New York's vaxx mandates are racist, or didn't you know? In this short and powerful video message to the white 'liberals' (democrats) responsible for these tyrannical, racist, apartheid policies, a well spoken young black man explains why. And while I don't agree that white democrats are the exclusive problem, as there are both black Americans and republicans who are on board with the medical apartheid policies being implemented across the country, this man's message is spot on, and rich white democrats are overwhelmingly responsible for rolling out these mandates and instituting the segregation policies which are increasingly discriminating against all who refuse to bow to the new world religion, kneel at the alter of Big Pharma, and perform the religious rituals of the Covid Cult.
In New York, statewide and New York City mandates aimed at excluding the unvaxxed from society have now gone into effect. Thousands of nurses and teachers across the state, and all municipal workers in NYC, including firefighters and police, who refuse to take the experimental injection for any reason, have recently lost their jobs. Additionally in NYC, any unvaxxed members of the general public are prohibited from entering a whole host of public establishments including restaurants, gyms, movie theaters and sports arenas, among many others. According to the NYC Mayor, anyone who is unwilling to show proof of injection is now prohibited from enjoying the good life, the 'vaccine passport' now NYC's "key" to "unlock everything New York City has to offer."
At the same time, New York's black community is disproportionately discriminated against by these tyrannical apartheid measures, as the New York Times has reported that, although 52% of white New Yorkers were presently injected at the time the city measures went into effect, only 28% of black residents under the age of 45 were, with the African American population across the state and the country one of the most 'vaccine hesitant' of all, and for good reason, with a long, dark history of the US government lying to blacks in order to perform malicious medical experimentation on them under the guise of offering treatments. Think Tuskegee, just one of the countless historical examples of highly unethical experimentation on African Americans without informed consent.
72% of young black Americans in New York are currently being discriminated against, and some 60% of all black NYC residents, barred from entry into restaurants, bars, gyms, ball games, and a host of other public venues, where they also cannot be employed, and excluded from all municipal employment opportunities as well. Those rolling out these mandates are well aware of this, and although championing equality and black rights in public speeches and virtue signalling tweets, are now on the frontlines of this war on medical freedom which is disproportionately discriminating against black Americans (along with the poor, the uneducated, the most highly educated, other minority groups such as Latinos, and Trump supporters, all groups that are among the most 'vaccine hesitant' populations in this country).
The same democrats who have for the longest time insisted that voter ID laws are racist, as they say that requiring proof of ID to vote disenfranchises the black community, are now championing government mandates that disenfranchise the black community. Every American who truly cares about social justice should be asking why, and questioning their allegiance to a political party (and system) engaging in such a disgusting display of hypocrisy.
This is quite literally the modern day Jim Crow, and yet a great many of those who were just months ago up in arms over white-on-black police brutality are silent when it comes to white-on-black government-instituted segregation of the unvaxxed in New York currently disenfranchising a large majority of black residents.
A travesty of justice, yes, but not at all surprising coming from a party whose current national leader now forcibly advancing this apartheid mandate agenda, President Joe Biden, is, based upon his own history of overtly racist comments and support for unabashedly racist politicians (including KKK members and segregrationists), quite clearly a racist; and was as a senator responsible for introducing the racist 1994 Crime Bill, which he bragged on the senate floor before it was passed into law, "[does] everything but hang people for jaywalking."
And as Bill Clinton who signed the Crime Bill into law later admitted, it made the problem of disproportionate incarceration by race worse, much worse, and as Ron Paul has repeatedly pointed out, the majority of prisoners in this country are nonviolent black men, victims of both the racist 'war on drugs' and the racist 'war on crime', both of which also disproportionately affect the poor, of all colors and creeds.
So it's not surprising that a political party with such a long history of supporting racist laws is doing so once again, but it doesn't make it any more just or less hypocritical, nor does it make support of the republican party the solution. At the end of the day, as John Nolte wrote in August: "You cannot blame anyone for being wary of the vaccine, especially black Americans, and openly discriminating against them with vaccine passports is an obscenity."
And as Greg Price pointed out in his August piece, If Voter ID Laws Are Racist, Vaccine Mandates Are Literally The New Jim Crow, while democrats are up in arms over supposedly racist voter ID bills in Texas, Georgia and other republican strongholds,
There is only one place in the country right now, however, that has implemented laws that will disproportionately affect the freedoms of the African-American community. It isn’t Georgia and it isn’t Texas.
It’s New York City.
But, well, "I thought black lives matter..." - as that message to white liberals from a concerned black citizen concludes.
I guess things really haven't changed all that much since the Civil Rights movement after all.
Martin Luther King Jr. must be rolling over in his grave right about now.
Just a different shade of the same old imperial oppression, except this time it isn't just blacks who are being discriminated against, it's absolutely everyone who dares to resist the tyrannical edicts of the self-appointed, psychopathic leaders of this seriously deranged, and dangerous cult.
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