Hive Open Mic 167 TEMA "OTAKU" Ángeles Fuimos: Adrián Barba -Dragon ball Z.(COVER @JESUSMEDIT)

in #hive-105786last year

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Es una Hermosa semana familia del Hive open mic, ha sido duro en muchos aspectos. Pero en otros sentidos no he perdido la oportunidad de disfrutar junto a la música. además envió un gran saludo para los moderadores de este concurso que semana a semana dedican parte de sus días a visitar cada post, animando, aconsejando y guiando a cada uno de nosotros que vamos empezando en el camino de la música. Un saludo a QUIERO AGRADECER A LOS MODERADORES: @cabelindsay, @mipiano, @daniel2001,@jesuslnrs, @musicandreview y @fernanblog.

Una serie de anime que marco mi vida fue dragon ball z, no hubo un dia que no disfrutara los combates de artes marchiales que alli aparecian, todoas las tardes me reunia con amigos a ver la television.

GOKU el personaje principal de la seria de anime era mi favorito gracioso pero cuando le tocaba ser cerio era un heroe total.

Todos intentamos lanzar un kame kame ha, Jugando dragon ball z en la vida real enla niñes, hoy me siento muy contento de poder cantaresta cancion en el open mic de esta semana y revivir viejos momentos.

los momentos mas dificiles de mi vida fueron las 10 mill veces donde assesinaban a krilin, hasta que de tantoverlomorir logre asimilarlo ese evento mejor.

Es un buen anime si no has visto dragon ball creo que debes hacerlo, pero no creo que no alla nadie en el planeta tierra que no halla visto aunque sea 1 espisodeo de estagran saga.

Una serie de anime que marco mi vida fue dragon ball z, no hubo un dia que no disfrutara los combates de artes marciales que allí aparecían, todas las tardes me reunirá con amigos a ver la televisión.

GOKU el personaje principal de la seria de anime era mi favorito gracioso, pero cuando le tocaba ser cerio era un héroe total.

Todos intentamos lanzar un kame kame ha, Jugando dragon ball z en la vida real en la niñes, hoy me siento muy contento de poder cantar esta canción en el open mic de esta semana y revivir viejos momentos.

Los momentos más difíciles de mi vida fueron las 10 mil veces donde asesinaban a krilin , hasta que de tanto verlo morir logre asimilarlo ese evento mejor.

Es un buen anime si no has visto dragon ball creo que debes hacerlo, pero no creo que no allá nadie en el planeta tierra que no haya visto aunque sea 1 episodio de esta gran saga.


Pasa el tiempo y los recuerdos
Se van alejando ya
Ángeles fuimos y desde el cielo
Semillas dimos de amor

La tristeza de este mundo se borró
Y viendo el cielo azul
La amistad y el amor siempre brillaron y hoy también lo harán

Mis alas no tengo
Desaparecieron ya
Pero contigo tengo aún el poder

En tu pupila, el arcoíris, se reflejó
Y el amor florece en tu corazón

Sigue, teniendo fe y esperanza
En que el mañana va a cambiar
Este desierto se transformará
Paraíso es lo que pronto será

Abre tu corazón, la magia y el amor
Son verdad

Pasa el tiempo y en tu mirada
Inocencia puedo ver

Eres la misma de aquel recuerdo
De nuestra bella niñez
Y volando por las nubes lograrás
La Luna al fin tocar

Recorriendo jardines infinitos
Por la eternidad
Ya la magia es nuestra
Nunca nadie romperá
Los bellos lazos de nuestra amistad

En tu pupila, el arcoíris se reflejó
Y el amor florece en tu corazón
Sigue teniendo fe y esperanza
En que el mañana va a cambiar

Este desierto se transformará
Paraíso es el que pronto será
Abre tu corazón, la magia y el amor
Son verdad

La esperanza renacerá
El mañana grandes dichas traerá
Sigue teniendo fe y esperanza
En que tus sueños cumplirás

Sé que tu alma se transformará
Una luz de vida en ti nacerá
Abre tu corazón, la magia y el amor
Son verdad

It's a beautiful week Hive open mic family, it's been hard in many ways. But in other ways I have not lost the opportunity to enjoy together with the music. He also sent a big greeting to the moderators of this contest who, week after week, dedicate part of their days to visiting each post, encouraging, advising and guiding each of us who are starting out on the path of music. Greetings to I WANT TO THANK THE MODERATORS: @cabelindsay, @mipiano, @daniel2001,@jesuslnrs, @musicandreview and @fernanblog.

An anime series that marked my life was dragon ball z, there was not a day that I did not enjoy the martial arts combats that appeared there, every afternoon I met with friends to watch television.

GOKU the main character of the anime series was my favorite funny but when it was his turn to be cerium he was a total hero.

We all tried to launch a kame kame ha, Playing dragon ball z in real life as a child, today I feel very happy to be able to sing this song at this week's open mic and relive old moments.

The most difficult moments of my life were the 10,000 times where Krillin was murdered, until seeing him die so much that I was able to assimilate that event better.

It is a good anime if you have not seen dragon ball I think you should do it, but I don't think there is no one on planet earth who has not seen even 1 episode of this great saga.

An anime series that marked my life was dragon ball z, there was not a day that I did not enjoy the martial arts combats that appeared there, every afternoon I will meet with friends to watch television.

GOKU the main character of the anime series was my favorite funny, but when it was his turn to be cerium he was a total hero.

We all tried to launch a kame kame ha, Playing dragon ball z in real life in childhood, today I feel very happy to be able to sing this song at the open mic this week and relive old moments.

The most difficult moments of my life were the 10,000 times where Krillin was murdered, until after seeing him die so much I was able to assimilate that event better.

It's a good anime if you haven't seen dragon ball I think you should, but I don't think there is anyone on planet earth who hasn't seen even 1 episode of this great saga.


Time and memories pass
They are moving away now
Angels we were and from heaven
We gave seeds of love

The sadness of this world was erased
and watching the blue sky
Friendship and love always shone and today they will too

I don't have my wings
they already disappeared
But with you I still have the power

In your pupil, the rainbow, was reflected
And love blooms in your heart

Carry on, having faith and hope
in which tomorrow will change
This desert will be transformed
Paradise is what will soon be

Open your heart, magic and love
are true

Time passes and in your gaze
innocence i can see

You are the same from that memory
Of our beautiful childhood
And flying through the clouds you will achieve
the moon finally touch

Walking infinite gardens
For eternity
magic is ours
no one will ever break
The beautiful bonds of our friendship

In your pupil, the rainbow was reflected
And love blooms in your heart
keep having faith and hope
in which tomorrow will change

This desert will be transformed
Paradise is soon to be
Open your heart, magic and love
are true

hope will be reborn
Tomorrow will bring great happiness
keep having faith and hope
in which your dreams will come true

I know your soul will be transformed
A light of life in you will be born
Open your heart, magic and love
are true

▶️ 3Speak


brooo todo un clásico este tema lml tremendo anime! y te quedo como siempre, muy genial tu presentación! te envío un gran pukuabrazo!

Te quedo de maravilla esta entrada amigo @jesusmedit

It felt like I was in the movie and you were the soundtrack, you are amazing bro, your video was captivating


Beautiful presentation you've got here.
You rock
Well-done 👏

Un temazo que evoca muchas emociones, gran trabajo