Are You Aware You Might Have Diabetes?

in #hive-1776825 months ago

I saw a post online about a young lady in her early twenties who had her leg amputated due to type 2 diabetes, and throughout the video, she admitted to being misinformed that diabetes was a disease that only older people had. Based on the video, I deduced that it was type 2 diabetics, which are the most common type of diabetics.

During the interview, she showed some of her previous photos and admitted that the part she would miss the most is going out, living her life, and having fun. She was in tears, unable to believe that her leg had to be amputated to save her life. But how exactly did she get there? Apparently, diabetes is a silent killer, and that's how she got there, it's not magic.

I am sure she was thinking "damn it, so a beautiful lady with one leg now, how did I get here, but I have always been healthy, is this a dream?"

This got me contemplating the type of "enjoyment" she meant, and apart from the life of alcohol and drugs that young people indulge in, I also discovered that eating surgary things is one of such thing that young people indulge in. There are people who want to consume sugar at the slightest provocation. They mix it with beans, tuber crops such as yam, and even ripe plantains, which is already surgary.

People knows The Danger Of Sugar

It is a common phenomenon that sugar is harmful; many people are aware that a large amount of sugar is harmful to the human body, but they continue to indulge all the time, and most of the time, people use their youth to justify their sugar consumption.

The human body is a complex system, which is why a 10-year-old can develop type 2 diabetes. The process of long-term sugar consumption is what causes it; the body can withstand a lot of damage from what people eat, but it can no longer do so, which means the body can no longer produce insulin, which regulates sugar in the body.

It is not just sugar; carbohydrates in the body convert to sugar, so when people consume too many carbs and raw sugar for an extended period of time, they develop diabetes, and it does not matter how young they are. The most dangerous aspect of diabetes is not realizing you have it. Knowing your blood sugar level is critical.

The Deception Of Looking & Feeling Healthy

Many people do not believe that checking these things on a regular basis is necessary; they believe that as long as they can wake up and feel good, they are fine. This is to say that many people use symptoms to diagnose themselves; however, a symptom is simply a sign that a condition has progressed beyond the asymptomatic stage and is now causing problems.

So, checking the body helps people solve problems and ailments in the asymptomatic stage, when the problems are present but not severe enough to cause symptoms. Diabetes is diagnosed based on the sugar level in the blood, but the best time to change one's diet and eating habits is when they are prediabetic, which means their sugar level is no longer normal but is still too low to be classified as complete diabetes.

The Biggest Danger

The danger of diabetes is always underestimated; the kidneys are the most affected, and believe me, when a person's sugar level rises so high and stays there, they can no longer make insulin, and the sugar running through the system begins to break down body cells, which is why people get wounds that are so severe that they require amputation to survive.

I am confident that the lady in that interview would have had significant kidney damage if tested, and her doctor may have ignored testing her kidney because she is still asymptomatic.

So, what is a healthy sugar level?

It is normal to have a blood sugar level of 100 mg/dL or lower. A little higher, say 100 to 108, is still acceptable, but anything higher than this is prediabetic, and this is the point at which you should begin reducing your sugar intake. I checked my sugar levels a few months ago, and they were around 103. I knew it was just above normal, but I still hated it.

So I eliminated sodas from my diet, reduced my tea consumption (I used to drink several teaspoons of tea every day), and stopped eating surgery fruits such as bananas, mangoes, and apples. Although the sugar in apples is fructose, and because it is not pure sugar, the body can still cope, and I know I can not continue to consume 4 to 5 per week, so I cut it out completely, but I continued to eat bread and rice, as they are now the only sources of carbon hydrate in my system.

Although I took yam once in a while, but because it's a source of carbonhydrate that has fiber, I still continued with it.

So, to lower my sugar level, I ate cucumber for about 3 to 4 months, and the next time I checked, it was around 78.


Cucumber is a fruit that can also be used as a vegetable. It has a remarkable ability to lower blood sugar levels. I took at least 5 average-sized cucumbers per week for over three months before rechecking my sugar level. Ice creams, cakes, and various types of sodas are the most significant contributors to a high blood sugar level.

Now, there are people who have been taking this in large quantities and still feel fine; the truth is that their sugar levels may be in the 500s and 600s, but because they feel good, they are unaware of it; it takes a few years to completely damage the body and kidney.

I will advise you to take your sugar level seriously; many people have suffered irreversible damage as a result of diabetes; do not think you are too beautiful, handsome, or even too healthy to be affected.

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It's really heartbreaking hearing about someone so young facing such serious health issues. The Truth is we often overlook the impact of our diet on our health until it's too late. It's a wake-up call to take our sugar intake seriously. I haven't taken sugar for more than a month now

Sugar is also in carbonhydrates, but it's still better than taking the usual sugar. The best is completely stay off normal sugar.

