Argentina is a beautiful country, but you need a lot of money to live (There will be light at the end of the tunnel)

in #hive-178265last year
Que genial estar nuevamente en esta maravillosa ¨DailyBlogCommunity¨:  para compartir algunas tomas hermosas que hemos hecho durante nuestra caminata por la reserva. Hoy es uno de esos días que necesitas escapar de la realidad, (aunque mas no sea por algunas horas) y que mejor lugar que la naturaleza para hacerlo. Estos últimos días han sido caóticos, comenzamos el día en que mi esposa visito el ¨Anses¨ para regularizar su situación y gestionar su ¨jubilación¨, lo muy descarados le informaron que tiene que abonar tres millones de pesos para poder jubilarse. y podía pagar en cuotas de $ 10.000; este mes, ya que cada mes suben considerablemente; para que se den una idea de cómo aumentan estas cuotas, en el mes de febrero una cotizaba los $ 1750 pesos, es decir, aumento más del 800% en ocho meses, para ser honesto, no se quien hace este tipo de cálculos, ya que los sueldos no han aumentado de esa manera, y para agravar la situación, como hacemos nosotros para asumir algo así que no tenemos un ingreso mensual

Source: Family Álbum

How great to be back in this wonderful ¨DailyBlogCommunity¨:  to share some beautiful shots we have taken during our walk through the reserve. Today is one of those days when you need to escape from reality (even if it's just for a few hours) and what better place than nature to do it. These last few days have been chaotic, we began the day when my wife visited the "Anses" to regularize her situation and manage her "retirement", they very shamelessly informed her that she has to pay three million pesos to be able to retire. and she could pay in installments of $10,000; this month, since each month they rise considerably; To give you an idea of how these fees increase, in the month of February one was quoted at $1,750 pesos, that is, an increase of more than 800% in eight months. To be honest, I don't know who makes these types of calculations, since that salaries have not increased in that way, and to aggravate the situation, how do we take on something like that when we do not have a monthly income

La siguiente situación se presentó al momento de consultar por la nueva fecha del examen de mi ojo derecho, como saben ya lo han suspendido dos veces, y según ellos, no hay fecha ya que la anestesia que se necesita esta retenida en la aduana, y en cuanto al medicamento para combatir la ¨gastritis¨¨erosiva¨ no hay en existencia, ya que en la nación no hay dólares para compra de medicamentos. Esto sería comprensible en un país como ¨Argentina¨ que está mal económicamente, pero deja de ser comprensible cuando ves en las noticias que un ¨intendente¨:  de nuestro país derrocha dólares en sus vacaciones y en costosos obsequios en su novia de turno, mientras que los enfermos tenemos que esperar por dólares para la compra de medicamentos. Ante estas situaciones es que maldigo haber aportado tanto dinero con el pago de los impuestos durante mas de cuarenta años, y que los que nos gobernaron se hicieran millonarios robando nuestro dinero

Source: Family Álbum

The following situation arose when I asked about the new date for the examination of my right eye, as you know they have already suspended it twice, and according to them, there is no date since the anesthesia that it needs to be held at customs, and as for the medicine to combat "erosive gastritis", it is not in stock, since in the nation there are no dollars to purchase medicines. This would be understandable in a country like “Argentina” that is in bad shape economically, but it is no longer understandable when you see in the news that a ¨mayor¨:  of our country wastes dollars on his vacations and on expensive gifts for his current girlfriend, while we sick people have to wait for dollars to buy medicines. In these situations, I curse having contributed so much money by paying taxes for more than forty years, and that those who governed us became millionaires by stealing our money

La verdad que esto no me debería sorprender, mi país a sido así siempre, desde que tengo ocho años llevo sufriendo por las malas decisiones de nuestros gobernantes. Todo comenzó con el ¨Rodrigazo¨:  una época muy mala de nuestro país, que, como resultado causo la separación de mis padres, y desde allí, tuvimos que malabarismo para vivir, aunque no todo fue malo, ya que me enseño lo que era trabajar desde niño. Argentina es un país muy hermoso, pero desde que tengo memoria, tienes que tener mucho dinero para disfrutarlo. Lo bueno es que tengo una suerte al disponer un lugar como este donde se puede caminar y oír el sonido de la naturaleza, que es más que suficiente para escapar de las amarguras que te causan las situaciones que uno tiene que pasar a diario. En la caminata nos encontramos con un peculiar nido de ave, y muy cerca de allí, pudimos ver a su constructor

Source: Family Álbum

The truth is that this should not surprise me, my country has always been like this, since I was eight years old I have been suffering from the bad decisions of our rulers. It all started with ¨Rodrigazo¨:  a very bad time in our country, which, as a result, caused the separation of my parents, and from there, We had to juggle to live, although not everything was bad, since he taught me what it was like to work since I was a child. Argentina is a very beautiful country, but for as long as I can remember, you have to have a lot of money to enjoy it. The good thing is that I am lucky to have a place like this where you can walk and hear the sound of nature, which is more than enough to escape the bitterness caused by the situations that one has to go through daily. On the walk we found a peculiar bird's nest, and very close to there, we could see its builder

La llegada de la primavera al predio ya se hace notar, el verdor de las praderas ha llamado la atención de los caballos, que han regresado para pastar y alimentarse. Un nuevo integrante de la familia esta dando sus primeros pasos por el prado, camina junto a su madre para identificar cuales de las hierbas es más conveniente ingerir, en algunos caballos se puede apreciar la falta de forraje, algunos tienen las caderas chupadas y en otros se evidencian en sus flacas costillas

Source: Family Álbum

The arrival of spring to the property is already noticeable, the greenery of the meadows has caught the attention of the horses, which have returned to graze and feed. A new member of the family is taking his first steps through the meadow, he walks with his mother to identify which of the herbs is most convenient to ingest, in some horses you can see the lack of forage, some have sucked hips and in others They are evident in his skinny ribs

