[ENG-SPN] Sabatini mortally wounded by the perspective / Sabatini mortalmente herido por la perspectiva

in #hive-1198453 years ago


Recently completed that jubilee year simile dedicated to Sabatini's Madrid, it occurs to me to involve the neat architect of the Court, with that promiscuous generosity with which perspective generates constant illusions, which in some cases are still elegant mirages, always ready to attract attention.


Illusions and speculative fantasies, to a large extent, that through some photographic exhibitions, possibly would have led to a fit of fury for the Italian master, if he had had the opportunity to see them and someone had told him in a jocular tone: 'as you can see, dear Francesco, it is the lampposts that capture all the attention and seem to be much higher and therefore more important than the rooms of the Royal Palace that you built'.


Recientemente finalizado ese símil de año jubilar dedicado al Madrid de Sabatini, se me ocurre involucrar al pulcro arquitecto de la Corte, con esa promiscua generosidad con la que la perspectiva genera constantes ilusiones, que no dejan de ser, en algunos casos, elegantes espejismos, siempre dispuestos a llamar la atención.


Ilusiones y fantasías especulativas, en gran medida, que a través de unas exposiciones fotográficas, posiblemente hubieran derivado en un acceso de furor del maestro italiano, si hubiera tenido la oportunidad de verlas y alguien le hubiera dicho en tono jocoso: ‘como puedes ver, querido Francesco, son las farolas quienes acaparan toda la atención y parecen ser mucho más altas y por tanto, más importantes, que las dependencias del Palacio Real por ti construidas’.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.





I love the lamppost the fact that you were able to capture everything from head to toe at the same time. Lovely photograph.

It amuses me to practice with these kinds of things, because they always remind me of a great truth: everything is relative. Thank you very much for your comment and greetings.

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