Dogs listed at 12PM UTC today, despite telegram owner being arrested and held in France. There has been speculation that Durov's arrest may have an impact on the listing date. The airdop has been postponed twice, and I was skeptical that there would be a launch today.
TON dropped dramatically two days ago after we learned about Durov's arrest; apparently, he was arrested because he refused to give away user information, but that is a topic for another day.
So a lot of people were really positive about $DOGS, but many people faded the project because of the scam done by the likes of Pixelverse, but by August 14th, people realized that $DOGS airdop was going to happen.
Telegram users farmed the airdrop for about 5 weeks, and it was super easy, fast, seamless, and completely free money for those who received large amounts.
I remember posting about dogs a few weeks ago, and some people registered using my referral link; if you are one of those people, and you have collected your allocation via bybit, Binance,, or okx, you should go straight to your wallet us spot trading and sell your dogs for some sweet cash.
There is also still an opportunity to make a claim to a non-custodial wallet such as Tonkeeper. So, even if you do not use Binance, you will only need about $2 to $3 in gas fees. However, I believe this feature will be available tomorrow, not today.
However, you can opt to swap for USDT and wait for a buying opportunity to purchase lower. The price of dogs was listed at 0.002, and just two minutes later it had risen to 0.0009, indicating that many people were selling, and the selling pressure was clearly intense.
I sold at 0.0009 and couldn't catch the 0.02$ range, However the price has started recovering really well, I guess those that sold at the top are actually buying back. It is not much, but it is completely free. So I got around $52.7 from the airdop and powered up some Hive.
However, I am still expecting some other Airdrops to produce significant results. Dogs were extremely easy to farm, and all I did was farm a few referrals from Hive. I expect projects like Catizen to provide better airdrops because players have invested energy, money, and time, and I am not interested in these projects; all I want is to make some money to invest in Hive.
Check your wallets, sell your dogs, and if you still want to hold, I recommend converting to USDT and buying back low. Notcoin dipped at first due to sell pressure, but it quickly recovered and many people made significant gains; I believe the same will be true for Dogs.
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