Creo que estuve casi una hora observando el comportamiento de los animales, vi como el padre corrió a otros caballos que se acercaron para pastar cerca de la familia; ante el enojo del ¨padre¨ de ¨familia¨ no les quedo otra que buscar sus propios lugares donde alimentarse. Como la vida misma, uno como padre tiene que defender los derechos de tu familia, ya que nadie se preocupa por los que les puede suceder. En mi blog de hoy tenía la necesidad de hacer un poco de ¨catarsis¨, siempre es bueno compartir con alguien las situaciones difíciles que uno vive. Una pregunta que me estoy haciendo con mucha frecuencia, con las próximas elecciones, y una vez escogido a nuevo mandatario, habrá una ¨luz al final del túnel¨. Esta parte del título del post me sugirió la fotografía de portada, si pueden apreciar, verán como las copas de los árboles forman un hermoso tunen natural. Fue mi ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ la que contribuyo para hacer estas bellas imágenes

Source: Family Álbum

I think I spent almost an hour observing the behavior of the animals, I saw how the father ran to other horses that came to graze near the family; Faced with the anger of the “father” of the “family”, they had no choice but to look for their own places to feed themselves. Like life itself, as a parent you have to defend the rights of your family, since no one cares about what may happen to them. In my blog today I had the need to do a little "catharsis", it is always good to share with someone the difficult situations that one experiences. A question that I am asking myself very frequently, with the upcoming elections, and once a new president is chosen, there will be a "light" at the end of the "tunnel". This part of the title of the post suggested the cover photograph to me, if you can see, you will see how the treetops form a beautiful "natural" tunen. It was my ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ that contributed to making these beautiful images


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


Trying to unravel uncertainty in life, greed that has captured leaders, the poverty and pain many live in, yes we live in hope! I have never heard of a country where you buy your retirement even if early, unless you buy into another country at old age?

I wish you well that this procedure they need to do happens soon, the least we can do is encourage each other with kindness.


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Here you have to contribute 30 years to obtain retirement, in case you do not have contributions for those years, the amount you have to pay for the years owed is calculated, that is why I mention that the amount they want to charge my wife is crazy
Thank you very much dear friend @joanstewart for the good wishes and support you always give me
Have a wonderful afternoon

Perhaps a good idea, not one that would work over here, most don't have pension policy to fall back on. It is their way of forcing you into saving for old age but paying in to meet a certain criteria is madness with inflation worldwide, who know what it will cost to live?

Have a brilliant day, !LUV

Here, if you have a job and contribute every month, it is a very good system, what happens is that there is a very high unemployment rate, and that is where it begins to get complicated.
It is impossible, at least for us, to regularize this pension debt
Thank you very much for the enormous support you give me. May you enjoy the weekend

Life is one long juggling act when you not filthy rich, take care of your health and hope everything works out at the end of the day. Have a wonderful weekend as well!

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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@joanstewart(1/10) tipped @jlufer

Every country has its advantages and disadvantages, the most important thing is to enjoy the little things and appreciate what you have, because when you miss it, you will miss it.

This is how you mention it, dear friend, we have to enjoy what we have.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit, have a wonderful afternoon

Amazing place!

Thank you very much dear friend for appreciating the place where I live, you are very kind
Have a wonderful afternoon

Wishing you success overcoming your challenges my friend, i think the whole world needs to take a serious look in the mirror.

Every country in the world is basically run by people that really are not the best to be doing that job.

In the UK we call them muppets, fumbiling around making mistakes and looking like morons on the world stage.

I think we all need to start having people in governments there because of talent, merit and performance.

Not just because they are born in a certain famiuly or went to a certain school, these elites are only out for their pockets not what is good for the country or its people.

But that is just my humble opinion

@jlufer fantastic pictures buddy have a wonderful one 😎

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- @benthomaswwd - Moderator

This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.

Hello dear friend @benthomaswwd good morning
I also think the same, those who govern us in some way have to be evaluated, and they must have rewards for doing things well, and penalties when the objectives are not met.
Thank you very much for your empathy and the enormous support you always give me.
May you enjoy the weekend

Thank you for sharing both the beauty and the challenges from your life, brother! Globally, humanity will get through and surmount this insanity. The people have the real power. They just have to remember that, organize among themselves, and make the changes that are necessary, like removing the puppet 'leaders', and replacing them with people that truly love and care about the people ans their reapective nations. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

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- @tydynrain - Comment Moderator

Thank you very much for appreciating my posts, you are very kind

You're always very welcome, @jlufer, absolutely! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

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- @tydynrain - Comment Moderator

@jlufer! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ aliveandthriving. (17/40)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

I feel for your challenges, @jlufer. Most government of the world are very rapidly losing support and compliance, as people everywhere are seeing that they have been puppets for the agendas of masters that do not have anyone's best interest in mind. Things are changing for the better very quickly, but this ride is going to get a bit bumpy before it noticeably improves.

I'm grateful that you have places where you can escape into nature for a while. That's so helpful! I hope an easeful means of surmounting this challenge presents itself. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Sorry for the late response dear friend @tydynrain
It is a real shame to know that this is happening in many parts of the world, I have great faith that this will change, and to a large extent it will depend on us when choosing those who represent us
Thank you very much for the enormous support you always give me.
Have a wonderful day

No worries at all, brother! Yes, I very much agree with that, and it breaks my heart that so many people are suffering or shun because of it. I also share your great faith that it will change, and it is, but we all need to step up and take responsibility for our lives, our countries, and our governments. You're always very welcome, @jlufer, most certainly! Thank you! May your Friday be fantastic! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