You're absolutely right my good friend 🥰🥰🥰 I'm definitely going to keep checking what I eat

Sugar should always be consumed in moderation specially the commercial one. It's not that bad though as long as you eat good amount of vegetables and fruits, as well doing exercise.

Sugar in moderation can be harmful, it's actually about how the sugar you eat impacts your sugar blood level.

I feel so bad for that young girl who got her leg amputated. It's just even more sad that it was avoidable too. I don't have a sweet tooth so most times my sugar level drops so low, that I have to lick a few cubes of sugar to feel right.

Sometimes we forget that our health is so fragile that any tiny mistake might cause us pain.

And the food in the picture looks so yummy 😋

Wow sometimes your sugar level gets low? That's really not too good, but it's surprising to see that despite the food we eat, your levels can still go lower. What do you eat?

Yes it does 😅, it's almost as bad as having a high sugar level.
I barely eat that's the problem 😅, most times I forget that I haven't eaten the whole day.
But when I do it's just the normal staple food. And I eat fruits and veggies a lot

I have many family members who have been afflicted with diabetes, it's a horrible disease. Please stay informed and healthy my friends. Knowing what is in your food is more important than ever today.

Hmm, diabetes... That's a tough subject, since so many people have it, and many ignore it until it produces serious damage. Unfortunately, I am so familiar with it, since both my parents have it. That, of course, doesn't give me and my sister a great genetic makeup in this regard, but at least we have been warned. What we do from here on it's up to us.

This post is eye-opening! Understanding these diabetes signs can truly be life-saving. It's crucial for everyone to stay informed and proactive about their health.

Yes, but I think one should not wait to get the symptoms or signs.

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This is really making me scared right now. I take so much sugar especially Pepsi but I’m trying hard to reduce my sugar intake. Thanks for sharing this and thanks for the reminder

The first thing would be to actually check your sugar level, I think it's very important

!discovery 35

Thank you

I haven't been snacking as much lately and I do agree that sugars are harmful. Even if I do drink soda, it's not as often. I do admit that I did indulge in a lot more sugary stuff as a kid.

As a child... That must've been a long time ago, but I do believe that you're more conscious of your intake. I've seen people suffering from diabetes, it's not a good thing

It definitely takes a bit of time before the body gives signals that something is not okay, and things have gotten really worse by that time.

It has being a couple of years now since I've eliminated refined sugar from my diet, it's easy to get addicted to it when we always give in to sugar cravings.

Thanks for the information on cucumbers, will eat more of it now, every chance I get.

When the body actually begins to show symptoms, it's prove that a lot of things have gone wrong and the system has been trying to tolerate the sugar for far too long..

Cucumber is amazing, the fact that it doesn't contain sugar makes it your go-to. I've been taking it for over 4 months now.

Excellent write up, excessive blood sugar is an epidemic especially in America where sugar is added to most foods. Unfortunately that epidemic is slowly creeping up in Africa. What excessive sugar in the blood does is damage the small blood vessels especially in the extremities. That's why diabetics wounds take long to heal or don't heal at all causing rotting of flesh or gangrene leading to amputation.
Too much sugar causes obesity or increase in body weight.
Sugar also damages the small blood vessels in eyes causing impaired vision and eventually total vision loss. Damaged small vessels in the penis causes erectile dysfunction in men, eventually leading to impotence.
It is quite scary what diabetes does and that's why it's important for people to check their levels and take correctional action before the damage is done. Exercise is a good way to reduce blood sugar especially weight lifting and aerobic exercise.
Thank you for highlighting the issue of blood sugar , hopefully someone somewhere learns something.
Do keep enjoying your week :}

Thanks for that extensive input. I think people feel that they're immune to diabetes when they're young, forgetting that it's a disease that weakens the system and accumulates overtime. Ignorance most time doesn't not exclude people from suffering from severe consequences

Great awareness post! Type 2 can appear at any age, as can type 1 believe it or not. Staying away from excess sugars is great advice for all ages. Such a shame to hear a young woman lost her let to diabetes, something so easily avoidable... Very sad...

How are things going for you?

I'm just here, enduring the cost of living and mostly hoping for the best. How are you too? I haven't dropped to check your messages, I will soon .

It's sad really, but it was avoidable, but the general believe in Nigeria is that diabetes is only for the old. Even people who are intelligent and educated believes this too.

Great article, the problem most people have is that they believe that diabetes only comes when you take a lots of sweet things but unfortunately bitter things like beer contains higher quantity of sugar than other drinks and sadly most of our daily basis food produces a lot of sugar in the system.

Consistency in health checks Is the only way to detect those health conditions and do something before it's too late.

You can imagine amputation of a young ladies leg in such a young age

Yeah, beer and carbonhydrates too. However, carbonhydrates consists of the staples that we mostly eat in Nigeria so the best thing is to eat in moderation, but out things like malt, beer and soda in general.

Exactly my brother