Week 15 Response -- Under what Circumstances is the Use of Force Okay?

in #hive-1010932 years ago

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julie.blank14 posted the question What are a few situations in which you believe that the use of force by a private citizen is truly justified or possibly even commendable?

While I believe that the use of force in any scenario should only be used to protect oneself or others, I believe there are many cases of citizens using force that are justifiable. It may not explicitly say it in our constitution, but I believe that every person has the right to defend themselves by whatever means necessary. many acts of violence are carried out every day, and any citizen who helps prevent that violence shouldn't be punished for doing so.
While each case of use of force by a citizen varies, I think that any case in which a person uses force to prevent murder, theft, arson, assault, kidnapping, or anything that prevents harm to another person.
I don't think that the use of force by a citizen should be used after the act has been done such as if person A was assaulted by person B, and person A's friend went and assaulted person B because of it. I think the course of action for a citizen witnessing a crime should be to first make sure no immediate action is required such as stopping a person from being kidnapped. Then if no immediate danger is imminent such as a robbery, then contact the police. While the police are the ones who are supposed to deal with these crimes, they cannot arrive immediately, and if someone is in danger and a citizen uses force to help then they should not be held to any legal repercussions because of it.
I never hope that a case would arise where my life was in danger, but if a person saves me from a murder attempt by killing the aggressor, I would be grateful. I believe if we punish those who help in those life and death scenarios, then we are only helping those who wish to harm others.