply can’t survive the political ramifications of a control group outperforming the citizens living under the weight of destructive COVID Mania mandates and societal edicts.

If the drivers of this vaccination campaign succeed in achieving their stated goal of reaching anything near a 100% injection coverage in this country, then they will have successfully eradicated the control group, and we dare not let that happen. Because the world cannot afford not to see the final results of the biggest medical experiment in human history.


This is not a medical experiment, it's a eugenics experiment.

I listened to an interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. recently where he stated that these drug companies NEED the authorization to administer to children so that they cannot be sued. It's all about the legalities (and the zillions they are making) and NOTHING to do with our health. May these psychopaths get what they deserve and folks wake up. God bless and be well. Staying informed feels like a race these days.

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