It's so nice to be finally connected to the Hive community using this wonderful platform. I have read and followed Hive on platforms like coingecko and binance but I had never interacted with the community.
My name is Joseph Wasswa (@jaywasswa) from Kampala, Uganda,East Africa. I love crypto,the story behind it and how it keeps unfolding everyday, every month and through the times.
That's how I got to know Hive through a friend I met through another crypto community (WhatsApp group). That friend is called Jarau Moses(@jaraumoses).
Jarau is so passionate about crypto,more especially the Hive ecosystem.
He invited people to take up the #30daywritingchallenge and got interested. I want to challenge myself because I've never challenged myself to writing for 30 days; nonstop.
Feel free to supplement,advise or inquire about anything regarding what I present incase my posts happen to pass by your space.
I have been in the crypto space since December 2017( remember that famous bull run). Before that I was involved with business (brick and mortar), photography and videography.
Most of my time is consumed by crypto trading, research,portfolio construction and digital marketing (this absorbs the photography and videography). I have done courses in Blockchain, fundamental and Technical analysis, Principles of microeconomics (certificate), Bitcoin for Everybody (certificate), and currently pursuing a certificate in Austrian Economics; all this to foster my crypto adventure.
I will sharing about crypto, digital marketing,Tech and Everyday life adventures.
Let's link up on twitter
All the best