The best decision that will cover us..
One of the first decisions we should make when designing a house is to decide what the flat or sloped roof is going to be like, many have already decided this question from the beginning but they don't know very well either because there is a general idea of associating flat ceilings with the modern and the sloped with the traditional or the rustic but have you ever thought about which of the two types of ceilings is better.
In reality, flat roofs are not strictly horizontal, because otherwise the water does not run off, it is considered with a flat roof it should have a minimum slope of between 2 to 3 percent, which means between two to three centimeters per meter of roof of that way the water does not remain stagnant I mean rainwater and it can drain into the drains.
A roof is considered to be sloping when its slope exceeds 10 percent, that is, 10 centimeters per meter, from these configurations it can be one-pitch, two-pitch, three-pitch, it is one that is a matter that is subject to design.
One of the main functions of a roof is that rainwater stagnates and favors its runoff and therefore minimizes the chances of leaks, you will realize that in the case of a sloping roof, the possibility of stagnating the roof is nil. water and the risk of leaks that may exist is much lower, otherwise what happens with flat roofs, in all cases the water drains by gravity and in this case the slope does not help us too much, it is not the same to think that water run off on a 30 percent slope than they do on a 3 percent slope.
When we have flat roofs, we must pay special attention to making adequate waterproofing, in addition, the chances of leaking problems due to a blockage in the drains is much greater on flat roofs, because generally these drains are inside the surface of the roof. house or in contact with the exterior walls, unlike them the sloping roofs and even more so when they have eaves, remove this possibility of filtration because the roofs move away from the perimeter walls of the house.
Whether we like it or not, the sloping ceiling is always a valid design resource to use it in favor and generate greater expressiveness to show that house that we are projecting, in terms of usable space if your idea is, for example, to take advantage of the roof cover to generate a different space, a meeting place, a terrace, or do you plan to use it as a future extension clearly in this case you have to opt for a flat roof, a tile roof, it would be unthinkable to cover the roof of a house with a sloping roof to have to disarm it later to make a future extension.
A sloping roof, the most that can happen is that you have to go up from time to time to replace a tile that has broken or change a fixing screw that is generating some moisture, but otherwise the sloping roof has zero maintenance, otherwise This is what happens with flat roofs that do or do need a renewed waterproofing every 2 to 3 years or, if they have an asphalt membrane, a replacement for a few more years but that do or do require attention, let's say frequent. Otherwise, what will happen is that the same exposure to the sun's rays, to the cold, the sun, to the wind, to the heat will generate the appearance of fissures and cracks that are ultimately the future filtration inputs.
Sheet metal roof options.
To select the best roof we must take basic questions, it is to take into account the climate of the geographical area where it is going to be located, the house for example if it is a region of very constant or very frequent rains, the most appropriate thing is that you choose a roof with a sloping roof because to favor the runoff of water, it gives rise to problems of leaks and not to mention, for example, if it is an area of frequent snowfall.
It is not my area but you have to take into account that, for example, a very intense snowfall that accumulates on a flat roof generates an extra load that has to be taken into account when calculating the structure, this does not happen for example on a sloped roof where one has a natural runoff even from the snow.
Something similar happens with the subject of vegetation, if your house is going to be installed in an area very close to or very surrounded by trees, you have to take into account the leaves that are lost in the changes of season, these leaves can generate important jams in the drains of a flat roof and in general the consequences of these blockages can be much more important because in general these funnels are located on the surface of the house or on the side walls, otherwise it happens with sloping roofs that when they have flights move away that possibility that a possible blockage on a drain or a gutter will affect interiors with moisture problems.
Another very particular case is that of small-sized land, if, for example, you are going to build on a very small, very small piece of land and on top of that, you will probably consider a first stage of construction, it is most likely that this growth will do not run out of green space do it on the top floor, with which the decision will necessarily have to be for that first stage to use a flat-roof slab roof.
It could be convenient to have a provisional and collapsible sloping roof, in the case of not having the date of the progress of the upper works, this would avoid humidity in the plate and other problems.
Digital model of the proposed roof, with its projections of material to be used
I hope the information is useful when making a decision, do not forget to support me and we will read next time, bye.