It's about 3 days to the end of the splinterlands' season and thankful, the SPS delegation I've gotten from two people here has helped me accumulate 45 silver chests.
However, I do not really want to earn silver chests anymore, (not that I have a choice, but maybe I can try) There's no depth to the contents of these chests, and for someone who is looking to build the level of soulbound summoners, I really need gold chests to stand better chances of building my summoners.
This isn't to say silver chests are not good enough, failing to qualify and play in the gold league is one of the reasons why I stopped playing in the modern format of the game. I'll have to say that the sweet SPS returns in the modern format cannot compensate for the enormous loss of ECR, the endless losing streak, and the fewer number of chests. To be very honest I'm not looking at the returns or money at the moment. I like to establish a winning position where my odds of winning will increase over time. I started investing on Splinterlands assets at the peak of the 2021 bull season, I already knew that I wasn't going to get any reasonable return or dividends because I was investing in assets at their peak rather than doing it the other way around. However, I was fascinated by Splinterlands from when I decided to join, and irrespective of the mind-bending changes that have happened, I think the challenges of the game haven't stopped me from playing, unlike so many players I know who have stopped playing. It's understandable, when you invest time and money, you'll expect the appropriate dividends. However, it doesn't work always with crypto-related projects. For me, splinterlands is a 4 to 5 years project (God willing) I don't intend to take any profit for 4 to 5 years, if possible and if the game keeps going, I intend to continue building my deck for the next 2 to 3 years and only take maximum profit in the next 6 years. This is purely hypothetical because I don't see know what will happen in this timeframe, but I'm hoping for the best. This doesn't mean I haven't flipped any reward, (it's totally normal to do so) but the main thing for me is to build my Splinterlands assets and this is the main thing I want to do. It's appealing to earn the SPS returns in modern, it'll add to the numbers, especially because SPS requirement for maximum rewards creates more in-game value for SPS (This isn't really reflecting on the price) . So for players with already established decks, playing in modern makes more sense, because having more money for investment is always the goal for anyone who has vested skin in the game. The kind of daily focus reward I want So, moving back to modern has been the best decision I've made this season. From bronze 3, I'm currently in gold 3, although I've gotten some losing streak along the way, but the environment is quite different in modern, and I'm beginning to earn gold chests again. I'm hoping to stay in Gold 3 till the end of the season, especially if everything turns out well. Some days ago, I got some decent daily focus rewards. I know they're mostly soulbound, but getting 8 daily chest rewards in modern is something I've never been able to do in the past 6 weeks. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages ......hopefully, in the space of two years, I can come back to compete in modern (if the system hasn't changed, which I feel it might) . Buying more SPS would be the goal. This is actually the best time to do so, but the circumstances are not favorable (SPS hasn't been doing too good and I don't know why) , but buying more SPS, owning some integral cards and summoners is something I'd really want to do. Till then, I feel that moving back to WILD has been a good decision thus far. Interested in some more of my works
This includes having high-level summoners whether soulbound or normal summoners.I'm not in a rush
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