Daisies in Blue fantasy

in #hive-1036782 years ago

Today I began to experiment a little, to see what results I would have from all this and I didn't even know what to call it, but that is the idea that makeup is expression and freedom that you can do what you want.

Today I began to experiment a little, to see what results I would have from all this and I didn't even know what to call it, but that is the idea that makeup is expression and freedom that you can do what you want.


I didn't know whether to do something to the eyes but in the end I decided that I should do something so I put eyeshadow in two tones, all very flat, in blue and then in the center a little yellow, I added a blue eyeliner and in the corners of the eyes I made little white dots, somehow it looks like something that can be used for a party or for photo sessions with a close up of the face.

No sabía si hacer algo en los ojos pero al final me decidí que si debía hacer algo así que les puse sombra de ojos en dos tonos, todo muy plano, en azul y luego en el centro un poco de amarillo, agregué un delineado en azul y en las esquinas de los ojos hice puntitos blancos, de alguna manera parece algo que se pueda usar para una fiesta o para sesiones de fotos con acercamiento en el rostro.


On the face I added a bit of bronzer, the idea is to exaggerate a bit and make it noticeable because this is to be photographed and I also added fake freckles.


En el rostro agregué un poco de bronzer, la idea es exagerar un poco y que se note porque esto es para fotografiarlo y también agregué pecas falsas.


Here I added some daisies that I had previously also done in a makeup last year


Aquí agregué unas margaritas que anteriormente también había realizado en un maquillaje el año pasado

I didn't know how to conclude this makeup because it has many elements that attract attention, sometimes a lot it looks very ugly, but in this case I think it went well.


No sabía cómo concluir este maquillaje porque tiene muchos elementos que llaman la atención, a veces mucho se ve muy feo pero en este caso creo que salió bien.


The lips were undecided so I said why not add more blue? In my head, it seemed good to play with the shades and I almost forgot about the mascara.

What do you think of this slightly crazy result?

Los labios no estaba decidida así que dije ¿Por qué no colocar más azul? En mi cabeza me pareció bien jugar con las tonalidades y casi me olvido de la máscara de pestañas.

¿Qué opinan de este resultado un poco loquito?





May I suggest you do a lion-inspired one sometime...

could it be!! what do you suggest?? something on mind?

Lion face with some flames around the face.

Ok, I'm going to put some ideas in my sketchbook and practice, because I've never made a lion before, but I like the idea, when I have it ready I'll tag you

Nice. I'm eager to see it.

Que lindo trabajo!!! me gusta mucho el delineado gráfico que hiciste, y las flores en tu cara me recuerda mucho a algún filtro de Instagram, jajaja.

Me encantan las flores estoy obsesionada jajaja, me alegra que te haya gustado

Bonito maquillaje, amé los colores que usaste en tus párpados. Son precioso, saludos bella ♡

Muchas gracias, una combinación muy bonita y llamativa

Hot hot 🔥🥵... I love what you did to your eyes. The make up is 👌

I loved too, was something crazy at the moment turned out very good

The power of improvising. That’s quite a unique skill you have there