Well, my friends, I've had a rather trying week so far. And it's only Tuesday! But it's times like these when it becomes extra important to take stock of the things that make us thankful. Like coffee.
Source: Pixabay
Coffee is the elixir of life. It fuels my soul. I'm not sure I would be a whole person without it.
I broke my foot a few days ago (which you can read about here, if you like), and it has been a few painful days. After my accident happened, I had to navigate out of a little hiking area with some way-too-big crutches that my husband brought me, and I swear that effort has caused me as much physical pain as the break! Or maybe it was the fall itself — I fell about three feet and crashed onto my back. So I've got a pretty serious full-body ouch going on.
In the morning I wake up to the sense that there is just not going to be any getting out of bed. Not today. No sir. Maybe tomorrow.
It's about then that I think of coffee. And I'm all: "Yup, I got this!" Then I hoist my aching carcass out of bed and navigate the whole shower thing and getting dressed (all of which is an absolute blast when you can only stand on one foot), and then I make my way to the kitchen because coffee calls.
And of course it perks me right up, no pun intended. Suddenly my whole outlook is a little brighter. I feel pretty much whole, at that point, ready to take on the next challenge. It gives me a whole new outlook.
Somehow it never ceases to seem like an amazing treat that I get to wake up and drink this delicious, aromatic beverage that gets all the neurons firing properly, clears the blur of weird dreams and gets the day started.
There are many other things I'm thankful for, of course, like my husband who has been a saint since this stupid accident happened. Also, my friends and family, who are offering meals and help. And good health care. And my book clubs. (I have two. I know, I'm weird.)
One of the book club meetings was scheduled tonight, and the most hilarious thing happened. I discovered that another woman in my group also just broke her foot. What are the chances? So we both went to the meeting with our little knee carts, and it was the topic of conversation and quite a bit of amusement as well!
So I'm thankful, also, for silliness and the ability to laugh at ourselves. I remind myself that it could be so much worse, and that many people in the world are dealing with far worse things than my broken foot, which will heal.
And meanwhile, there's always coffee.
Thank you for reading!
Photo credits: All of the photos in this post were taken by me with my iphone and belong to me, unless otherwise noted.
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